Guest MacleodCorp Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 Okay, yeah, the game engine is a cool idea. But the storyline stank to high heaven. Am I the only one who hated the story arch of everything. All the locations were deflated, and they had very little to do. Yeah, the graphics and some of the new changes to the engine rocked, but the whole story fell flat. 1. Telos - Nothing to do. (Big city with big empty places.) 2. Korriban - Nothing to do. (Very Short, and no good items.) 3. Peragous - Very Boring (I thought I would die before it was over.) 4. Duxin/Onderon - The only interesting part, but the story fell short. 5. Narshada - Large world, but nothing of interest. 6. Harbinger/Revanger - Nothing to do. 7. Malacore V - What a waste of a game. I mean, the game engine and graphics are very superior, and were done with great taste, but the storyarch was so lame. I didn't feel like I accomplished anything by the end of the game. Onderon should have been longer, and Duxin should have been shorter. When I got to Onderon I felt for a brief period of time that maybe the game was picking up, but wow when it was over, I thought I was cheated in my purchase. I don't know if I would buy a KOTOR III. I think I will have to wait and try a demo before I buy it. What got me upset the most was: The NPC/PC relationship fell short way, way too early in the game. In some cases, to gain a high influence rate on Mira was trying to pull teeth. Visas, what happened here, after her short conversations, she stopped talking. After you complete a conversation, with any character, they just repeate, repeate, repeate, and there is nothing else to do for the rest of the game. I played through the game several times trying to change things up, and nothing was gained. An empty ending with dullness. If you are going to make a patch, maybe make Onderon longer, have the characters say more interesting and consequenctial things, and possibly open up the game, for it seemed to clastrophobic.
Lara_Jade Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 I have to agree with you about the stories for the planets. Aside from a few interesting moments they got really old, really fast. The first time I played the game I was running around going "What exactly am I accomplishing here?" If they weren't short like Koribban and Iziz, you're running around doing a bunch of hollow-feeling sidequests (Nar Shaddaa). The interaction with the other characters was also tiresome. After K1 where the characters reveal bits about themselves at opportune times, in TSL it either takes forever and they refuse to tell you anything or, like Atton, it comes out in this long speech at one time. Despite all that I still like the game, it's fun, but there's just a lot to be desired story and NPC interaction-wise.
Ekkest Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 I think you're all forgetting Dantooine. Nobody seems to be talking about Dantooine.
Janson Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 Eh, I completely disagree. I've been playing through KotOR1 and KotOR2 concurrently and almost every planet I like better than in KotOR1. For me, Peragus and Telos are a lot better and more interesting than Taris. Yes, I actually like Peragus. I thought it was a good introduction to the story. I really liked Nar Shaddaa. There was quite a bit to do and Goto was an interesting person (until you finally got him on your ship). Korriban, well, no, that wasn't half as good as it was in KotOR1. I do agree with you there. Dantooine? Well, Dantooine runs horribly in KotOR1, so that makes me more inclined to like the KotOR2 playthrough But anyway, Dantooine in K1 had horribly long maps and it took forever to run everywhere, especially when you had to keep reporting back to the council. In fact, I dislike the long maps; I did appreciate how KotOR2 offered ways you could get to other areas very quickly, or had slightly more compact maps that didn't require you to run down really long corridors. Manaan always annoyed me with the underwater suits, too - that part of the game is really slow. And Tatooine? The endless seas of, I dislike Tatooine too. Onderon and Dxun, well, I was disappointed with Onderon. But Dxun actually offered up quite a lot and I liked the lush forest a wee bit more than the forests of Kashyyyk. So, overall, I prefer running through KotOR2's planets much more than I do KotOR1's.
witchzenka Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 I like the tone of Peragus. Running around naked and alone, trying to figure out what happened to you and who did it, and what happened to all the miners - very creepy. -Zenka The Evil Cow
Janson Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 Yes, there's something slightly menacing about having only droids around, and them all attacking you...
