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I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite thread on Obsidian


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I think the universe hiccups when Volourn accuses someone of trolling.





Back to TIM's plans, I see one of two possibilities. Either he intends to "evolve" humanity into to their "pinnacle" state that is a human reaper. Or he intends to build a counter-reaper force by harvesting aliens into alien reapers. Now a Krogan Reaper would be immense IMO. That or a Blasto The Hanar Reaper. Or even just Blasto himself. Yeah, that ought to teach them.




Also, did anyone else feel bad about laughing like a little schoolgirl during Mordin's loyalty mission? You know the part. Where he tried to kill his Salarian pupil, and you intervene. The kid's shaking shaking his head when you tell Mordin to stop. And then nodding his head in agreement when you tell Mordin he's not a murderer. Hilarious. Even though I'm not sure it was meant to break the dramatic tension. I f***ing love Salarians!

Edited by jaguars4ever
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Also, did anyone else feel bad about laughing like a little schoolgirl during Mordin's loyalty mission? You know the part. Where he tried to kill his Salarian pupil, and you intervene. The kid's shaking shaking his head when you tell Mordin to stop. And then nodding his head in agreement when you tell Mordin he's not a murderer. Hilarious. Even though I'm not sure it was meant to break the dramatic tension. I f***ing love Salarians!

I don't know the part, as I let Mordin off the kid. I guess I should've reloaded and seen what happens. Still, Mordin's subsequent reaction about how he's already emotionally processed the murder of his protege was pretty good, too.

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2 simple changes woulda' made me2 story much better.


1) you lose at the end of me2


imagine if after the fight with the hybrid thingie, you lose... "winning" simply gets you out of the collector base with your own arse, and most o' your team, intact. the reapers is on the way, and the collectors (or a reaper) manage to save the hybrid before you destroy it. am thinking that you would have created far more anticipation 'bout me3, and woulda' been a surprise ending for me2 such that people would talk 'bout for a Long time.


2) optimum success still requires sacrifice


dunno. in me1 you gotta sacrifice kaiden or ashley, but the suicide mission v. collectors is ultimately w/o cost? what if choice were more significant in me2... 'least from a game pov? make shepard sacrifice self or crew member. to get his crew out of collector base shep chooses some minor, but real, permanent disability (health point loss or powhaz penalty or somesuch) that will carry over into me3, OR choose sacrifice o' crew member. would be very interested to see how many folks choose personal sacrifice over loss of teammate.


regardless, add the aforementioned factors to end of me2 would go a long way towards increasing impact, no?


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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Big plot twist... TIM = Harbinger :*

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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"I'd still like to hear more on what people think about seeing him pop up very briefly behind Shepard and co on the platform just before you talk to him and decide what to do with the collector base. What is it, a glitch in the game, some kind of hologram, a crack in a TV (what's a TV doing in a Collector base)? "


Known bug/glitch if BIO isn't lying.


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"I'd still like to hear more on what people think about seeing him pop up very briefly behind Shepard and co on the platform just before you talk to him and decide what to do with the collector base. What is it, a glitch in the game, some kind of hologram, a crack in a TV (what's a TV doing in a Collector base)? "


Known bug/glitch if BIO isn't lying.



we saw the image that supposed shows the illusive man on the collector base at end of game.




utter nonsense.


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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Guest The Architect
Stay out of this, you!


Not if I can help it!


The only problem I had with ME2's story is that Shepard can die, because what's the point in including a major plot outcome that will not be used in ME3? To teach the player a lesson for making unwise choices and to suffer the consequences? Why not save that for ME3, make an ending possible where Shepard dies and the Reapers win.

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Stay out of this, you!


Not if I can help it!


The only problem I had with ME2's story is that Shepard can die, because what's the point in including a major plot outcome that will not be used in ME3? To teach the player a lesson for making unwise choices and to suffer the consequences? Why not save that for ME3, make an ending possible where Shepard dies and the Reapers win.

Probably because it was conceived alongside the whole Shepard is dead campaign.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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I think the Shep dying thing is a bit disapointing too. It is nice that it is there as something new to see, but it is basically nothing more than an extended game over death, like the other times you die in battle during the game.


What I was really hoping for was something like getting cloned in ME3 and having (more) 'Shepard, you're alive!' moments. I guess it might have been overdoing it if it happened again in ME3. (Yeah, technically you are 'rebuilt' and not cloned but whatever).

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Also, I'm confused.

Just how in the hell are the reapers doing anything from all the way out in dark space? I thought they were hibernating. Now we find out they're pulling all kinds of junk.

What gives?



Maybe Sovereign woke them up before trying to open the Citadel Portal...so that they would be prepared to go through once it's open without having to boot up :*.




Back to TIM's plans, I see one of two possibilities. Either he intends to "evolve" humanity into to their "pinnacle" state that is a human reaper. Or he intends to build a counter-reaper force by harvesting aliens into alien reapers. Now a Krogan Reaper would be immense IMO. That or a Blasto The Hanar Reaper. Or even just Blasto himself. Yeah, that ought to teach them.


Why build a Reaper? Just salvage the technology. The upgraded Normandy gun is based on Reaper tech and packs quite a punch. EDI is based on Reaper tech. TIM wants power for himself (mostly) and humanity at any cost but even he would try to make use of the technology first before building an own Reaper.

