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Dragon Age discussion


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choose boot over car or battleship not give you an advantage in monopoly.


Sure it does, the top hat always wins.


You wonder if lyrium addiction or some other form of in-lore 'mage-control' will come around in DA2, since the sentiment that 'mages are OP' seem pretty widespread, and Bio does have a tendency to listen to widespread sentiments for good or for ill. As i keep harping on every time this comes up, some form of bodily instability or progressive destruction would be very much appreciated...

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I'm not following the fan feedback for DA2 slavishly, but the average fan seems to accept that (a) mages are overpowered and (b) rogues, although useful and potentially powerful are in a bit of an identity crisis. Warriors are OK, although the 2H specialism is indeed a glass cannon that needs a lot of micro. OTOH the min-maxed dual-wield warrior is a chainsaw.


Of course, they all want even more romances and DRAMA! but this is a given.


Have to echo the DA - DA2 comparison to BG - BG2 aspirations... but Bio had their big chance with the first game. Sadly, DA2 if anything will probably be even more linear. Of course, I hope not, to this day I am genuinely astonished that there was no hat tip to the Durlag's Tower / WK type legacy of the BG games with a big sprawling there-for-the-sake-of-it dungeon.





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Oh hey, another maleficar. With cleavage.

Time to sprinkle a little blood magic on those babies. :*


- I would totally raise a blight in her Ostagar.

- I would totally venture into her Deep Road.

- She could totally rebuild my Circle Tower.

- Etcetcetcetc....

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Oh hey, another maleficar. With cleavage.

Time to sprinkle a little blood magic on those babies. :*


- I would totally raise a blight in her Ostagar.

- I would totally venture into her Deep Road.

- She could totally rebuild my Circle Tower.

- Etcetcetcetc....

I'd totally wander her Denerim streets.
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Oh hey, another maleficar. With cleavage.

Time to sprinkle a little blood magic on those babies. :*


- I would totally raise a blight in her Ostagar.

- I would totally venture into her Deep Road.

- She could totally rebuild my Circle Tower.

- Etcetcetcetc....

I'd totally wander her Denerim streets.

She could totally Andraste my Starfang.



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I'm starting to hate the game. Every major quest turns into a tedious dungeon crawl. It goes like this: you get the quest. You get to the area. The first one is a friendly resupply are, then one or two large areas follow, with plenty of combat. And just when you think you're almost there another two huge areas open up.


It happened in the circle of the magi, it happened in the forest and now I'm at the temple in the mountain and after all that slaughtering in the temple the caverns open up into a new area twice the size of the previous one. I just saved and quit.



Oh hey, another maleficar. With cleavage.

It looks like a BioWare dev opened Morrigan's face in the Character Creator and pushed the "Explode" button.

I would totally explode on Morrigan's face.


I thought you liked Zevran more :p

Edited by RPGmasterBoo


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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I'm starting to hate the game. Every major quest turns into a tedious dungeon crawl. It goes like this: you get the quest. You get to the area. The first one is a friendly resupply are, then one or two large areas follow, with plenty of combat. And just when you think you're almost there another two huge areas open up.

Sir, we are in perfect agreement. :p


I thought you liked Zevran more :p

Sir, we are not in any agreement at all :down:



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I'm starting to hate the game. Every major quest turns into a tedious dungeon crawl. It goes like this: you get the quest. You get to the area. The first one is a friendly resupply are, then one or two large areas follow, with plenty of combat. And just when you think you're almost there another two huge areas open up.


I'm at the temple of the mountain and after all that slaughtering in the temple the caverns open up into a new area twice the size of the previous one. I just saved and quit.


That sounds like every RPG ever.


I agree with you though, in fact a few of the ME2 quests have delighted me with an almost lack of combat on the missions.

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I'm starting to hate the game. Every major quest turns into a tedious dungeon crawl. It goes like this: you get the quest. You get to the area. The first one is a friendly resupply are, then one or two large areas follow, with plenty of combat. And just when you think you're almost there another two huge areas open up.


