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favorite and least favorite god(s) in deadfire?

Favorite/least favorite god(s)?   

197 members have voted

  1. 1. Which god did yo like the most

  2. 2. Which did you dislike the most

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Voted for Nemnok because he is the only god with quest with real player agency, disliked everyone else because of annoying interludes I have to mash 11111 to skip that don't matter ****.

Edited by Shadenuat
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Berath hands down. But all things related to her in the endings are so depressing I am completely turned off from supporting her/him/it.

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Emissary Tar: At last, someone who looks like they could be of some assistance! The assorted boobs and dimwits around here have been of very little help.
Charname: I’m afraid you have mistaken us for someone else. I’m Dimwit, this is my good friend Boob, and behind me you’ll find Brainless and Moron. How do you do? 


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To be honest, I think Wael's appearance would be much improved if he didn't have the ridiculous cheshire cat grin. :getlost:


I dunno. Is it really just the grin? I think the weird babylike voice weirded me out more.


I mean, a grin can work. I like to think of Wael as a more grounded version of Warhammer's Tzeentch, and that guy is all about disturbing smiles:





Edited by Skazz
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Oh ****! We are the Engwithans.

Do we get to choose which god we become part of? I'm holding out for Wael.



 It depends on the sum total of your social media posts. If you tweet about how resentful you are, Skaen. Write on facebook about how you feel so much benevolence that you need to oppress the monsters who are less benevolent, Hylea. Angry about people posting your picture on Snapchat? Wael




i had to step back from facebook entirely, as i wasted just about all my time with those little games... where your friends list becomes your vampire army, pirate armada, undead army, mafia family, undead samurai army, etc. what's that make me? woedica?

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Yesterday, upon the stair, I met a man who wasn't there. He wasn't there again today, I wish, I wish he'd go away... -Hughes Mearns

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The fact that there are 2 votes for Woedica as best god, I get. Some sort of a femdom cult thing? Lingering Oswald-hatred? 
The fact that there are 2 votes for Abydon as worst, I absolutely cannot even. Golembro is Kith and Kin's best bud. 

The fact that Skaen has more supporters than Ondra is frankly hilarious. Ngati certainly didn't choose this. 

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Magran's fire casts light in Dark Places...

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I didn't vote on like morality but more on how much I enjoyed them as characters so if I had enjoyed how they handled woedica i'd certainly have voted for her. Tho tbh I was not a big fan of what they did with her in this game, she was very one dimensional and her involvment seems to ignore everything she did in the last game.

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Oh ****! We are the Engwithans.

Do we get to choose which god we become part of? I'm holding out for Wael.



 It depends on the sum total of your social media posts. If you tweet about how resentful you are, Skaen. Write on facebook about how you feel so much benevolence that you need to oppress the monsters who are less benevolent, Hylea. Angry about people posting your picture on Snapchat? Wael




i had to step back from facebook entirely, as i wasted just about all my time with those little games... where your friends list becomes your vampire army, pirate armada, undead army, mafia family, undead samurai army, etc. what's that make me? woedica?




 Sure, as long as all of your (facebook) minions yearn for the day when you come back and rule over them again. (And, it's fine to just assume that they all do, for the purposes of this exercise).

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Liked Wael.  Because Wael gotta Wael.


Disliked Woedica.  She reminds me of a crabby great-aunt that insisted she single-handedly supported the family back when and demands you obey her out of gratitude.  When in reality, she did #$%^-all and just made everything up.

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Eothas is best god for potentially destroying other gods, who are all parasites feeding off kith so they can play with action figures or impede progress to make themselves more powerful. Skaen is the worst because he's ultimately a scab, he'll talk a big game about ****ing the masters over but will go straight to bootlicking his master. Nemnock was too easy, maybe if he does GOMAD he can be a god.

"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

"you're a damned filthy lying robot and you deserve to die and burn in hell." - Bartimaeus

"Without individual thinking you can't notice the plot holes." - InsaneCommander

"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

"You are calling my taste crap." -Hurlshort

"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

"Don't forget the wakame, dumbass" -Keyrock

"Are you trolling or just being inadvertently nonsensical?' -Pidesco

"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

"I refuse to buy from non-woke businesses" - HoonDing

"feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth

"Melkathi is known to be an overly critical grumpy person" - Melkathi

"Oddly enough Sanderson was a lot more direct despite being a Mormon" - Zoraptor

"I found it greatly disturbing to scroll through my cartoon's halfing selection of genitalias." - Wormerine

"I love cheese despite the pain and carnage." - ShadySands

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Galawain and Bereth, because the both directly help you. 