Hive Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 I hated Peragus. It was too long, too linear and too repetitive. Telos was good, but could have had more to it. Also, it would have been nice if you could return to the Academy there again. Korriban was a major dissapointed. No real quests, no people to interact with, and nothing all that interesting (yeah I know a lot of people liked that cave, but I'm not one of them). Nar Shaddaa was big, had lots of quests, and was pretty interesting. A good world. Dantooine was pretty cool as well, but could have had a bit more people interaction and a bit less critter slaying. But all in all, it was good. Dxun/Onderon were quite well-made, though Onderon could easily have been a bit larger and had a few more quests. But an exciting world this was. Malachor V was almost as bad as Peragus. 'Nuff said.
ShadowPaladin V1.0 Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 Peragus had an almost unique atmosphere. Almost RE with robots with a detective story subplot. Starting with the warhero feat takes the edge off the difficulty but it was still eerie walking around a dead planet. I have to agree with Volourn. Bioware is pretty much dead now. Deals like this kills development studios. 478327[/snapback]
Odinson Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 In KoTOR, Taris was the best planet IMO. I fought against the bad guys as a normal person. I struggled to beat those damned Rak-ghouls. And I reall had to put up a fight against Marl, and Bendak Starkiller. There was alot to do there. Including rescuing the "Damsel in Distress." :D In KoTOR 2, Nar Shadaa. There's alot to do there. Onderon could've been cooler though. I wish it was bigger.
StarWarsResearcher Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 Odinson they should have made a battle in 2 places on Ondreon out in the country with Beast Rider that would have been well made. Then ight your way to the city. But, Dxun was with Onderon. Lucasfilms should not have give obsidian a year time restriant. And, like most seeing Lucasfilms Ltd. to do time restrant games. A cheaper low quality terrible storyline game. Bioware shoukld ahve started the script immediately after KOTOR I. But, Bioware was probably fed up with Lucasfilms Ltd. and their restrictions dealing with time. Obsidian rushed into it and found Bioware' problems. Obsdian should at least say; yes, Lucasfilms Ltd. made us do a rush job.
DorrieB Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 Tastes vary. I liked Korriban a lot: the visions of the past, the ghosts of the Mandalorian wars, my companions chanting 'Apathy is death', the jedi driven mad by visions. It wasn't much, but it was an important sequence, and it was creepy and sad at the same time.
DarthValia Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 At least in Kotor 1 you're going to a bunch of planets to find star maps. You feel like you are in charge of the situation. Even from the beginning on the Endar Spire: must make sure this bastila is safe (even though we have no idea who she is at that time) then we must find Bastila on Taris, etc. We know what's going on around us the entire time.. with Kotor 2 its "Ok... apparantly I'm the last Jedi and the is this shadowy sith person, oh and this chopped up sith after me only goal is to run from them? find them? what?"
JediExile Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 Actually the goal was to find the remaining Jedi, but the story deffinatly feels lacking at times. I hate Telos in perticular as it is too small and you are constantly loading from one area to the next. I would probably go with Onderon as my favorite planet as well.
Wycked Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 Am I the only one that misses the Siege of Czerka in KotOR 1? Every planet you've been in K1, you have SOMETHING to do with Czerka. The whiny merchant who keeps complanining about them on Dantooine, the Czerka office in Korriban, the Czerka setting you an ambush as you land on Kashyyyk and Tatooine, but only not in Manaan. These little things make KotOR 1 what it is, and what KotOR 2 is lacking. Where are the Gizka running all over your ship? Or at least a Mynock infestation.
Dark Lord of the Bith Posted March 20, 2005 Posted March 20, 2005 I liked the planets in KOTORII. Even the ones that were co-opted from KOTORI seemed to be well put together. None can match the spectacle of the unknown world, but in terms of fun, I like them most of them as much as KOTOR. I didn't like Manaan or Malachor, both very tedious IMO. The big difference between the two for me was the satisfaction of watching the boss enemies take a dirt nap. Calo Nord, Malak's whacky lackey, that butt-faced Sandpeople leader, Bendak Starkiller, the Rancor, Chundaar, and Malak himself all had a satisfying crunch to their demise. In KOTORII we get Kreia (why didn't the Exile's force bond wipe him out simultaneously, BTW?), Nihilius, who didn't live up to the hype, and Atris. The first time I fought her, I had to hand in my jedi robes and LS mastery and cut her into kibble when I thought she offed my beautiful baby Brianna. Then I found out that BBB was fine... ooops, my bad. Sion was fun the second time, like spicy Thai leftovers. Otherwise, we're left with Azkul, the various and sundry bounty hunters, General Vaklu, Slusk, and many others who we just don't get the same pleasure from stomping on.
