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Apparently because I can add null checking in a module, I am a .NET expert.  I sense my company is desperate for any competency.

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Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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1 hour ago, Malcador said:

Apparently because I can add null checking in a module, I am a .NET expert.  I sense my company is desperate for any competency.


No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering.

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3 minutes ago, majestic said:


People looking to pawn work off on others rather than slog through it.  Is a huge problem on my team, cowardice.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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1 hour ago, Malcador said:

People looking to pawn work off on others rather than slog through it.  Is a huge problem on my team, cowardice.

Nah, I was trying to make a joke on the C# null-coalescing operator, happily ignoring that .NET doesn't necessarily mean C#. :p


No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering.

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58 minutes ago, majestic said:

Nah, I was trying to make a joke on the C# null-coalescing operator, happily ignoring that .NET doesn't necessarily mean C#. :p


Well then you see how much a .NET expert I am ! 😛  Actually did learn that last week, I guess it didn't stick, will have to see if I could have used that somehow.  I'm just glad my code didn't get rejected because my spacing was too much or, God forbid, I put comments.

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Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Amazon Fresh finally works again in my area.  They're often out of stock on "my" stuff but at least when you order you can get a delivery day (usually next day) instead of no slot available at all.  Yay?

Been trying to increase my strength/toning exercise again.  My weight is still fine but past couple years I've totally become a wet noodle re: muscle tone/strength.  Darnit I am so lazy now. 


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“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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The farmers market in Covington has closed for good. Another casualty of Corona. So get this.. my garden is ready for picking. Four and a half acres of various veggies. I have the means to can/freeze/dry preserve about a quarter of it. Usually I sell the surplus in Covington. So I started calling the local food banks to donate the surplus. Can you believe they won't take it? There are three and they all told me the same thing. No fresh produce. Canned or dry goods only. I can't believe people who give away food to people who need it don't want a donation of food! 

The pastor of the Covington Methodist Church is a VFW member. His church makes hot meals at a "community kitchen" for families in town. He was happy to take all the surplus. Some of the kids from the church are coming to help me pick and fill hampers today.  Sunny & Bela are going to LOVE that. They love meeting people. Duke and his wives will need to be locked up. He is NOT friendly to any humans but me.  

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"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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I am a bit surprised to hear a farmer's market is closing. Our local one has been open the whole time, as it is considered essential. It has also been busier than usual, since more people need fresh stuff to cook at home, and the grocery stores have been hit or miss on some goods. Since they are all local vendors, they aren't relying on trucks to deliver stuff. The only real difference is they put down tape lines letting you know which direction to go, how to space out, and everyone is wearing masks.

I was under the impressions local food sources were doing pretty well during this: https://www.npr.org/local/305/2020/03/17/817166724/one-type-of-business-that-s-thriving-during-coronavirus-locally-owned-grocery-stores

edit: Just realized that story was from all the way back in March. How times have changed in two months!

Edited by Hurlshot
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The farmers market is part of the Tipton County flea market. That is what is gone. It was only open on the weekends but two consecutive months of no business was too much I guess. I expect another one will turn up or someone else will take over. But for the moment it's gone. 

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Yeah, they don't generally accept produce for donations as it can be hard to store and keep fresh. That said, if you can contact them far enough in advance then they can probably get a solution in place.

I used to volunteer at a food bank in a small farming town and mostly what they'd do with it is exactly what you did, find a church or shelter or something that can use it more efficiently/effectively.

Edited by ShadySands
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Free games updated 3/4/21

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Those folks went through here today like a swarm of locusts. Everything picked packed and hauled away. I have 12 steel pans full of shelled black eyed peas for canning. Sixty ears of corn to shuck, wash vacuum seal and freeze. Another 100 are in the solar dryer now and will be for two more days. That will be part of my home made chicken feed. 