I'm at the temple of the mountain and after all that slaughtering in the temple the caverns open up into a new area twice the size of the previous one. I just saved and quit.


That sounds like every RPG ever.


I agree with you though, in fact a few of the ME2 quests have delighted me with an almost lack of combat on the missions.


Yes but there is a difference between a compelling plot that makes the combat seem less tedious, and one that you can guess how its going to play out at the very beginning. Plus there is such a thing as more variety to enemies and locations that dont look like they were made in a random tileset generator.


From what I've seen of DA so far, all the hubs are constructed in a similar manner, with very little to set them apart. That's probably the result of the player being able to choose where he'll go and having to make them all approx the same length and difficulty. I think it was a bad design choice.


And Denerim is still a marketplace and three back alleys. I cant get into the alieange for some reason.


There better be a breath of fresh air once I'm done with Redcliffe and the dwarves.

Edited by RPGmasterBoo


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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And Denerim is still a marketplace and three back alleys. I cant get into the alieange for some reason.


There better be a breath of fresh air once I'm done with Redcliffe and the dwarves.

Alienage: Later available.


Breath of fresh air: Ahahahahaha!

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It was the pacing of the combat that killed all the joy of playing for me. Move forward 10 steps, kill the mob. Move forward 10 steps, kill the mob. Repeat that for all the eternity. I seriously felt like I was playing the RPG equivalent of Doom 3 what comes to pacing.


Boo, there's not a single time when Denerim even resembles a city. And fresh air? Unknown consept in DA. Just wait the joy and happiness that is also known as Deep Roads.

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Oddly, I though the Deep Roads were the biggest combat grind. The big key (which is super reminiscent of every MMO out there) is to pick up multiple quests per hub, so at least you are only trudging through an area once. But again, I've been more impressed by the way they handled it in ME2. Maybe DA2 will feature similar improvements.

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" Every major quest turns into a tedious dungeon crawl. It goes like this: you get the quest. You get to the area. The first one is a friendly resupply are, then one or two large areas follow, with plenty of combat. And just when you think you're almost there another two huge areas open up."


Sound slike the BG series.


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BioWare should've contracted CD Projekt to design a believable, dark medieval world. Compare Vizima with Denerim. Even Drakensang's Ferdok is alive & expansive and doesn't have the same people standing at the same spots & spouting the same lines for the entire game.


The endless dungeon crawling wouldn't be so tedious if one would actually face a great variety of enemies that require one to adjust tactics. As it is now, the same tactics that work at the beginning of the game, work until the very end. Cone of Cold/Blizzard followed by shattering owns everything save bosses.

Edited by virumor

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Well that settles it, I'm never playing this game. Looks like ****.

"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"

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Damn you Virumor I was saving that Vizima comparison for later.


Yes, Dragon Age if you remember the promises that were made about it supposedly being dark and gritty - is neither. Its not darker than any other game Bioware has made, its only has more gore and more people die in the plot. Themes explored in it are as steeped in conventional morality as any other Bio game and the visual design evokes the same thing every other Bio game does - a high fantasy world. None of this is a flaw, it just doesn't match the promises that were made. As it is - its completely standard fantasy fare, setting wise, thematically and visually.


I agree about the combat. I'm tired of killing the same enemies over and over again, and to make it worse most are seen only in their respective hubs intensifying the repetition even more.


Funnily enough, the grinding in the IE games (hell IWD series!) was actually fun, while the grinding in DA felt stressful and tiresome.


Variation is the key. In locations, monsters, spells, items etc.

Edited by RPGmasterBoo


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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"BioWare should've contracted CD Projekt to design a believable, dark medieval world."


Kiddin' right? TW sucked. It wans't dark. It was boring. Banal. Bland. With poor writing. Just plain crap. SOZ level, POR2 level, EOTB level of crappiness.

Edited by Volourn


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