Guest MacleodCorp Posted March 20, 2005 Posted March 20, 2005 In KOTOR I, had moments that were burned into your mind. 1. The dramatic animation where you find out your are "Revan". 2. Bastilla returns on the Unknown planet, and she is a Dark Jedi. 3. Bastilla's mother mission. 4. Juannie's fall and insecurity. 5. StarMap Animation Sequences. 6. Etc... In KOTOR II, the moments that were burned into your mind. 1.When Mira became open to the Force? 2. ??? I played the game so many times, but nothing seems to come to mind. ??? The variety of planets in KOTOR II was a good idea, but the storyarch and sub-plots were: 1. Short. 2. Non-Existant 3. InComplete 4. Not Dramatic 5. Emotionless 6. Boring When you play an RPG, you want the ability to manipulate the surrounding environment, and search for other things to do besides the main plotline. In KOTOR I, even now, I bet you can find more things to do in the game. In KOTOR II, there is really nothing else to do but run around as a fetch boy. How Dull.. On Dontooine, in KOTOR I, you had that runaway droid subplot, which has a larger impact that the storyarch in KOTOR II. ------------------------- Onderon - This planet had so much potential. The writers could have openned Onderon up, and allowed some in depth exploration, subplots, and a bigger addition to the main plot.
Blaise Russel Posted March 20, 2005 Posted March 20, 2005 In KOTOR II, the moments that were burned into your mind.1.When Mira became open to the Force? 2. ??? I played the game so many times, but nothing seems to come to mind. ??? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The opening sequence with T3 crawling around the recently attacked, heavily damaged Ebon Hawk, trying to bring it back online so that it can limp to the safety of the Peragus installation. The confrontation with the Jedi Masters in the rebuilt Dantooine Academy. The pitfight duel between Mira and Hanharr. Fighting, and retreating from, an invincible Sion in the Korriban ruins. Mandalore striding through the flames on the Ravager. Leading the charge up the Sky Ramp in the Onderon civil war. Many moments involving Kreia manipulating the party - specifically, when Atton confronts Kreia after he has come clean with his past to the PC, and Kreia laughs in his face; Bao-Dur, warning Kreia not to lead the PC down the path of the Dark Side, falling to the floor when she brings up Malachor V; Kreia running rings (perhaps literally) around Disciple. I found plenty of things in KOTOR 2 that were memorable for me. In contrast, many of your choices of awesome moments in KOTOR 1 were things I found forgettable. Only the Revan revelation was any good, and that was because it was prefaced by a nice little cutscene putting all the pieces, all the hints together.
Guest MacleodCorp Posted March 20, 2005 Posted March 20, 2005 I still don't see it... I also thought there could have been a larger romance between the PC and anyone he or she wanted to get involved with, but that never happened.
Guest MacleodCorp Posted March 20, 2005 Posted March 20, 2005 Most of the KOTOR II plots that you have stated were not dramatic as "Revan's True Identity" or "Bastilla's fall to the darkside".
