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KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions

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The subject on whether the Ebon Hawk should be replaced by another ship or left in Orbit while using a small shuttle to enter planets or limiting the size and keep a larger pool on planets has been briefly touched a couple of times. All in all ideas to increase replay value.


In additiion to that I propose:

  1. (Reminiscent of Frontier Elite II)
  2. With the intent of trading your ship for a bigger one or upgrade the current ship with shields, weapons, cargo bays, crew seats, fuel tanks.
  3. Alternatively you could acquire a ship by Piracy: Seize and board a ship and take it in your possession and recruit a new crew or persuade the current crew to keep working for you.
    Ship rooster size
  4. Depending on which ship you buy and how you upgrade it there will be more or less room for party members on board. And if you don't have enough crew for a ship then you might have to abandon it and pick a smaller one.
  5. Imagine that the size of the ship you left Peragus II in only had room for 3 members. Which would you leave behind and how would it affect your decision to destroy Peragus II to escape the Harbinger? And how would that choice affect your crew as well?
    Mobile NPC's
  6. Sometimes you need to drop a party member on some planet in which case your influence with them would decrease substantially,
  7. maybe someone in your party would really miss the company of that one to the point where you'd either lose influence or he might leave to join that one as well.
  8. Maybe they would take hire on another ship or party or move to another planet while you were away, making it harder or impossible to group again.
  9. Bao-dur might understand your reaons, but he'd start a war on Czerka in your absence and get into trouble. And other likewise scenarios that your other ex-party members might get entangled with.

Highly unlikely but...

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[*] Imagine that the size of the ship you left Peragus II in only had room for 3 members. Which would you leave behind and how would it affect your decision to destroy Peragus II to escape the Harbinger? And how would that choice affect your crew as well?

I don't make threats, only promises.

Exile coming out of the Peragus dormitories, telling Kreia: "Once we get of this rock I will drop you on a nice little asteroid where you can spend the rest of your short life".


Drop Kreia on a nice little asteroid.


Influence gained: Atton

Master Vandar lives!

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I'm more concerned about the combat system then the story, I played KOTOR 2 the other day and was bored out of my mind by the combat even though i wanted to play it. If they can make the combat more fluid and retain the RPG elements such as casting that would be sweet. As far as powers it would be nice if they could compound the powers, its way to cumbersome to try and use all the powers during combat. For example, combing powers like two and three at a time as you level, master the force and comand multipower force acts like force wave/lighting/kill.


As far as story I hope that they can continue this story line and not culminate it like the trend seems to be reinforcing. I do agree the story needs to progress and make a dramatic evolution in this edition, but it should not cut itself off. I think they can take the story in the direction of the outer rim and explore a universe that is untouched. For example this universe can exist independently without messing up the cannon of EU, so these jedi in this region can explore new powers and other things that are exposed in the EU without messing up the timeline. I think this edition of KOTOR could have a unifying force theme where Revan and the Exile work to destroy the original rement of the sith but with competing idealogy (you decide the fate of the force). Will you follow the dark side or light side or will you unify the force and bring "balance". Of course this sounds like a cut off to the story, but termoil is easy to create. I think the three path would provide alot of replay to the story.

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another thing that would be nice if you can decide which person to follow or what to do, for example if you want to join the enemy then betray the enemy. For while comand that person's forces then turn them against him or destroy them. I think a thing that should improve is the impact your decisions have on the game play, faction type things for example along with improved understanding of minpulation for example not having to take light side points when its intent is evil.

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As long as Lucas Arts doesn't have a hand in it then I am all for it.

This being SW it'll never happen. :blink:

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I would like to see a longer game.

Longer than KotOR-2 anyway.


More choices when it comes to charachter faces at the start of the game (both male and female)


The other day I was shopping and I started humming this theme...it just came out of nowhere and I couldn't place where I heard it before.

It was the theme that played at the start of KotOR-1 (during charachter creation)

KotOR-1 had memorable music that really stuck with me, I really liked the Jedi theme in KotOR-2 as well, would be great if the same trend continued for K3.


Many people have posted this already, some things were much better in part 1 compared to part 2, it would be nice if those things came back (long list of random small things which most people have already posted)


I felt out of touch with the influence system, sure it was nice and new, but if you take up a FAQ and check it out, there are very few options to actually influence your party members in the game, seems like you have to do things flawlessly to get them all on your side at 100%. There is definately room for improvement in the Influence area. I am a Jedi Knight and I do horrible things to make some members of my team appreciate my evil deeds and fall to the light...seems a bit off.

The control system for K1 and K2 was incredibly easy to use, would be nice if that was refined to become even better.


If you're gonna introduce romance in the story, then it should be done properly, I don't mean pressing the muckus covered body parts together, but it should atleast seem a bit real.

I guess that's it, oh and one thing I want more than anything else...an announcement for KotOR-3 :thumbsup:

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I've said it before and mention it again:


KOTOR III's score should be composed by the one and only John Williams


(especially if it's going to be a Revan-Exile story)




Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
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John Williams doesn't do game soundtracks.



Which is a good thing.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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LA needs to make sure we never end up here again. what do I mean by that?

they need to plan not only for KOTOR III but for a number of official content updates that you can download for a small fee. The new content could be anything from new planets, sidequests, NPCs, convos, etc.


that way there would be something to talk about in between K3 and K4 other than just speculation about the next title.

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I think that adding different ways to customize your sabers would be better, like perhaps changing the hilt would give u different pluses to things, also being able to make different weapons out of lightsabers would be cool, like joining three of them together and attaching it to your arm and making a saber claw :D

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WARNING: Speculation ahead.


Kotor III will be made one day. and probably will be anouced next year. May seems to be the month for Star wars so why not wait till next May (2006) too see if maybe Kotor III gets anounced? I can garentee some one from Lucasarts has acknowledged us by now because of the continuous posts for Kotor III. Any way since Kotor III will be probably a big game it will take time to make and anounce.

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kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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:D didn't think about the cost  :thumbsup:


but the graphics need to improve, their is no excuse for a company like LA to put out or allow products with graphics that are behind the times. Even battlefront 2 looks awful and that is their flag ship game.


Next thing you know the graphics will be as good as the movie's CGI characters. Then we'll all think the screenshots were movie stills




Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
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LA needs to make sure we never end up here again.  what do I mean by that?

they need to plan not only for KOTOR III but for a number of official content updates that you can download for a small fee.  The new content could be anything from new planets, sidequests, NPCs, convos, etc.


that way there would be something to talk about in between K3 and K4 other than just speculation about the next title.


Maybe they want to do something else besides KOTOR...


After the first couple of months speculation becomes a fools errand. May as well play and do other stuff till LA sort themselves out.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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