Edited by Chrisimo
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"It would be funny if it turned out at the end of ME3 that the Reapers have been harvesting the galaxy for millions of years just to prepare themselves to ultimately fight an even greater threat (maybe their creators)... and in the end, as the last Reaper goes down in flames, Shepard finally realizes the Reapers were saviours, instead of destroyers, and that all (s)he has done is just dooming the galaxy to final extinction."

Edited by virumor

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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"It would be funny if it turned at the end of ME3 that the Reapers have been harvesting the galaxy for millions of years just to prepare themselves to ultimately fight an even greater threat (maybe their creators)... and in the end, as the last Reaper goes down in flames, Shepard finally realizes the Reapers were saviours, instead of destroyers, and that all (s)he has done is just dooming the galaxy to final extinction."

I would buy that gladly, but since it's a biogame, I don't think anything cool as total destruction of life is going to happen.


The thought that game to my mind, is that the race that created the reapers ages ago evolved to a point that they became more like "energy" or something that's beyond life and death. They became just about immortal, but their minds couldn't take it and it was more like hell to them. Who would want to live forever anyway? So to ensure that no other race will achieve that level they created the reapers to sweep them under the carpet every 50000 years.

Didn't the harbinger say something like "destruction is your salvation?

At the end of the ME3 would be a sniff sniff waah waah dialogue with the creator race how they just wanted to help.

Edited by Slinky
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Maybe the Reapers are like the A.I.s from the backstory of Dune, who at one point rose up to their creators and harvested their DNA instead of destroying/enslaving them.


Or maybe they used to be organics that wanted to perfect themselves by going into a symbiosis with machines... and seeking to further perfect themselves they planned on harvesting future 'suitable' organic life.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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"It would be funny if it turned out at the end of ME3 that the Reapers have been harvesting the galaxy for millions of years just to prepare themselves to ultimately fight an even greater threat (maybe their creators)... and in the end, as the last Reaper goes down in flames, Shepard finally realizes the Reapers were saviours, instead of destroyers, and that all (s)he has done is just dooming the galaxy to final extinction."

Wasn't preparing the galaxy for a greater threat by waging war on it Revan's idea?

I took this job because I thought you were just a legend. Just a story. A story to scare little kids. But you're the real deal. The demon who dares to challenge God.

So what the hell do you want? Don't seem to me like you're out to make this stinkin' world a better place. Why you gotta kill all my men? Why you gotta kill me?

Nothing personal. It's just revenge.

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"It would be funny if it turned at the end of ME3 that the Reapers have been harvesting the galaxy for millions of years just to prepare themselves to ultimately fight an even greater threat (maybe their creators)... and in the end, as the last Reaper goes down in flames, Shepard finally realizes the Reapers were saviours, instead of destroyers, and that all (s)he has done is just dooming the galaxy to final extinction."

I would buy that gladly, but since it's a biogame, I don't think anything cool as total destruction of life is going to happen.


The thought that game to my mind, is that the race that created the reapers ages ago evolved to a point that they became more like "energy" or something that's beyond life and death. They became just about immortal, but their minds couldn't take it and it was more like hell to them. Who would want to live forever anyway? So to ensure that no other race will achieve that level they created the reapers to sweep them under the carpet every 50000 years.

Didn't the harbinger say something like "destruction is your salvation?

At the end of the ME3 would be a sniff sniff waah waah dialogue with the creator race how they just wanted to help.


I think the Reapers maybe were not created but evolved to what they are now. Maybe their ancestors were the equivalent to our transhumanists, believing that their then current state of evolution was merely a trantitional state and they would evolve into higher beings by merging with their technology.

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"It would be funny if it turned at the end of ME3 that the Reapers have been harvesting the galaxy for millions of years just to prepare themselves to ultimately fight an even greater threat (maybe their creators)... and in the end, as the last Reaper goes down in flames, Shepard finally realizes the Reapers were saviours, instead of destroyers, and that all (s)he has done is just dooming the galaxy to final extinction."

I would buy that gladly, but since it's a biogame, I don't think anything cool as total destruction of life is going to happen.


The thought that game to my mind, is that the race that created the reapers ages ago evolved to a point that they became more like "energy" or something that's beyond life and death. They became just about immortal, but their minds couldn't take it and it was more like hell to them. Who would want to live forever anyway? So to ensure that no other race will achieve that level they created the reapers to sweep them under the carpet every 50000 years.

Didn't the harbinger say something like "destruction is your salvation?

At the end of the ME3 would be a sniff sniff waah waah dialogue with the creator race how they just wanted to help.


I think the Reapers maybe were not created but evolved to what they are now. Maybe their ancestors were the equivalent to our transhumanists, believing that their then current state of evolution was merely a trantitional state and they would evolve into higher beings by merging with their technology.

What the devs try to covey through the Reapers is to personify a force of nature. All that the Reapers do is to enforce out the natural cycle of rise and destruction that happens in real life. They also seem to be as Legion, the conscience of all the beings that went into their making and I'm fairly sure that their creation will remain unknown for a long time; or so I hope.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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