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"I'm still curious, though. Is that not the case?"


It's definitely easier by a long shot but if you enjoyed O combat you shoudl enjoy A combat.




" it's just so.... familiar."


Not this silly argument. It should be familiar. It's an expansion.

Edited by Volourn


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A. Its companions are better overall than O's. Says a lot that only one of the A npcs are worse than tyhe only holdover Oghren. Vehanna or whatever tyhe elf witche's name is is one of the worst joinables ever for a BIO game. She reminds me of whatever that giant moron from O. Nothing redeemable at all. On the other hand, characters like Nathaniel and Anders are pure awesomeness.


You forgot Sigrun who is the best.


Personally I don't get the strong hate for Awakening. But then peoples biggest complaints don't bother me. (Lack of romances and a lack of Zev & Leliana). Not too sure about the new way they do dialogue with companions in it though, will have to reserve judgement until I see it in a full game.


There's a countdown on the main Bioware HP counting down to Monday.


It's apparently something to do with the social site. Like that is so worth a count down timer. :p

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Personally I don't get the strong hate for Awakening. But then peoples biggest complaints don't bother me. (Lack of romances and a lack of Zev & Leliana). Not too sure about the new way they do dialogue with companions in it though, will have to reserve judgement until I see it in a full game.


I understand why some folks would be upset by a lack of Zev & Leliana. Don't know about Leliana since I never played a male character, but female characters who romanced Zev and lived to fight another day were told that Zev never left her side from that moment on. 'Twould be pretty jarring to suddenly find him missing after an epilog like that, unless there is a good explanation for his hopefully-temporary absence during the expansion. And no, his tragic death would not be a satifying explanation... :grin:

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So far my problems with Awakening are mostly the same problems I had with Origins. Namely the crashes, performance hits, and increasing load times. Other than that my main problem was that it tries to be so much more and fails. Vigil's keep wants to be Crossroad Keep, but it doesn't have nearly the depth.


Also, if a modder can make the DLC compatible the same day the XP is released, why the hell couldn't Bioware. Sure you're going to be getting new better equipment in the XP, but not for at least a few hours into it.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Just started this. I imported my arcane warrior and everything seemed fine, except he was naked during the intro movie! It turns out that Bio disabled the importation of DLC items.


Of course, I didn't know that at the time, so I re-loaded. Now I'm getting a black background around the characters with no textures. Has anyone run into this so far?


I tried loading different characters, but it's still the same result.

Edited by jaguars4ever
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Just started this. I imported my arcane warrior and everything seemed fine, except he was naked during the intro movie! It turns out that Bio disabled the importation of DLC items.


Of course, I didn't know that at the time, so I re-loaded. Now I'm getting a black background around the characters with no textures. Has anyone run into this so far?


I tried loading different characters, but it's still the same result.

That happened to me in one spot pretty close to the beginning of the game. I restarted and disabled all the fan-made mods I was using for Origins. Everything was okay after that. I dunno which mod(s) specifically were causing the problem, I just disabled them all.


EDIT: They weren't any mods I could use in Awakening anyway, such as the respec potion, the ancient elven boots fix, and the "skip the fade" mod. I think that was it.

Edited by mr insomniac

I took this job because I thought you were just a legend. Just a story. A story to scare little kids. But you're the real deal. The demon who dares to challenge God.

So what the hell do you want? Don't seem to me like you're out to make this stinkin' world a better place. Why you gotta kill all my men? Why you gotta kill me?

Nothing personal. It's just revenge.

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Just started this. I imported my arcane warrior and everything seemed fine, except he was naked during the intro movie! It turns out that Bio disabled the importation of DLC items.


Of course, I didn't know that at the time, so I re-loaded. Now I'm getting a black background around the characters with no textures. Has anyone run into this so far?


I tried loading different characters, but it's still the same result.

That happened to me in one spot pretty close to the beginning of the game. I restarted and disabled all the fan-made mods I was using for Origins. Everything was okay after that. I dunno which mod(s) specifically were causing the problem, I just disabled them all.