That is just tonights work load. There is yellow squash & zucchini to prep for freezing, green beans for canning, jalapenos, and vidalia onions too. Work work work

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Wed. evening:  "uh oh, threw out my back again."
Wed. late night: "nope, it's the mysterious other thing (I've had it before a few times) where whole torso front and back is in agony."
Fri: late night: slight fever, slowly walking from garage to bedroom, then ... projectile vomit - that's new, didn't happen other times
Sat. morning:  vomit twice more. Only water. haven't eaten anything since Thurs morning. Think I should eat SOMETHING. Hubby goes and gets me some fruit popsicles, peaches, chicken broth etc.  Threw up watermelon, but manage to keep most of it down, tiny bits.

Sunday(today): Back slightly better, weak from being in bed (think I've lost 5 pounds) belly still flaky but seems like I can eat a bit more. Fever still there. But eating the fruit/soup etc., I suddenly want real food. Hence:

Me: "I want pizza. Most of it will be for you tho"
Hubby: "Like 90% of it?"
Me: "Yes, go fetch."
Hubby: "Anything for you honey."

Pizza is the cure for everything, right? Right.
God, what a horrible weekend.


Edit: I don't know what the torso agony thing is about. I had it 1st time a few years ago (?), and a couple times since.

Edited by LadyCrimson
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“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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2 hours ago, LadyCrimson said:

Wed. evening:  "uh oh, threw out my back again."
Wed. late night: "nope, it's the mysterious other thing (I've had it before a few times) where whole torso front and back is in agony."
Fri: late night: slight fever, slowly walking from garage to bedroom, then ... projectile vomit - that's new, didn't happen other times
Sat. morning:  vomit twice more. Only water. haven't eaten anything since Thurs morning. Think I should eat SOMETHING. Hubby goes and gets me some fruit popsicles, peaches, chicken broth etc.  Threw up watermelon, but manage to keep most of it down, tiny bits.

Sunday(today): Back slightly better, weak from being in bed (think I've lost 5 pounds) belly still flaky but seems like I can eat a bit more. Fever still there. But eating the fruit/soup etc., I suddenly want real food. Hence:

Me: "I want pizza. Most of it will be for you tho"
Hubby: "Like 90% of it?"
Me: "Yes, go fetch."
Hubby: "Anything for you honey."

Pizza is the cure for everything, right? Right.
God, what a horrible weekend.


Edit: I don't know what the torso agony thing is about. I had it 1st time a few years ago (?), and a couple times since.

Did you ever get it checked out before?


Edit; On an unrelated note, my coworker has been trying to get me to go to the gym with her the entire weekend, as much as I hate dissapointing people I also really hate spending money on wasting the little energy I have doing nothing. And the gym is 40km away... >_<

Edited by Azdeus

Civilization, in fact, grows more and more maudlin and hysterical; especially under democracy it tends to degenerate into a mere combat of crazes; the whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary. - H.L. Mencken

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3 hours ago, LadyCrimson said:

Wed. evening:  "uh oh, threw out my back again."
Wed. late night: "nope, it's the mysterious other thing (I've had it before a few times) where whole torso front and back is in agony."
Fri: late night: slight fever, slowly walking from garage to bedroom, then ... projectile vomit - that's new, didn't happen other times
Sat. morning:  vomit twice more. Only water. haven't eaten anything since Thurs morning. Think I should eat SOMETHING. Hubby goes and gets me some fruit popsicles, peaches, chicken broth etc.  Threw up watermelon, but manage to keep most of it down, tiny bits.

Sunday(today): Back slightly better, weak from being in bed (think I've lost 5 pounds) belly still flaky but seems like I can eat a bit more. Fever still there. But eating the fruit/soup etc., I suddenly want real food. Hence:

Me: "I want pizza. Most of it will be for you tho"
Hubby: "Like 90% of it?"
Me: "Yes, go fetch."
Hubby: "Anything for you honey."

Pizza is the cure for everything, right? Right.
God, what a horrible weekend.


