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I'm holding off on Braid until I get more impressions. It's been getting good reviews/feedback so far, but the demo left me somewhat underwhelmed. Aside from the DK puzzle, the rest of the demo was kind of meh.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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Well, I have got to say that I think some of the issues raised about Jericho have been overstated from what I have seen so far. Sure, it's not the best game out there and is very linear compared to many of the other shooters I play, but I'm still having fun and the atmosphere and environments are well done. :ermm:


EDIT: Yahtzee also made some mistakes in his review.

Edited by Deadly_Nightshade

"Geez. It's like we lost some sort of bet and ended up saddled with a bunch of terrible new posters on this forum."




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"Well, I figure $15 isn't exactly a huge amount to support an independant, creative endeavor like this. Even if it grows old fast, it's the kind of project I'm comfortable supporting from a financial end."


You shouldn't be 'supporting' them. They're not on welfare. If you think you'll like the game buy it; if not don't. Just sayin'.


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You shouldn't be 'supporting' them. They're not on welfare. If you think you'll like the game buy it; if not don't. Just sayin'.


"They" is an independent software developer named Jonathan Blow, who enlisted the help of a webcomic artist for the aesthetic style. They were probably not too far away from qualifying for welfare when they created it, although now that they've been supported by Microsoft they are probably doing much better financially.


My post was in response to Llyr, who was on the fence. When you buy a game you are supporting the creators. I don't know why you are debating that. That is how I evaluate many of my purchases.

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"When you buy a game you are supporting the creators."


Nah. Disagree. When you buy a game you do (and should) do it for your own selfish reasons. 'cause you think you'll enjoy the game. It's not my job to support money making enterprises like game devlopment. They do that themselves by making games customers want to play.



"They were probably not too far away from qualifying for welfare when they created it"


Comnpanies whose business is to make money and arne't making money shouldn't get welfare. I think government handouts to these companies are garbage. their jobs is to make a profit. if they can't do that, they should be out of business.


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"When you buy a game you are supporting the creators."


Nah. Disagree. When you buy a game you do (and should) do it for your own selfish reasons. 'cause you think you'll enjoy the game. It's not my job to support money making enterprises like game devlopment. They do that themselves by making games customers want to play.



"They were probably not too far away from qualifying for welfare when they created it"


Comnpanies whose business is to make money and arne't making money shouldn't get welfare. I think government handouts to these companies are garbage. their jobs is to make a profit. if they can't do that, they should be out of business.


What company? Have you read anything about this game? It was one guy, as I just told you.


I enjoy games in general. That's why I hang out on a gaming forum. But that isn't the only factor that goes into my game purchase.


I understand that YOU buy games for different reasons than I do. That's wonderful, we are all entitled to our own reasons for purchase. But there isn't a right or wrong reason for a games purchase. You buy games for your reasons, and I buy games for my reasons. You don't need to argue about it.

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"What company? Have you read anything about this game? It was one guy, as I just told you."


If he's trying to sell it; he's trying to make money. I believe you try to sell soemthing you shouldn't get freebies.


And, yeah, you can do what you want. Not like I'm going to stop you. L0L You stated your piece, I'm stating mine.



"I enjoy games in general."


OMG! That's my point. That's why I buy games, too! WOWSERS! If you like the game Jericho, or think you will, good for you. I'm not opposed to that; but it be pretty sad if you bought it 'knowing' it would suck just because you want to be 'supportive'. Now, if you bought it becuase you thoguht you'd get enjoyment out of it and support good on you. But, don't you think one is better off 'supporting' game developers (be it a company or just one peon) if they make the games you'd like?



Edited by Volourn


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I found Jericho at Gamestop for $5 when I went pre-order a copy of Clear Sky, so now I'm installing that. Oh yeah, I'm also still playing The Witcher - although I know that if I do not finish within the week I'll need to start over (my copy of the expanded version will be available on the 17th).

Dear Deadly - fellow Witcher brother-in-arms - many a night have I pondered the same philosophical quandary: Hawt-nekkid-Witcher-b00bies now, or hawter-nekkider-Witcher-b00bies for the days to come.


Never did I think such an answer could be possible...until the fateful day I discovered The Price of Neutrality.


Allow its b00bie-goodness to sate your Witcher craving until the glorious day the expanded version is released.

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I FINALLY beat Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor. I was hoping all the negative feedback about the game was due to glitches in the initial game, but it really is a mind numbing grindfest. The only reason I forced myself through it was because I had decided to play the entire Pool of Radiance series, from the first game in 88' through Hillsfar and the other Gold Box sequels all the way to RoMD.


The game has two huge flaws:

1: Repetitive combat. By the time I finished the game I think I must have killed every Orc, Zombie and Gargoyle in Faerun. Theres only about a dozen different enemy types, many of which feature throughout the game as the same damn encounter over and over.


2: The blandest dungeon I've ever seen. Even worse, Eight MASSIVE levels of the same damned dungeon design and rooms. Only way to tell if a room is a barracks, a dungeon or a kitchen is if the DM tells you. Its sad when the 88' original had more varied locales than the 2002 sequel.


On the positive:

I did enjoy the exterior sections. Really reminded me of the Infinity Engine games with hand painted backgrounds and more interesting encounters.


Also, while I've heard complaints about the slow combat, I found a hack online that allowed me to speed up the game or slow it down so I could zip through enemy turns quickly. I can really imagine how mind numbingly tedious it would be if you had to watch a zombie shamble towards you from across the screen... then the next and the next and...


I've moved on to the Dragonlance games. I managed to beat Heroes of the Lance and I've moved on to Dragons of Flame. Having a hell of a time finding the entrance to the fort Pax Tharksas (sp?) though. Once I finish Dragons of Flame I'll move on to the third and final game in the Lance trilogy Shadow Sorcerer, then play the two stand-alone Dragonlance games War of the Lance & DragonStrike and finish off with the Krynn trilogy.

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Pool of Radiance series:


-Pool of Radiance 88'

-Hillsfar 89' (A mini-game spin off, but you can still export characters from Pool of Radiance into Hillsfar, improve them and then move on to...)

-Curse of the Azure Bonds 89'

-Secret of the Silver Blades 90'

-Pools of Darkness 91' (Epic end to the classic series. Ruins of Myth Drannor pales in comparison in scope and story)

-Pool of Radiance 2: Ruins of Myth Drannor 01' (Forgot the '2', but yeah, Ruins of Myth Drannor = Pool of Radiance 2. Kind of an odd naming system as Ruins is actually the 6th game in the series)

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I played with the latest patch as well as a few fan hacks to improve the speed of the game. I really don't think I could have stuck with it without the speed hack. Luckily the only bugs I ran into were a few very minor side quests not being transferred to completed. Other than that it was a stable, if grind-tastic experience.

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After playing Mount and Blade for a while I started missing actual strategy.. so I tried playing Medieval Total War 2, but I've played that to death - I quickly got bored. Then I remembered that I'd tried the Grand Campaign Mod, back before I upgraded my PC, so I decided to try it again, to see if it would run more smoothly now..


well it did..


And by Shiva if it isn't the most fun I've had in that game ever.. That map is huge!

Fortune favors the bald.

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