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"I'm surprised FF8 is ranking so highly. What is with you screwballs?"


best FF ever. No contest. The fact that it's graphics (espicially the FMVs) are as good as anything today is fantatsic. Characetrs, story, combat, freedom, loot, music, graphics, everything was sexy (thoguh admittedly the story does have two major head scratchers).


Not just one of the best FFs ever. One of the best games ever.

... Before you even try to believe this I send you here

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I played FF13 through a few weeks back, still got side-stuff to play.


The combat system is great. It's basically a better version of FF12's system. Like all the reviews say, the game is more linear than the previous, meaning it has alot less sidequests and other stuff to do besides the main plot, and most of it comes late in the game. Still liked it though, probably for the combat system. The story is your typical character centric melodrama, so if that isn't your thing, skip all the cutscenes. And by the gods, thanks for the skip function... and they didn't add that until FF12. I used to leave FF10 running and go do something else while the teen-drama was going on.

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Well, I am also a fan of FFVII and FFVIII. Seeing the comments here, i am very curious on what FF13 has to offer. I get so wrapped up playing World of Warcraft, and that's my fancy these days. But i also want to get my hands on FF13, see if it's really better than the other game sequels.

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Well, I am also a fan of FFVII and FFVIII. Seeing the comments here, i am very curious on what FF13 has to offer. I get so wrapped up playing World of Warcraft, and that's my fancy these days. But i also want to get my hands on FF13, see if it's really better than the other game sequels.

Hey, when you've hit rock bottom you can only go up, right? :lol:

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But you're better than those dirty JRPG players, right? :p


Is that the new trend? To be honest, I thought we were in the 'bash MW2' stage, but perhaps we've moved on with the recent FF release.


Isn't it almost 'bash ME2' time though? It's been a couple months since release.

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But you're better than those dirty JRPG players, right? :p


Is that the new trend? To be honest, I thought we were in the 'bash MW2' stage, but perhaps we've moved on with the recent FF release.


Isn't it almost 'bash ME2' time though? It's been a couple months since release.

MMOs are always in fashion, kind of like black.


MW2 was a great game with a stupid story and ME2 was pretty good all around. JRPGs and MMOs possess copious amounts of inherit bash-ability.


@Morgoth: Becoming?

Edited by Purkake
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Just completed "Sands of Time". Now its a toss up between MOTB or Realms of Arkania.

(Yes I'm actually serious :p )


we had to google "Realms of Arkania"


sherman & mr. peabody had to set the Way-Back Machine to the early and mid 90s for that reference... a time when we were playing tie fighter and a few other space combat sims.


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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Just completed "Sands of Time". Now its a toss up between MOTB or Realms of Arkania.

(Yes I'm actually serious :p )

Realms of Arkania = turn-based combat. Wouldn't that be an automatic win? Not to mention, one actually loses the main quest if one takes too much time on the dark, heroic quest against the Big Bad Evil. Imagine if Dragon Age had something like that today.


Blade of Destiny & Star Trail used to be abandonware, but it seems GoG picked up the copyright.


What is nice about the recently released Drakensang: River of Time is the many references to Realms of Arkania.

Edited by virumor

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Just completed "Sands of Time". Now its a toss up between MOTB or Realms of Arkania.

(Yes I'm actually serious :) )

Realms of Arkania = turn-based combat. Wouldn't that be an automatic win? Not to mention, one actually loses the main quest if one takes too much time on the dark, heroic quest against the Big Bad Evil. Imagine if Dragon Age had something like that today.


I was impressed by way the taverns worked in ROA; Functional, stat/skill dependent, and it made even sense. :biggrin:



What is nice about the recently released Drakensang: River of Time is the many references to Realms of Arkania.
I'll have to check it out.



~I'd all but given up on Disciples 3, but they released more screenshots last week, so I eagerly awaiting it's release in the States.


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Oh, how I wish Reality Pump hadn't chosen.. whoever they chose to do the main character voice in Two Worlds. It's some guy that's desperately trying to sound like he has more bass in his voice than he actually has (like prepubescent boys sometimes does, to try to sound manly) and he's also trying his hardest to sound bad-ass. All the time. I mean, if you think "WTF" the very moment he utters his first word, you know you're in for a ride.. And not only is he the crappiest voice actor in the history of computer games, he also talks a lot. He comments on everything (which is usually a good thing), like the weather, when you go swimming, when you find stuff in chests/fallen enemies, when you fight different enemies etc. Chattiest main character ever :(


Other than that, I'm still having a blast with Two Worlds. There are so many neat little details in this game, stuff I really wish other developers would blatantly steal. Like, for example, when you have to swim somewhere. In most games, the transition from firm ground to swimming is seamless and you never reflect on it. It's just another speed for your character to move in. But in Two Worlds, your hero hesitates when getting into the water. He starts to walk slowly as he's getting deeper and deeper, and when he finally submerges himself in the water (to start the actual swimming), he stops for a split second and utters something. Sometimes it's a less than manly "IIHH!" because the water is so cold, and it always makes me laugh. Usually, he only comments on how wet and cold it is to swim in armour. Oh, and when you start the game, he can barely swim at all. With plate armour on he really can't swim at all, sinks like a stone! But swimming is a skill that can be trained, which is cool.


Another neat thing in Two Worlds is the magic. I'm usually never bothered by magic in games because.. well, I hate it. But in Two Worlds, the spells are different. Not only do you have to collect them yourself along the way (almost like collecting cards), they are highly customizable too. You have control over how much mana they should consume, how much damage they do, how long they will last (if it's such a spell), how your summons will be, etc. And it's so naturally integrated into the game that even I regularly use magic. I've never seen such a slick magic system before, and I like how no two persons "magic missile" will look the same.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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