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[Bug 4.0] Arcane Archer not scaling as expected



My understanding is that the Arcane Archer imbue effects should benefit from PL scaling similarly to spells.  For imbue missiles I think that means .5 missile per PL and .25 PEN per PL.  So if I'm PL 6 that should mean +2.5 (aka 2) missiles and +1.25 PEN.   I'm seeing the additional missiles (I get 5), but not the additional PEN (it only shows a PEN of 7, which is the base).  This seems like a potential bug, but I wanted to be sure I understood how it was intended to work.

Edited by TheWeaver
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The same thing is true with Imbue Fireball BTW.  It gets no benefit from scaling that I can see.


As a test I created a lvl 16 Geomancer (AA/No-sub).  Casting Fireball I see:


PEN = 9.8 (7 base, 1 Ability Level, .8 PL, +1 Scion of Flame)

ACC = 76 (20 base, 4 Per, 45 Level, 4 Ability Level, 3 PL)


Now if I use Imbue FB, I see:


PEN = 8 (7 base, 1 SoF)

ACC = 83 (20 base, 4 Per, 45 Level, 14 AA)


So no scaling whatsoever.  Based on the fact that Imbue:FB is a PL 4 power I would have expected at least .5 PEN and 2 ACC -- (aka just the PL scaling -- I have never known what the "ability level" scaling is, though the imbues never get that either).


I assume that the base damage scaling isn't occurring, though I don't know how to check that.  I've attached screen shots from the 2 attacks with the information I know how to get from the UI.









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One more test which I think confirms that this is bugged in some fashion.  If I empower Imbue:Missiles or Imbue:Fireball then I get the expected result.  Not only do I see the increased PEN and ACC from the empower (+5 PL), I also see the "missing" PL from my own PL (so the net result acts as +10 PL on Imbue:Missiles).  This means that when empowered the Imbue variants act just like the empowered versions of the spells.


The odd thing is that that increased PEN and ACC from the empower are reported as "Imbue:Missiles" (or FB) and *not* as "Ranger Power Level".  OTOH when empowering a spell the increased PEN and ACC are just folded into "Wizard Power Level".  This makes me suspect that somehow the Imbue powers have their own category and that the Ranger's PL isn't being counted when not empowered.


I've attached screen shots of both cases.


Out of curiosity I also tested with a Nature Godlike -- the +1 PL from Wellspring of Life again only impacts the missile count and nothing else.


Anyway, this definitely seems like a bug -- Obsidian??



Edited by TheWeaver
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Hey Boeroer,


Yea, this one didn't make it into the upcoming patch.  The only news at the moment is that they do indeed see the problem and that it is still being investigated to see whats causing it.  I'll keep you updated once the status of the bug changes :)


Thanks for reaching out!

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Yeah -- saw that, but given it was 2 weeks old I thought maybe that referred to the beta patch before the release (which clearly had things added to it).


Don't want to be a pain, but I also would really like to play the sub-class (same thing goes for Forbidden Fist which right now is even more deeply broken).

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Guess it's time to scrap my Arcane Archer play through, then.

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1 hour ago, AndreaColombo said:

Guess it's time to scrap my Arcane Archer play through, then.

Take your time. Seems like easy 'one button' fix. I will look closer and test it on weekend and, if successful, we include this fix in our Community Patch.

                    "PowerLevelScaling": {
                        "ScalingType": "Default",
                        "BaseLevel": 0,
                        "LevelIncrement": 1,
                        "MaxLevel": 0,
                        "DamageAdjustment": 1,
                        "DurationAdjustment": 1,
                        "BounceCountAdjustment": 0,
                        "ProjectileCountAdjustment": 0,
                        "AccuracyAdjustment": 0,
                        "PenetrationAdjustment": 0 - THIS

Just give me full list of abilities you want to fix. Fireball... and something else?

Edited by Phenomenum
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