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  1. I am a player of Grounded and I am very interested in this food system update, but I found that there are many fly in the ointment: 1. I think we can add some food modeling mods, which will make the food more attractive 2. I hope to increase the table, or the action of eating, so that the player can be more immersed in the game experience. 3. Since the overall game is designed in the context of children's summer camps and outdoor activities, I hope to increase the emphasis on the food system.
  2. After the today's update my recent savegames (mostyly autosaves and quicksaves) do not work. The game backtracks to main menu showing info that it rejected the process to prevent my savegame from corruption. Where can I find my saves? I would like to do a copy of them. I see that you moved them from %appdata% :/
  3. I have seen many posts praising new factions and there is a lot to like in there. All four of them are well developed, with detailed backstory and with multiple representations throughout the Deadfire. Each of them have a companion to represent them and have a lengthy chain of well designed quests. How Deadfire handles its factions is in many ways similar to New Vegas. The political scene of Deadifire makes up the majority of games content and choosing with whom the player will ally with (if at all) is probably the most important choice in the game. Who will become your antagonist depends on that choice. That’s right, while Eothas might be the one who starts you on your journey, it is the fight before you confront him, which is the true resolution of this games conflict. It is a big deal – you face a major faction representative, with whom, most likely, you interacted for the big chunk of the game and you will have to kill one of the companions who traveled with you for tenths of hours (or from what I understand: you should have to. In my personal playthrough I managed to not kill said companion by now talking to her after making my faction choice, From what I have heard others a just as easy to exploit). Unfortunately, it doesn’t feel nearly as impactful as I am making it sound like and, as I believe, it should be. While there is a pretty elaborate combat sequence before reaching Ukaizo it isn’t quite the same as charging the enemy in the battle for the Hoover Dam in New Vegas. The final confrontation with the faction leader feels more like an afterthought, rather than a climax – perhaps it might be redeemed with a better difficulty, but personally I feel there is just not enough buildup to really allow this moment to properly pay off. However, I think that the weakness of this finale comes from fairly inconsequential faction and relationship system. In New Vegas the conflict between factions was active and present everywhere you went and you were part of it. The choices you made throughout the game – both following certain quest paths and by making mechanical choices (like killing members of certain faction) influenced your standing with various faction in both story and gameplay. This lead to said faction responding: either granting you access to their hideouts and helping you in wilderness or becoming unfriendly and later hostile and even sending bounties after you. Choices you made throughout the game actively allied you with certain faction, making the finale the result of your entire journey, rather than a single choice. While Deadfire has means to achieve a similar effect, it never utilizes it. While many of the quests will force you to favour one faction over the other, I didn’t notice my choices being reflected in the faction system. The following screenshot is taken from my “on the crossroads save” – all of the sidecontent completed with only the final choice and Ukaizo left to complete. How is my standing with all of the factions so high, in spite of my actions hurting some of them? I made a lot of choices against Royal Deadfire Company and yet, none of it is reflected. Only Principi ended up at “mixed” though outside one or two token reactivity in conversations it had little effect on my interactions with them. Even better, here is my standing after making the choice: allying with Valians, blowing up RDC’s powder reserves and lying to the Queen (while RDC might have been unaware of my actions, queen wasn’t). Nothing has changed. While hand crafted content might not support such flexibility, a worldmap is a perfect space to react to your choices – unsatisfied faction trying to raid your ship, you raiding faction ships affecting their reputation, friendly ships coming to your aid, ambushes in the city etc. Unfortunately, world map is static and shares no connection with the rest of the game, even though many ship claim to represent one of the four factions. Similar problems can be seen among companions – before and after the choice: I didn’t go out of my way to appease all of my companions. And yet as a character who didn’t respect the Gods, was fairly unsupportive to RTC and vocally supportive of Valians, trade and animancy I didn’t step on anyones toes. As a matter of fact, I was pairing companions with opposite worldviews (Pallegina+Maia, Takehu+Maia, Serafim+Pallegina) and yet I didn’t see any disagreement there. Your choice of faction should have repercussions earlier in the game and get reactions from both companions and factions. The final choice should be a natural extension of the previous adventure and not artificial “which ending slide do you prefer” choice, it is right now. It is probably unrealistic as expansions are planned already, but what I would much like to see is an expansion which would focus on core mechanics of the game. I feel that the way faction and companions interact with each other is in need of a major overhaul to make the story that is already in the game effective.
