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After my second time with TSL I started to mess around in the kotor2.ini file to check what it could do to the game.

Then I noticed the thing called "CurentSithLord=3".

It were to witch of the sith lords that were on the start-up-screen.

Of course I started to tamper with it and wrote "...ithLord=1" and started TSL.

And I found a new Sith Lord!

Check it for your self:



That's Queen Talia in Dark Robes... lol.


You're character is on there at one time, if you're DS.

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."


Weird. Could it be Visas?

(I don't know if Miralukas have eyes under their face-curtain but there is a certain resemblance)


Okay, here is the image I posted.



Atris was supposed to be the Sith Lord instead of Kreia, depending on the choices you made. But that was scraped. <_< Just like everything else cool.

  Wild Storm said:
Okay, here is the image I posted.



Atris was supposed to be the Sith Lord instead of Kreia, depending on the choices you made. But that was scraped.  <_< Just like everything else cool.

Yes, that it could be Atris crosed my mind, but I didn't got a good enough wiew and simply arn't god with faces.

And that your pic is bether is clear, that pic has cost me an hour of fixing it because of it were to dark, I needed to instal Photoshop etc.

  Wild Storm said:
Atris was supposed to be the Sith Lord instead of Kreia, depending on the choices you made. But that was scrapped.  <_< Just like everything else cool.


It's nice to know they had *intended* to make Atris' role larger (and hopefully the same for Darth Nihilus), but alas, another thing onto the pile.


It does look like an early decision though - the head just doesn't seem to match Atris, mainly the lower mouth/cheeks bit, so I'm thinking it was done before the final Atris model was chosen.


Pure Pazaak - The Stand-alone Multiplayer Pazaak Game (link to Obsidian board thread)

Pure Pazaak website (big thank you to fingolfin)


It looks like I would've enjoyed fighting Dark Atris rather than Kreia. The more I see, the more let down I am that this thing got rushed. Ah well, maybe K3 in a couple years will be different.


god... i wonder what sort of things lie hidden into the original KOTOR files. since they worked on it for three years, and in case they did the same good job at covering their tracks, could you guys please consider looking into it, now that you know, in some amount, how it's built?



i get itchy thinking of what bioware had in mind, other than what we know. i'm shure they had plenty of occasions to change direction during the development, and found it imposible to wipe the remnants clean. ach, this odyssey engine reminds me of my old, highschool borland pascal programming days... patching the algorithms as i went along ;)" god, what a messy business that was



please consider looking into KOTOR, once again.


@off topic


is it me, or was Kreia a pushover. my weapon master defeated her in 4 rounds (not including the lightsabers).


BioWare was making a engine (or a engine adaptation) so when it come to put stuff on it they already had a good idea of what would be or not.


There is a cut planet and there are some models in the game files but its not at the state that TSL with recorded dialogue not being used (you know, there is Atris saying the same lines as Kreia of the end), areas maps not being used (HK factory), NPCs not being used (Atris have a party portrait) ...


So far the only thing that was restored in KotOR was the Carth Romance Dark Side ending, I remenber that the Twi




I realized Atris was meant for a greater role when it kinda sprung to my face that almost every official art was about her, or that her face was everywhere and BIG... and you play the game and she does not much aside from being beaten.... :wub:

  Drakron said:
I remenber that the Twi

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.


Atris didn't really have a big role in the game, so it really wouldn't have been a big deal. But yet her having a big role in the game was probably cut too so its a shame it wasn't in there.

  213374U said:
Uh... Korriban was cut?  :blink:

Yuthura Ban. Great character. If you turned her away from the Dark Side (persuasion 15 or greater, a few dialogues and plot choices) you had a chance to see her at the academy (if you didn't leave Korriban as alst planet).


It seems that originally she would have had a greater role as party member: I don't know if they dropped her in favour of the cat(har)-woman (God how I hated her, her voice, her wimpy character!) or if she was meant as a replacement once Bastila leaves with Malak

  Msxyz said:
  213374U said:
Uh... Korriban was cut?  :blink:

Yuthura Ban. Great character. If you turned her away from the Dark Side (persuasion 15 or greater, a few dialogues and plot choices) you had a chance to see her at the academy (if you didn't leave Korriban as alst planet).


It seems that originally she would have had a greater role as party member: I don't know if they dropped her in favour of the cat(har)-woman (God how I hated her, her voice, her wimpy character!) or if she was meant as a replacement once Bastila leaves with Malak

I have to say that I doubt she was ever intended to be a party member. Yuthura Ban was a very well-liked character by players of the first game, and there was much hoping and complaining by people who thought she'd make a great party member. However, I believe she was just another interesting character in the game, and never intended for anything more. Certainly she made quite an impact, though I myself never really thought so.

  Topaz Quasar said:
  Wild Storm said:
Heres them side-by-side


Remember that its slightly at a different angle and Atris is tainted by the Dark Side.



Why does Atris get the best clothing in the game? <_<


Yes, I would've loved to have both outfits available to the female player, especially the Jedi robe. There are so many things the same I don't deny it's not her but still, the cheek/chin area seems to have more "drop".


On Yuthera Ban @ Dantooine: You also can't see her if you do Korriban 3rd (just before the Leviathan) cos you never make it bake to Dantooine.


Pure Pazaak - The Stand-alone Multiplayer Pazaak Game (link to Obsidian board thread)

Pure Pazaak website (big thank you to fingolfin)

  Drakron said:
BioWare was making a engine (or a engine adaptation) so when it come to put stuff on it they already had a good idea of what would be or not.


There is a cut planet and there are some models in the game files but its not at the state that TSL with recorded dialogue not being used (you know, there is Atris saying the same lines as Kreia of the end), areas maps not being used (HK factory), NPCs not being used (Atris have a party portrait) ...


So far the only thing that was restored in KotOR was the Carth Romance Dark Side ending, I remenber that the Twi

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