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[4.1.2 MAJOR BUG] Broken core mechanic: Afflictions not supressable/not removable by inspirations



edit - this post has been edited to clarify the nature of this bug. For any devs, please do skim this thread, angry posts aside, due to the many examples being given. there are many interactions with afflictions that appear to be just fundamentally broken now, such as counters, suppression, resistance interaction, or weakness interaction. I do provide a dropbox link and output_save for a specific such case in this post.


edit 2 - a more complete summary of the rest of this thread i posted on page three, but i'll re-quote here:

it's a little more complciated then that. i forget if it was mentioned here or i mentioned in a direct message to someone else, but inspirations will still counter the affliction if the debuff is solely the affliction. (I've been able to counter some afflictions in my current run like this)


if, however, the debuff has more than just the affliction (like another affliction e.g. spreading plague is both hobbled and weakened) or has extra effects (like xaurip skirmisher poison is both a paralyze and a damage-over-time) what appears to happen is that dispelling an affliction just transfers the characteristics of that affliction to the remaining parts of the debuff. it's such a weird bug.


and then, not to mention that suppression effects don't work at all for hostile effects, and there's a lot of weirdness with weaknesses and resistances going on (e.g. fugue spores' confusion being resisted by giant cave grub, who should be weak to intellect afflictions). also i've seen very weird behavior with charm and dominate.



original post:

I thought this was just limited to Suppress Affliction, but it's not.


Just now, Tekehu got hit by a debuff (Putrid Blast) that both sickened and immobilized him. That's fine, his AI script is set up to use his shapeshift (which grants dexterity immunity) when he has a dexterity affliction. It dispelled the immobilized. But he still can't move. In fact, when I try to move, the game erroneously claims that the remaining Sickened affliction is the reason why he can't move:




Given that I'm also a software engineer, I try to be patient and understanding about bugs that crop up because I know they're a fact of life, but seriously, what the hell is going on that these kinds of regressions are occurring. This is especially alarming given that the game is pretty much approaching end-of-life for support if not with the next patch to bring turn-based mode out of beta, then soon after that.


Dropbox link to output_log and save: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kbocdfa6ag9vejf/AAAqIQSwvXVwQ6ktHld7Qzcia?dl=0

Edited by thelee
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sorry didnt follow the thread for quite some time. does suppress affliction affects all hostile abilities?


if so please find my saved game. i use the suppress affliction ring and it doesnt seems to suppress the whitewind though.



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So not sure this is the same, or if it was a nerf somewhere with Charmed and Dominated, or if I am just confused on the mechanic, but when fighting Fampyr's can't remove Dominated with another dominated when I used to be able too (I think).  It's strange because I loaded a save awhile back and tried to test, and it worked correctly, but just had it happen again.  It could be that charmed gets removed but dominated doesn't??  Any insight would be helpful, and if it sounds like a bug thought I would share a save:



“How do you 'accidentally' kill a nobleman in his own mansion?"

"With a knife in the chest. Or, rather, a pair of knives in the chest...”

The Final Empire, Mistborn Trilogy

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It is strange I was just doing some tests - I was able to use it like normal today - was able to take back control of my character from Dominated / Charmed, but I am not making it up that it hasn't worked too - I literally had two dominated effects on a character at one time, or at least that is what the target effects popup window listed, you know the one when you mouse over the character in combat - one dominated from a Vampire and one from Serafan as a Cipher using Puppet Master, but the dominated character stayed as an enemy.  When doing some tests today it worked like normal.  I know it happened inside the crypt so going to see if can recreate - tried to recreate during the final fight with Menzaggo, but it was behaving normally.

“How do you 'accidentally' kill a nobleman in his own mansion?"

"With a knife in the chest. Or, rather, a pair of knives in the chest...”

The Final Empire, Mistborn Trilogy

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Hey everyone!


Just an update to let you know that the QA team was able to pin this down and the issue has gotten a fix for the next patch(coming soon).  It is currently undergoing testing to make sure everything is the way it should be and that it doesn't break something else.


Thanks again for all the help!

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Hey everyone!


Just an update to let you know that the QA team was able to pin this down and the issue has gotten a fix for the next patch(coming soon).  It is currently undergoing testing to make sure everything is the way it should be and that it doesn't break something else.


Thanks again for all the help!


was this the bug holding up the patch or is there still a bug out there holding up the next patch

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Hey everyone!


Just an update to let you know that the QA team was able to pin this down and the issue has gotten a fix for the next patch(coming soon).  It is currently undergoing testing to make sure everything is the way it should be and that it doesn't break something else.


Thanks again for all the help!

Praise be to the gods!

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Sweet!  Can't wait for the patch, kind of interested in the turn-based mode for sure!!
Well not that it matters ... but! I was finally able to re-create the dominated not being negated with a friendly dominated ... go figure.
Well, anyway here is the save - it seemed to only happen in certain locations for me - in this instance the Crypt Interior at Splintered Reef, but for instance not at the final battle against Menzaggo, my earlier save.  Here is a save before the Crypt Interior and I even took a screenshot:



“How do you 'accidentally' kill a nobleman in his own mansion?"

"With a knife in the chest. Or, rather, a pair of knives in the chest...”

The Final Empire, Mistborn Trilogy

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On 3/9/2019 at 6:15 AM, thelee said:

edit - this post has been edited to clarify the nature of this bug. For any devs, please do skim this thread, angry posts aside, due to the many examples being given. there are many interactions with afflictions that appear to be just fundamentally broken now, such as counters, suppression, resistance interaction, or weakness interaction. I do provide a dropbox link and output_save for a specific such case in this post.


edit 2 - a more complete summary of the rest of this thread i posted on page three, but i'll re-quote here:




original post:

I thought this was just limited to Suppress Affliction, but it's not.


Just now, Tekehu got hit by a debuff (Putrid Blast) that both sickened and immobilized him. That's fine, his AI script is set up to use his shapeshift (which grants dexterity immunity) when he has a dexterity affliction. It dispelled the immobilized. But he still can't move. In fact, when I try to move, the game erroneously claims that the remaining Sickened affliction is the reason why he can't move:




Given that I'm also a software engineer, I try to be patient and understanding about bugs that crop up because I know they're a fact of life, but seriously, what the hell is going on that these kinds of regressions are occurring. This is especially alarming given that the game is pretty much approaching end-of-life for support if not with the next patch to bring turn-based mode out of beta, then soon after that.


Dropbox link to output_log and save: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kbocdfa6ag9vejf/AAAqIQSwvXVwQ6ktHld7Qzcia?dl=0

According to Gamepedia, dazed = enemy can't engage, for me it is broken because even if dazed, they continue to attack us source = https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Status_effects_(Deadfire)
I am a bit disappointed with a lot of wizard controls spells, like "confusion", in POE "confusion was a must have, but in Deadfire most wizard crowd control spells don't work...

Pillars of Eternity PS4 - RPG fan - Native language French, so please forgive my poor English speaking ...

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Can't engage doesn't mean can't attack. It just means their target can run away from them without having to eat a disengagement attack for it.

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Out With The Good: The mod for tidying up your Deadfire combat tooltip.
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Deadfire skill check catalogue right here!

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