Guest MacleodCorp Posted March 20, 2005 Posted March 20, 2005 There was nothing dramatically shockingly revailed in KOTOR II, and if I remember: Kreia's words, "What? You are looking for a revelation, which revails a shocking truth? Well, your not going to find any here!" At that moment, I felt like I waisted my time playing the game. She deflatted the game very fast at that moment, and then I could have cared less about playing it again. However, I played several times in hope in finding a new meaning, but nothing seemed to stand out. Truth: "You are an echo, an end to the force." - Kreia False: "You are the last of the Jedi" -Every Jedi character in the game said you are not a Jedi even Kreia. Truth: There were only three Jedi in the game, and the others, including your self were either Sith or echos. This game was supposed to be based on "The One Last Jedi", which was your PC, and in the game it was revailed that you are not a Jedi, but an echo. You are nothing but an echo. How pathetic! What type of meaningful life has your character had at that point? You are nothing, you have nothing, you are broken, and if you are allowed to continue, you will destroy everything... How pathetic.. KOTOR III: The Echo: The Nothing Returns ------------------------------------------------------------ KOTOR I, there were no expectations for this game, and no promisses were made, but when it was all said and done, "You are Revan, an former Dark jedi." You either fought to defeate Malak to take over the world or you fought to save the world. How rewarding is that. That is like BANG, you are a meaningful character, which gained the respect and honor of the Sith or Republic. -------------------------------- Now, tell me... What was good about KOTOR II, besides its graphics and game engine???
Janson Posted March 20, 2005 Posted March 20, 2005 I agree with Blaise. I really, really liked the revelation that you were Revan, that was a stellar scene, but for me, it was the only one I really remembered. I completely forgot that Bastila's mother even existed until I played through the game again. I do think it's just a matter of personal opinion.
Janson Posted March 20, 2005 Posted March 20, 2005 There was nothing dramatically shockingly revailed in KOTOR II, and if I remember: Kreia's words, "What? You are looking for a revelation, which revails a shocking truth? Well, your not going to find any here!" At that moment, I felt like I waisted my time playing the game. She deflatted the game very fast at that moment, and then I could have cared less about playing it again. However, I played several times in hope in finding a new meaning, but nothing seemed to stand out. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I personally thought that was KotOR2's strength. I did like KotOR1. I went all tingly when I finally found out I was Revan (I was playing the game completely blind, and I didn't guess, although it turns out quite a few people did manage to guess) and I was so excited I couldn't sleep (yes, I get excited easily). However, once that was over, that was it. Great game, good experience, but I had no desire to play it again or to go online to find out what I'd missed. With KotOR2, there was no moment of great excitement, but it did stay with me a lot longer than KotOR1. I did have to think about it more, too. And as soon as I'd completed it once, I felt compelled to play it again. After KotOR1, I felt exhausted, I'd enjoyed the journey, but playing through certain parts of it again - Tatooine, or Manaan, for example - is a real chore. With KotOR2, I also felt I'd missed quite a bit. I went online, read a few threads, and realised what scenes I had missed (for example, first time through, I had no idea any of my companions could be turned to Jedi). Each time through there's been something new, for me. Yes, I also missed things in KotOR first time round. I recently played through again, actually, because I was reading certain things on this board that I'd missed (noteably, the romance with Carth). But I didn't feel as compelled to find out what I'd missed in KotOR1 as I did with KotOR2. I'm not saying that one has more depth or a more complex story than the other - both games have a tremendous amount to offer - but I do enjoy replaying KotOR2 more. Anyway, that's all personal opinion. But if you were looking for some big revelation in KotOR2, I can't help but feel that you've missed the entire point. And I do think that the Exile is a very powerful character. The Exile also provides a nice contrast to Revan. But I don't feel that the Exile is 'just an echo.' The Exile also has just as much history as Revan.
ShadowPaladin V1.0 Posted March 20, 2005 Posted March 20, 2005 Actually my biggest memory of KOTOR is what a cheating SOB Malak was. I have to agree with Volourn. Bioware is pretty much dead now. Deals like this kills development studios. 478327[/snapback]
nightmaresofsorrow Posted March 20, 2005 Posted March 20, 2005 In kotor1 nothing really stood out for me. i guess there's the revelation and maybe the ending but thats about it. in kotor2 the jedi council scene on the return to dantooine really stood out for me and was probably one of my favourite, if not my favourite parts of the game.
Guest MacleodCorp Posted March 21, 2005 Posted March 21, 2005 I guess this was a subjective topic. I will reframe from making a topic based completly on subjective material!
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