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Atari to revisit Baldur's Gate & NWN


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Atari plans to revisit the likes of Baldur's Gate, Dungeons & Dragons, Neverwinter Nights and Test Drive Unlimited, but not in the next 12 months.


"You will hear more from these but not today, because we're focused on 2009," Infogrames president Phil Harrison told hacks assembled at a press event this afternoon.

There, it's directly from Mr. Harrisons mouth. Sure we'll have to wait years for it, not even knowing how they turn out and who makes them, but at least we know BG isn't dead.


Baldur's Gate: Tactics for DSi anyone? :ban:

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Of course we're gonna se more NWN.. but it's really nice that they'll revisit BG!


I'm hoping 2010, but it'll probably be 2012-14'ish - since games tend to take a few years to develop.

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Of course we're gonna se more NWN.. but it's really nice that they'll revisit BG!


I'm hoping 2010, but it'll probably be 2012-14'ish - since games tend to take a few years to develop.

Unless it's already been in development for a year or so. NWN3, I don't know. Perhaps Obsidian will do the job. But BG(3)? Who, just who is at it?

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I doubt they'd do someone else's IP, especially one that required them to get permission for everything from WotC. That said, Bethesda must be busy with something - I wonder what it is.


Not that it matters much, but I gather the city of Neverwinter didn't survive the switch to the fourth edition. Did Baldur's gate?

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It'd be pretty cool to see Obsidian doing NWN3, seeing as they now have the experience of dealing with the community. They've also said that it would be interesting to visit the ruins of Neverwinter after the whole 4e deal. I'm not particularly into D&D but I agree.


Definetely wouldn't surprise me to see either NWN3 or BG3 coming from Obsidian. Or maybe Atari just meant that there will be more expansions for NWN2.

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I'm fine with NWN3 from Obsidian, at long as they get rid of Aurora once and for all. About BG3, I can't say. Bethesda? Now way, they're not good at that kind of games, besides they're busy exploiting TES/Fallout. Bioware? Unlikely, as they're busy developing their Dragon Age franchise. But of course maybe that "New next gen project" isn't JE2 after all? Someone can only hope. What I fear (and god hopefully I'm wrong) is that CDProject is doing BG3.

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I'm fine with NWN3 from Obsidian, at long as they get rid of Aurora once and for all.


Agreed, let OEI build a new engine for NWN3. Though I doubt Atari is willing to fund that change.


About BG3, I can't say. Bethesda? Now way, they're not good at that kind of games, besides they're busy exploiting TES/Fallout.


Bioware? Unlikely, as they're busy developing their Dragon Age franchise. But of course maybe that "New next gen project" isn't JE2 after all? Someone can only hope.


Zenimax and EA are COMPETITORS to Atari. That would equate to Starbuck$ asking Seattle's Best Coffee to make them a blend of coffee. Not going to happen.


What I fear (and god hopefully I'm wrong) is that CDProject is doing BG3.


I'm willing to bet 100 BILLION Dollars that Atari has approached them for one of the D&D titles.


That said, in my *happy place* we will see An OEI Baldur's Gate III and NWN3. <3 I hope.

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I personally won't buy another game on the creaky old NWNx engine, but I wish well for anyone who does it. Frankly, I'm not too terribly keen on games that use toolkits because I think it constrains the designers. I'm sure there must be some really great mods out there, but I've never played one for either NWN game that made the purchase worth it. Somewhere along the line, you have to ask yourself, "why would I keep purchasing games in a franchise that has let me down so often." My favorite game in the whole series is the MotB expansion for NWN2. When I realized that they were heading away from a tight story in search of the "sandbox" holy grail for the SoZ xpac, I threw in the towel.


The idea behind NWN is great, but I've never been happy with the execution, but I've been a big fan of the BG series. I've enjoyed all the games, and I look forward to seeing what they intend to do with BG3. Frankly, I would much rather have another IWD game. What I'd really love is something like PS:T. Not a sequel, to be sure, but something that would be a true spiritual successor.

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Agreed, let OEI build a new engine for NWN3. Though I doubt Atari is willing to fund that change.


Could use the in-house Onyx engine for the graphics department. That's already half the work done. All Obsidian has to do is to focus on the logics and scripts.


Of course, I hope Obsidian would focus on the engine instead of adding dozens of classes and races at one go. I prefer they simply add in the general race and classes with realistic amount of feats so that their zots can be focused on building a workable engine itself. The rests can be easily added in future expansions.


To be honest, what I'm most terrified of is that the future franchises of NWN and BG will be headed to consoles for maximised profits! In addition, I read in an interview with MCA some time ago (Can't remember which one), he mentioned that Obsidian is unlikely to make games that involves toolsets since its very expensive and time consuming.


So I guess NWN3's likely not to have any toolset?

Edited by Zoma
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In addition, I read in an interview with MCA some time ago (Can't remember which one), he mentioned that Obsidian is unlikely to make games that involves toolsets since its very expensive and time consuming.


So I guess NWN3's likely not to have any toolset?


A NWN3 would not be NWN3 without a toolset. That's the entire point heh.


I think MCA was referring to releasing a toolset for future non NWN3 games. In that AP and Aliens RPG wont have a toolsets.


I just hope they are sekrely working on NWN3, with a NEW engine. Please Atari!

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In addition, I read in an interview with MCA some time ago (Can't remember which one), he mentioned that Obsidian is unlikely to make games that involves toolsets since its very expensive and time consuming.


So I guess NWN3's likely not to have any toolset?


A NWN3 would not be NWN3 without a toolset. That's the entire point heh.


Wasn't the original Neverwinter Nights an AOL MMORPG?


Seems to me that the series could change again to something other than a toolset create your own adventure game.


I'm not really sure that there is a feel for NWN or BG or IWD other than using the initial setting (at least for the OC).

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Will they please, for the love of god, just leave Baldur's Gate alone?


Having said that, I suppose the success of re-vamping another long-dead, cult-status franchise (Fallout) has got someone thinking about a Q4 2010 release...


As for NWN. Meh.


I suppose there will be a 4th Ed Pokemon-style, button mashing cross-platform game for people with attention-deficit issues, which I shall happily ignore.





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Dungeons and Dragons should be buried, at least as far as CRPGs are concerned. All CRPGs should have rule systems specifically designed for them.

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Only Bioware could do BG3, but I would prefer not to see it. Let the good old days of that great game stay in the past.

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"Dungeons and Dragons should be buried, at least as far as CRPGs are concerned. All CRPGs should have rule systems specifically designed for them."


Nonsense. Some of the best CRPGs are D&D. And, ALL of 'em are influenced by D&D in some way.


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Will they please, for the love of god, just leave Baldur's Gate alone?



seriously though, i think someone in atari said to the bosses "another BG would really bind MC's panties, let's go for it!" the bosses all nodded in agreement. a classic conspiratorial approach designed to maximize MC grief. i've seen it before.



comrade taks... just because.

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It is dumbed down for quick PnP play, please don't bring this abomination into any video games.

actually, that's the one thing that might make D&D more appropriate for crpgs. previous editions were PnP, which does not seem to translate well to the computer, and hence we end up with the strange bastardization that everyone manages to find something wrong with.



comrade taks... just because.

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