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Help me understand PC vs console


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i have broadly speaking gamed on consoles through the years with a few computer gaming. i lately got a new computer which i've started gambling on after no longer having a modern-day console for some years (xbox 360) turned into my last).

why are desktops touted as better than console? i thought the brand new consoles were pretty powerful and that i preferred that i failed to ought to worry about if my console ought to run a positive sport.

do high end pcs simply placed out plenty higher graphics? my laptop is virtually mid variety and i have been a touch amazed at what people spend on their rigs.

i used to simplest buy used video games, but it looks like new laptop video games are inexpensive that is excellent. of direction, i'm never sure if i'm shopping for the proper model of a recreation with all of the dlc stuff to be had. continually worried i'll see a definitely good deal and become shopping for dlc that i don't have the sport for.

simply seeking to apprehend all of the variations! thanks!

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The gap used to be a lot bigger between consoles and top-end PC's. But it's always been a bit of a functionality issue. I need a PC for a lot of non-gaming needs, but I really only need a console for one purpose. Plus there still tends to be more titles available and at better prices on the PC than the consoles. Some games play better with mouse and keyboard as well, and those are awkward tools to use on your couch.

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50 minutes ago, Hurlshot said:

The gap used to be a lot bigger between consoles and top-end PC's.

I still think the gap is a lot bigger for top end-PC's. The amount of graphic/textures vs. resolution vs. FPS and other such things is still large. What I notice most is more limited FoV's, more blurred backgrounds, use of a lot lower textures in near to middle distances in order to increase performance, and inability to even reach a steady 60fps without stutter, frame pacing, and whatever else issues. No I am not talking about using console-4k options, even just in 1080.

This does not mean consoles can't/don't look good. Many don't care about hi-res textures and some even like blurring effects (which often hide lower textures as side effect).

The next gen of consoles (not too far away I suppose) will close the gap more and hopefully will be able to reach a smooth 60fps in modern/new games.

The main (gaming) difference tho is generally about graphics and high-end performance especially at high resolutions.
You can buy gaming laptops that are very good these days, but they are still lesser than the same-named parts of actual desktop parts, and much less upgradable and thus likely more of an expense long-run, having to be replaced wholesale more often (if you want to keep up with newest/latest games over years).

If one isn't picky about fps, textures, Ultra graphics or performance considerations at 4k, and doesn't play games where wanting a lot of mods is a factor, there is nothing wrong with consoles and again, next gen will up the ante once more as well.

The whole "PC vs. Console" thing re: gaming is silly in this day and age. Just use what fits your style/life/comfort and budget.


Edit: or do what I/some of do, and have both. I like having "high-end" PC rigs for applications and a lot of gaming, but at this point having a console for certain games or when I want to couch-lounge is cool too.


Edited by LadyCrimson
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“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I prefer using a PC with keyboard and mouse and all the extra stuff you can do with mods and what not on a PC... however I also really enjoy sitting back on my sofa and playing on a console with a big TV. and not just being sat upright at a desk. Also my PS4(original) always sounds like it's going to take off into orbit when I try play most of the games which is really annoying.

PC's are more for enthusiasts rather than casuals. There is nothing wrong with being casual... It's called casual for a reason, because you're not that invested or bothered. In fact I put a lot of effort into making a PC and i've barely used it over the years, i've been on my Switch and PS4 more.


Edit: I remember a funny quote comparing the two saying "It's like comparing a car to a bus, in what way is a car better than a bus?"

Edited by daven
Extra line


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I also prefer the keyboard and mouse, though I do play sports games with a controller, and the freedom to easily tinker with the game files and even the PC. I'm not against consoles (exclusive loving console fans are another story) but I've never been one to veg out on the couch, and my computer chair is quite comfy, so that aspect of consoles has never appealed to me. Pretty much everything I want to play comes out on PC and I'm not going to buy a console for one or two games as even my favorite sports games are on PC.


We had to edit configuration files to get our games to run and we liked it!

But seriously, that early tinkering is what led me to my lifelong love of tech and a decent career.

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Free games updated 3/4/21

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I am able to make mods on pc. Can't do that on a console. That's also why I loath anything game streaming, because streaming automatically means you can't make mods for games, duh.

