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Who Do You Think Should Make KOTOR III?

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First off Bioware is doing there own freaking IPs.  If you actually read their forums you would already know this.  Also iin case you haven't noticed that KotOR 2 is a bug fiasco.  Let them fixed KotoR2 fully before demanding KotOR 3.  Lastly KotOR 3 was canned, scrapped, killed, and made non-existant in pre-production.  This has already been reported and known.


Before making threads like this I have a tiny suggestion:  KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON BEFORE POSTING CRAP LIKE THIS.


I know I sound harsh and you probably think that I am such a big meany, but I tell it how it is and this is how it is.  Deal with it.


dear friend(this is used only in the most sarcastic tone) this is only a who would you like to develop kotor 3 we are not saying there will be one nor are we saying there is one being developed and unusual for you you got a fact wrong, some of the members of the team at lucasarts that was wroking on kotor were fired and consequently the game was ceased in prodouction there was no mention of there being no kotor3 ever, please in the future get stuff right so i don't have to type so much when replying to you

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Prove it supply the link that states there will be no KotOR III


Listen, I am not your pack mule. I am not your research assistant. I am not going to do the work for you. If you want to know the truth go to any number of RPG sites and read it for yourself. The one I read was at Gamespot if memory serves. Instead of PROVE IT look for the damn proof yourself you lazy kid.


@Master Whatever: The entire team was canned and as far as I can see there is no plans for a KotOR 3, as well there shouldn't.

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You don't think they're good enough? I would be that they'd change their design philosophy for that. The big open thing has been the model for the Elder Scrolls, and I doubt they'd go overboard with it on an established franchise.

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I don't care, if Bioware will do it or Obsidian as long as LA gives them enough time to finish the game.

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Prove it supply the link that states there will be no KotOR III


Listen, I am not your pack mule. I am not your research assistant. I am not going to do the work for you. If you want to know the truth go to any number of RPG sites and read it for yourself. The one I read was at Gamespot if memory serves. Instead of PROVE IT look for the damn proof yourself you lazy kid.


@Master Whatever: The entire team was canned and as far as I can see there is no plans for a KotOR 3, as well there shouldn't.


course your not he pack mule you're the bug in the forums the internet incarnation of the bugs in kotor2 + the bugs in kotor? And if you don't like a thread then dont go in there just to bitch. you dont see me going on the barbie website saying how much i hate barbies or you going on some hippie site saying how much you hate peace.


and by the way kotor3 layoffs?

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I think Bethesda should do KotOR3.


That would be Morrowind with guns...


Ehh, wait, they are already doing that one. It's called Fallout 3 :shifty:"

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I think Bethesda should do KotOR3.


That would be Morrowind with guns...


Ehh, wait, they are already doing that one. It's called Fallout 3 :shifty:"




I hope its not morrowind w/ guns, it'd be as bad as morrowind was and thats pretty bad,

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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I think Bethesda should do KotOR3.


That would be Morrowind with guns...


Ehh, wait, they are already doing that one. It's called Fallout 3 :shifty:"




I hope its not morrowind w/ guns, it'd be as bad as morrowind was and thats pretty bad,


Don't you mean Morrowind with laserswords?

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Prove it supply the link that states there will be no KotOR III


Listen, I am not your pack mule. I am not your research assistant. I am not going to do the work for you. If you want to know the truth go to any number of RPG sites and read it for yourself. The one I read was at Gamespot if memory serves. Instead of PROVE IT look for the damn proof yourself you lazy kid.


@Master Whatever: The entire team was canned and as far as I can see there is no plans for a KotOR 3, as well there shouldn't.

you was the one who stated there will be no KotOR 3 so you are the one who must back up the statement. me i could careless if the make KotOR 3 or KotOR 4 but sence you cant prove it then you have no grounds to say there isnt going to be KotOR if your going to spread hearsay all over the boards you better be prepaird to back it up

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Some facts:

KotOR3 is not currently under development anywhere.