Edit: I don't know what the torso agony thing is about. I had it 1st time a few years ago (?), and a couple times since.

Sounds like morning sickness 😛

Seriously reply... get tested for virus?

Could also be food poisoning

Edit: I know from a salmonella survivor, that it supposedly feels like someone is cutting up your intestines with a white hot knife.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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1 hour ago, Azdeus said:

Did you ever get it checked out before?

No, not that specific thing. I've had too many times with weird symptoms and docs where they either like to remove things that didn't need removing or after a round of humiliating tests just go "dunno" and give antibiotics. I generally don't go to docs unless I feel like I'm not getting at all better after 4-5 days or there's some very severe symptoms (vomiting blood, for example). If the vomiting hadn't decreased I would've tried to go on Mon (covid-19 makes it harder to see a doc now tho...)

It's probably related to the catch all phrase of irritable bowel syndrome tho. If you look that up there's 70 bajillion things that can be related to that so who the heck knows. That's why they took out my appendix at 17 when I had severe abdominal cramps and white cell count, and then said "maybe irritable bowel syndrome".  😛

Edit: follow up: I had two very small slices of pizza (I was STUFFED) and kept it down. Success! Real food! Best pizza ever!

Edited by LadyCrimson
“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Just got home a little while ago from my shift.  I can't say that I don't sometimes get discouraged but, by the mass, I'm very happy working as a nurse.  Despite the maxim that nurses eat their young, people have been kind to me as I've found my speed.  Being on the one hand new and on the other hand highly motivated due to the age at which I took this journey, I tend to go out of my way to do stuff.  I'd be cynical and say that I'll stop, but I've acted this way pretty much my adult life, so there's a good chance I might temper my enthusiasm, but not really ditch it.  Anyway, I had a repeat patient last night.  I've had a couple of patients commend me to the charge and whatnot, which is cool, but this one got choked up and said that he liked it when I was on shift because he felt much better when I was around.  I know, too sappy by far, but it's still great.  It makes up for having to reuse PPE because the supplies are still entirely screwed up for the time being.  We already have at least two, and I think three, people out with the 'Rona. ...And this is a relatively small hospital.

As an aside, my wife *loathes* it when I call it "the 'Rona."  hehehe

"Not for the sake of much time..."

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Got really sick last night and am man-flued out right now. Pretty sure my son picked something up from daycare and is sharing it with us. MiL and my wife are slightly afraid it's that one virus making the rounds but unless you can get it twice then I'm fairly sure it's not. MiL has a slight fever too so we're watching that.

Free games updated 3/4/21

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Just ending a long weekend here in Canuck-land. Grieving the death of one of our Canadian Snowbirds and grateful for the many ways in which the curve is flattening in my context ...

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The universe is change;
your life is what our thoughts make it
- Marcus Aurelius (161)


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@ShadySands  Hope you and everyone stay well/get better soon. Eat pizza the miracle cure! ;)

@Fionavar  *net searches*  That is so sad.  Condolences to their families.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Have a raccoon interloper on my deck, so luckily I have some ammonia to deploy in hopes to keeping him away.  For some reason people in this city find these vermin cute and treat them like a mascot.  Toronto is indeed full of morons.  Generally a lot of wildlife showing up more with everyone indoors more often, in my area though it's generally wino trash rather than coyotes.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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GM; "Sorry guys, no RPG today, my GF only slept two hours. We'll play the last bit of the written adventure tomorrow instead and end early, around 22!"

Me;"I can't play tomorrow, I've got to be up at 4:30"

GM; "No problem, we'll finish without you"



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Civilization, in fact, grows more and more maudlin and hysterical; especially under democracy it tends to degenerate into a mere combat of crazes; the whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary. - H.L. Mencken

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I just finished fertilizing and turning the soil in the garden.  I'm going to let it rest until august then plant the fall garden. But with no farmers market it will only be a 1/2 acre. 

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"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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