EDIT: They weren't any mods I could use in Awakening anyway, such as the respec potion, the ancient elven boots fix, and the "skip the fade" mod. I think that was it.

Thanks, sleepless friend.


Problem solved. :ermm:

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"It turns out that Bio disabled the importation of DLC items. "


Yeah, and they announced it weeks ago. It sucks; but it isn't news.


I haven't had much bugs but that's because the 360 > PC. The most common irritant is that some chests end up having no loot in it. L0L



"Vigil's keep wants to be Crossroad Keep, but it doesn't have nearly the depth."


Yet, it is more effective in the end ebcause of the choice you have to make, and the upgrades make a real difference. In that way, it's more akin to the Normandy in ME2 than the CK (which I also enjoyed).


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Just started this. I imported my arcane warrior and everything seemed fine, except he was naked during the intro movie! It turns out that Bio disabled the importation of DLC items.


Of course, I didn't know that at the time, so I re-loaded. Now I'm getting a black background around the characters with no textures. Has anyone run into this so far?


I tried loading different characters, but it's still the same result.

That happened to me in one spot pretty close to the beginning of the game. I restarted and disabled all the fan-made mods I was using for Origins. Everything was okay after that. I dunno which mod(s) specifically were causing the problem, I just disabled them all.


EDIT: They weren't any mods I could use in Awakening anyway, such as the respec potion, the ancient elven boots fix, and the "skip the fade" mod. I think that was it.

Thanks, sleepless friend.


Problem solved. ;)

No probs. :thumbsup: Should add I haven't run into any other problems so far heh. Little further into the game now and I seem to be acquiring quests all over the place. Gives me a feeling that the game is a little disorganized as yet, but I'm sure it'll all work itself out in the end. And I have to say I don't miss any of the gear I couldn't bring with me from Origins anymore. I just wish I wasn't so broke.

I took this job because I thought you were just a legend. Just a story. A story to scare little kids. But you're the real deal. The demon who dares to challenge God.

So what the hell do you want? Don't seem to me like you're out to make this stinkin' world a better place. Why you gotta kill all my men? Why you gotta kill me?

Nothing personal. It's just revenge.

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I haven't had much bugs but that's because the 360 > PC. The most common irritant is that some chests end up having no loot in it. L0L

It still boggles my mind how someone is able to play this with a controller.


It's a drag. Basically means you just control the one character and pretty much forget about the rest. I think Ser Cauthrien was the only battle where I actively paused and skipped between characters. :)


Or: It's doable, but given the choice, I'd never ever have bought the console version. Didn't have the choice, though.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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It's easy, and not as garbagy as the PC version. I know I tried it, and I had to throw it in the trash. heck, I upgraded my PC to be able to play DA oin PC but that was a waste of time. DA PC version is simply bullocks.


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:lol: expansion so buggy on PC...

Not true. What bugs are you refering to? I didn't encounter a single one in my playthrough. On PeeCee.


Power of Blood not carrying over, Pick-pocketing being borked, more prone to crashes than before the expansion, but after that not much.

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Heh, I uninstalled DA a few weeks ago, not really imagining myself ever coming back to the world of Ferelden. You guys are doing a lousy job of convincing me to pick it up and get expansion :bat:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Goddammit! They never fixed that infernal memory leak. You know the one. Where your FPS would gradually drop from 60 to 20 after a few hours, which would only be cured (temporarily!) with a hard reset of the entire system. :bat:


Yeah, I noticed the same thing. I

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One of the reasons I shelved the game is that for Phenom users as myself, the memory leak would hit after half an hour or so, and increase loading times to five minutes... in the Deep Roads it could even go up to ten minutes.


Considering how all the levels just consist of long, narrow corridors between invisible walls, I've really no clue as to why it takes so long to load anyway... apart from horrible coding.

Edited by virumor

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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