It had started development at Lucas Arts not long after we started development on KotOR2.

The team at Lucas Arts working on KotOR3 was let go and no development has happened on it since.

There's nothing at this point as to what systems a hypothetical KotOR3 title would come out on.


That should squelch a couple rumors. ;)





I wouldnt hold your breath.

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For those who missed the link above here is the relivent parts of the article.





LucasArts slashes staff numbers in "major restructuring" of its development studio


12:11 LucasArts has let go 31 members of its development team in a bid to "concentrate on fewer titles", the company has officially announced. Unconfirmed reports state that one casualty of the cutbacks was a small team working on an unannounced third Knights of the Old Republic title.


Despite the suggestion that a casualty was a team working on KOTOR 3, there has been no official word from the publisher/developer to back this up - or even to suggest that the RPG sequel was even in development in the first place.


So, troubles afoot in LucasArts? You can't help but feel a tinge of sadness at the timing of the cutbacks. After years of churning out not-so-impressive Star Wars titles, the company has suddenly experienced a major resurgence of form, with the forthcoming Battlefront, Republic Commando and KOTOR II all receiving fine early praise from us journos.


Predictably, the statement gave away very little on specific details behind the cutbacks, other than it was to simply make the company "thrive" in the future.


Stephen Daultrey


Now in this article it seems slear that the team behind KOTOR 3 was cut, given the axe, laid-off, fired, given the ole heave hoe, or however else you want to put it. But while I am doubting the fact that they are working on KOTOR 3 at the moment I still think that since they never really confirmed that 1) they were even working on KOTOR 3 and 2) that this has stopped the preproduction of KOTOR 3 entirely, I can only assume at this very moment that they are indeed making another KOTOR or are atleast going to be making on in the near future.

"The only difference between genius and stupidity is genius has its limits!" - Albert Einstein.


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"When you have exhausted all other possibilities whatever remains, however improbable must be the truth." - Sherlock Holmes (a.k.a. Sir Arthur Conan Dole)


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When Obsidian started on KOTOR:2 they kept it a secret. But they never denied it outright and lied about it.


If Akari says no one is working on KOTOR:3 right this second, I believe him. He was always very honest, and very upfront.


It may be that sometime soon LA pursues a company to do KOTOR:3, but I trust what Akari says.

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My views of Fallout 3 is mine and mine alone. I have came to those views by seeing what type of games Bethesda develops and publishes and compared those differences to previous Fallouts. It doesn't take rocket science to figure out Bethesda is going to make another crap Fallout game like FOT and FOPOS.

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First off Bioware is doing there own freaking IPs.  If you actually read their forums you would already know this.  Also iin case you haven't noticed that KotOR 2 is a bug fiasco.  Let them fixed KotoR2 fully before demanding KotOR 3.  Lastly KotOR 3 was canned, scrapped, killed, and made non-existant in pre-production.  This has already been reported and known.


Before making threads like this I have a tiny suggestion:  KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON BEFORE POSTING CRAP LIKE THIS.


I know I sound harsh and you probably think that I am such a big meany, but I tell it how it is and this is how it is.  Deal with it.


I have two characters files and have played the game on both to the last planet (though not beat it yet) and have yet to encounter a bug. I read no reviews before playing this game(and still haven't since I haven't finished it)so I wouldn't have a reviewer's opinions, qualms, or expectations of the game in the back of my head but I believe many have embellished and exagerated greatly about the bugs in the game.

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I agree. I think people are exaggerating about bugs, or they got bad discs, which is LA's fault. It's not that Obsidian refused to finish the game. When people can play the whole way through and not hit a bug, that means the game is pretty decent.


I can name countless PC releases I've bought that aren't really playable for the first two months until two patches come out.

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"I agree with you but Bioware is very busy"


Nah. Obsidian has 20-30 employees (I think; that might be high) and was working on 2 games at once.


BIO has 200+ employees, and have 3 games; maybe 4 under way with one of those almost done. I'm sure they'd be able to manage another game - if they wanted to.


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