Galawain gives you an edge in the fire dragon fight, largely in thanks to you actually doing as he asked in the first game. I don't know if this has any real stats behind it, but just the fact that he marks the prey at all and in an almost friendly way tells you not to become complacent won me over. Also; even back in Pillars 1, he seemed to be one of the few gods who really gave a crap about the world, not his personal power. 


In fact, he seems to be one of the only ones to really remember your loyalty in POE 1. I was left wondering why Abydon never so much as said thanks for that whole White March thing....


Bereth too directly helps by giving you super powers. I had a big grin when I reached the Nekitaka docks. She sees some random jerks harassing my party, and so gives us the power to spook the living crap out of them. Not a power I -needed- by a long shot, but it was a sign that she was watching over, and actually interested in our well being to an extent. 

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i still can't figure out how 6 people hated nemnok? that just seems completely alien to me... well, i guess as a god he was sort of hateable, but still.

Yesterday, upon the stair, I met a man who wasn't there. He wasn't there again today, I wish, I wish he'd go away... -Hughes Mearns

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i still can't figure out how 6 people hated nemnok? that just seems completely alien to me... well, i guess as a god he was sort of hateable, but still.


I feel sorry for anyone who hates Nemnok more than any of the others xD


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Eothas was dank and I really liked his voice acting. I like Abydon and Hylea too. The three of them seem to be the most altruistic gods.


Magran is a ****. Skaen is a ****. Ondra is the worst. She was the worst in WM2 and she's the worst in Deadfire.


I think the gods are all well written though. I don't think there was too much interaction with the gods especially on account of all that you have done to them in the past, as well as being an agent of Berath.

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I actually really wanted to make a thread just about Eothas.  Eothas is really interesting to me.  When I played the first PoE, I loved the kind, optimistic, forgiving, redemption type of mythology around Eothas.  Compared to most of the other gods, he seemed to genuinely care about kith and ethics in general.  When I slowly realized that he had actually died in a permanent sense, and things like the Council of Stars hit that home (his symbol was basically gone when the others lit up), it was a gut punch.


So seeing him actually in Pillars of Eternity II was awesome, and seeing what he was actually like moreso.  Because he is a kind, benevolent god that cares about the kith and right and wrong, but he's also kind of a twisted, more messed up and human version of what you'd assume and expect.  He recognizes the pain and damage he causes, and the serious risk that he's dooming all of life, but he's still 100% ready to accept the sacrifice of unwilling participants for what he thinks is everyone's (eventual) benefit.


I liked Eothas the most because while what he's doing is ****ed up, the actions are understandable and believable and his character isn't a bad person (you could argue a good person), but is absolutely doing bad things to try and fix something else.  There are elements of his story that remind me of when a main character makes a "difficult choice" that kills a lot of people for the seeming sake of a greater good.


Super cool character, I loved the writing for him, and I'm really glad we actually got to see him in the series.

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Ha! I can definitely see why. For me, it was cool to see something that felt more "real" and complicated, but it is disappointing (not writing quality wise, in-story wise).  Like one's assumptions would be that he's better than that.

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Looking back, I realize it was too much to hope that we'd get an exploration of the conflict between consequentialism (via the other gods/Engwithans) and deontology (via Eothas). Ah well. There's always fanfic.

Edited by Tarlonniel
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I didn't like Wael as much this time around.  In the first one, I though of Wael as the god of secrets and revelations.  Wael creates mysteries so that people can follow the mysteries and learn more.  So in Pillars 1, scattering the souls was an act of insurrection; this would inspire people to look for what happened to the souls, which would in turn lead them to secrets about the Gods / Engwithans.  This seemed to fit with his book behavior; rather than destroying a book, you hide it for others to find.


In Pillars 2, his behavior was far more callow, and focused on maintaining secrets.  If he was just focused on secrets, there's little difference between him and Ondra.

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I didn't like Wael as much this time around.  In the first one, I though of Wael as the god of secrets and revelations.  Wael creates mysteries so that people can follow the mysteries and learn more. 


Wael does say it in one of the final conversations with the gods that if there are no mysteries left in the world, there will be nothing to inspire kith to search and learn more, and that is what worries him. It's easy to miss among all of his whiny "But muh secrets!" lines, but it's there. It seems he is also one of the three gods that support the decision to inspire the kith. He doesn't speak for it, but his portrait is there in the ending slide along with Abydon's and Hylea's. 

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