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Most difficult game you have ever played


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I'd go with the first Castlevania for the NES.


That game was brutal.


Those bobbing Medusa heads coming at you from both sides as you try to jump from one small platform to another..... :-


No passwords. No saved games. No continues.


twas a bitch

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The most difficult game I ever played was Bard's Tale 3 for the Commodore 64. It combines insanely difficult puzzles with sickeningly obscure riddles and near impossible battles. Also, it had no automap so you had to map the large levels by hand, and sometimes the answer to a puzzle would lie in the actual map that you, yourself drew. You really had to be on your toes the entire time when you played that game.


Nowadays it wouldn't be as difficult since we now have the internet with all the walkthroughs and whatnot.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I never had much luck with platform games for my old NES, there were quite a few that I only suceeded in reaching the second level.



"Bart SImpson vs. the space mutants" especially comes to mind. I dont think I ever made it past the first level

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"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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Most difficult game played: Probably Battletoads (NES). Like most people, did not beat it.

Most difficult gaming challenge undertaken: Metroid (NES) using only one hand (index finger on D-Pad, pinky and ring finger on A and B, middle finger on select/start). Beat Ridley, did everyone possible up to but not including beating Kraid, but gave up on the attempt before I could succeed.

Most difficult gaming challenge at which I've succeeded: Beating Doom (PC) using mouse-only control.

Most difficult game beaten: Zelda II (NES). Although it seems kind of easy at this point, this is largely a consequence of experience I think.

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ninja gaiden was pretty bad. The first boss was like hitting a brick wall. Not so much a difficulty curve as a vertical line.


Added to that I don't get on at all with the Xbox controller (had the old version at the time) and it was an experience that boardered on hellish.


Omega Weapon is a doozy in FFVIII too. Dark Aeons in FFX along with Penitance (I ignored the advice about filling in the grid first) I can across Dark Ixion during the main game and got so badly owned it wasnt funny.

The king cactur without a break HP limit is insane too, although there is a trick to beating it, which I figured out after a couple of 10,000 hp super quills destroyed the party.

Edited by ShadowPaladin V1.0
I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Bart SImpson vs. the space mutants


Probably Battletoads


Both very good points in my mind


Most difficult game beaten: Zelda II (NES). Although it seems kind of easy at this point, this is largely a consequence of experience I think.


I love that game

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I'd go with the first Castlevania for the NES.


That game was brutal.


Those bobbing Medusa heads coming at you from both sides as you try to jump from one small platform to another..... :thumbsup:


No passwords. No saved games. No continues.


twas a bitch




That game required serious skill.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
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Starcross by Infocom... the puzzles were just too hard :ph34r:


Never completed that one :thumbsup:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Dark Reign.


Starting from the fith level this game is as brutal as an RTS game as ever got. I laughed out loud at the last few missions. To this day i still don't know how i managed to finish the it.


Loved every second of it BTW... :cool:

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Dark Reign.


Starting from the fith level this game is as brutal as an RTS game as ever got. I laughed out loud at the last few missions. To this day i still don't know how i managed to finish the it.


Loved every second of it BTW...  :cool:


Most difficult game i ever played was a little known games called Knights of Legend back on the old C64 set up.


Was a cross between a indepth RPG and a FPS (combat was K1 style of turn based but with out the pause button).


To advance levels you had to fight in a arena and those fights were just insanely hard to win.

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i kinda thought bt 3 was the easiest... we (my brothers and i) never really finished the final level puzzle in bt 2 (the one with the arrow hints), however. bt 1 was our first game, and the three of us stayed up nights playing (i was 17, bro 1 was 14, bro 2 was 12, 1985 i think...)


i thought gothic was a pain, but mostly because of the controls. at least, it turned me off quick enough that i quit, early, and just never got psyched to play again.



comrade taks... just because.

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God Of War on Uber Extreme diff...


TNMT 2 the arcade game (god I still can't get past the sewers)


Dawn of War on the highest diff setting is psycotic to fight


and of course the cheating civs in Civ3... I've never been one for patience.



Oh and Gabs? the way to figure out which is the real Bhaal is by which one has the capitalized name in the target doodad.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I was getting nostalgic when thinking about Bard's Tale 3: Thief of Fate and looked up what I could find about it on the net. Apparently there are a few exploits and shortcuts to take that I never knew about. Aahh, the power of the internet.


But still.. Anyone who don't believe the game was difficult should take a look at a walkthrough for the game:




It's insane! It's been a looooong time since I played anything even near as difficult as this game..

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I beat Battletoads!


But I never beat Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for the NES. I always got up to the Technodrome beat that then couldn't figure out where to go once I got in there. Those space rocket guys that just would not die were pretty annoying too.


Hmm..I remember the end boss for Double Dragon 2 being pretty hard. I had to use that trick where you got extra lives to beat him. The end boss for DD3 was pretty hard too. Damn egyptian mummy princess. I think I only beat her once.


What else...what else...oh yeah, Who Framed Roger Rabbit(NES). The end boss is hell. The only effective way to damage him was to charge up your punch meter to the fullest then whack him. Too bad it only took like a teensy bit of life off him. I never had the patience to see it through.


Anyone rememeber Pro Wrestling for the NES? That game got really hard towards the end. Never beat it.


Mike Tyson's Punch Out! Never was able to knockout Mike Tyson. I probably could have with practice but my parents wouldn't buy me a copy.


Right now I'm playing Soul Calibur 2 on Extremely Hard difficulty setting and the cpu reads all my moves and blocks or guard impacts my every attack. It's really frustrating but it keeps you on your toes.

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But I never beat Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for the NES. I always got up to the Technodrome beat that then couldn't figure out where to go once I got in there. Those space rocket guys that just would not die were pretty annoying too.



Ah yes I remember that game. Pain in the ass that I gave up playing it.

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Hardest game ever? Not including the obligatory BT, original Gaiden, Contra et al, it must have been Rune on maximum difficulty. First game ever where I really needed to learn to fight, dodging, finding weak points and all that jazz. The viking warriors were a pain in the ass at first, but then I got to the wendigo and dwarves. Way harder, way way harder. Up there with Ninja Gaiden(upwards from normal) on x-box. Not even Severance was that hard.


At this point I also have to mention Nethack. Pure pain, unless you learn how to survive. It takes literally hundreds if not thousands of death before you get the jist of it.


Best challenge I've undertaken was probably Mafia. I had a lot of fun with the gunfights too. Thief 2 deserves a mention too, as some of the levels were quite a treat.

Edited by Musopticon?
kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

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Not even Severance was that hard.




Severance as in "Blade of Darkness" (US)? If so, the game wasn't that difficult, though there were a few rough spots. Good game, though.

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- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials


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