Edited by Lexx
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"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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I appreciate and occasionally use a console now, but for years and years, my biggest reason for being a PC gamer 99% of my life is feeling like I have more control over graphic settings, troubleshooting/fixes if the game is glitchy, when to patch a game, and other such things. I wasn't huge into mods although I have used some with a few games ofc. But PC gaming I felt less at the mercy of "it works or it doesn't" since you could try all kinds of things or "hacks" or other players would make user-patches if the dev's didn't, that sort of thing.

I just liked feeling like I had more overall options on PC. It's a little different now with digital installs and enforced patching but the options aspect is still much higher.

I'm a huge KB/mouse fan too, it's just arthritis/age makes it less and less comfortable.

People have preferences for one reason or another - or they may like to use both for the different options each has - there is no "better."  :)

Edited by LadyCrimson
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“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Backwards compatibility, from DOS to Win 10, I can just about play all the games. It's rare a week passes by that I don't play something on DOS-box ;)


Civilization, in fact, grows more and more maudlin and hysterical; especially under democracy it tends to degenerate into a mere combat of crazes; the whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary. - H.L. Mencken

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On 12/3/2019 at 4:24 PM, LadyCrimson said:

I still think the gap is a lot bigger for top end-PC's. The amount of graphic/textures vs. resolution vs. FPS and other such things is still large.

This.  Trying playing Metro Exodus on a Xbox One X and then trying it on a 2080 ti,  ouch for consoles.

Anyway I don't think PC gaming is "better", it's certainly expensive and definitely worth it in the long run and once you know how assemble components yourself it's a blast.  It's just most console gamers don't really care about that stuff and just wanna play something with their buddies and derp around and don't really put much mental stock in hardware components and their relation to performance.

And then you got those pc gamers that have general knowledge of hardware but don't have the aptitude or desire to keep it up to date and are happy playing old stuff or new stuff with old stuff system requirements.

I find that the former and latter tend to get along great, as they are both minimalists and probably in the upper double digit IQ range.

Again not saying it's "better" just different, as people with triple digit IQs and enough disposable cash tend to refine their hobbies to a certain ideal.

Edited by ComradeMaster
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You can absolutely get a PC which will run games better (60+ FPS) in a higher resolution, with higher quality graphics. However, there will be a drastic difference in price. Whenever I am eyeing a new PC, an estimated price seems to hang around £1000, not including accessories, and that’s aiming at 1080p.  

Outside performance I like PC for its flexibility: my personal favourite genres play best with mouse and keyboard, which easily makes it the best pick for myself. But you can plug into it whatever you want - joystick, fighting sticks, driving wheels, etc. And you have a massive backlog of games to play. Add to that modding. 

in addition, even with weaker machines you have an option to tweak graphic settings, which is a blessing. Frame rate is important to me, and I am happy to sacrifice resolution, postprocessing or effects for smooth 60FPS.

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A decent PC with (close to) modern componets will provide better performance but cost at least 2.5x more than a console (which run for around $300) for high end PCs you're looking at over 1k for the GPU alone. If you don't have the money because wages are stagnant and landlords and repugnant leeches, you're probably not going to see much difference or at least not enough to justify the higher price point between a console and a PC you can reasonably afford tbh.

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Honestly, mods.  That's the main thing for me.


Well, that, and trying to actually aim with a controller is pretty much impossible for me.  I've considered getting a PS4, because there are some games that I'd like to play, but there's no way I could play most of them (Bloodborne being the one I could play) with a controller.  I'm not opposed to controllers (I use them for some games that play better with a controller) but since I didn't grow up using them, trying to use them for anything that requires speed and accuracy just isn't something I can do (honestly, I'd probably have better luck with a joystick, and it's been years since I've used one of those.)

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I was kb+m only gamer back before I got my trusty xbox. I'm still a pc gamer, but I like how some games are now open to me because I now own quality joystick.

I considered purchasing Switch, but I can hardly justify that since it cost lot of money - like low end laptop, even thought it's not popular console here.

So I totally understand poorer gamers who can only play on pc with kb+m or those older gamers - it took me time to get used to some moves with joystick.

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