  4. MINIMALE : Système d'exploitation : Windows Vista 64-bit or newer Processeur : Intel Core i3-2100T @ 2.50 GHz / AMD Phenom II X3 B73 Mémoire vive : 4 GB de mémoire Graphiques : ATI Radeon HD 4850 or NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT Espace disque : 14 GB d'espace disque disponible Carte son : DirectX Compatible Sound Card RECOMMANDÉE : Système d'exploitation : Windows Vista 64-bit or newer Processeur : Intel Core i5-2400 @ 3.10 GHz / AMD Phenom II X6 1100T Mémoire vive : 8 GB de mémoire Graphiques : Radeon HD 7700 or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570 Espace disque : 14 GB d'espace disque disponible Carte son : DirectX Compatible Sound Card THIS IS HAPPENING ! EDIT : I just checked, for Pillars I - You needed to Download about 12 GB (11,9 specificaly), but Disk Space Required was about 25 ~ 26 GB. I don't know if it takes The White March - Part I & II, into account though... Anyway, this "14 GB Free Space" information may just be the "Download of the Game" (Could even just be an estimation, & is not accurate at all). So who knows what Deadfire's full size will be in the end. So many Questions... Is this the week we'll hear about the Backer Beta ? Surely hope it is.
  5. Just pre-ordered the game a bit ago and while I was already going to do it regardless of my system (a laptop, yeah...I know) in order to support Obsidian and for more games like this to be made, I am a bit worried if I can even play it. For reference I was able to play POE1 the whole way through expansions included and the only slow down was during a cutscene right before the final boss fight. The loading times however were atrocious though. I'll post my system specs here if it helps: Processor: Intel® Pentium® CPU N3540 2.16GHz RAM: 8,00GB GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 920M Disk Space is not a problem i have almost free 440GB in my HDD
  6. Hey you bunch of affable gamers, Our update is now live! To gain access to the Backer Beta, visit this (Forum Link) for step by step instructions. This is a Beta and will most definitely contain a few issues. Please report any issues you find here (Forum Link). Backer Beta Builds where and when? Mac: Steam and GoG are live now Win: Steam and GoG are live now Linux: Steam and GoG are live now We have some pretty hefty patch notes for you. Below you will find; New Content, System Changes, Bug Fixes, and Known Issues. NEW CONTENT Prepatch (Build 4) saves are not compatible and will not be available in the Save/Load Menu with this patch (Build 21). We are still ironing out some save/load issues on our end and don't want you all to run into unnecessary issues. A new uncharted Island - A new island has been added to the world map. Custom Party AI - Our complete AI system will be available. This system still has some rough edges but should be functional. Hit it and tell us what you think. Mac/Linux versions both on GoG and Steam - These builds are very 'fresh' with many unexplored pieces. We would love some feedback/bugs on these. Walk Toggle - The long awaited walk toggle has been added. RP your hearts out J SYSTEM CHANGES We listened closely to all of your feedback over the past month, and are rolling out some changes to improve gameplay. Injuries: Updated Injuries so that only some Injury types will reduce Max Health. When they do, they'll reduce it by 15%, rather than 25%. Players will still die when gaining their 4th Injury, even if none of the Injuries they have reduce MaxHealth. Here are the Injuries that affect MaxHealth: Fatigued Frail Major Injury Critical Injury Maimed Severe Wound Here are the Injuries that don't: Acute Rash Bruised Ribs Concussion Frostbite Burned Smashed Hands Sprained Wrist Swollen Eye System Shock Twisted Ankle Wrenched Knee Wrenched Shoulder Interrupt: Modified a couple of abilities whose primary purpose is to interrupt targets, so that they will Interrupt on Graze or better, rather than Hit or better. This affects the following abilities: Fighter: Knockdown and Mule Kick Monk: Force of Anguish, Wave of Force, and Skyward Kick Ranger: Concussive Shot and Concussive Tranquilizer Rogue: Sap and Perplexing Sap Other interrupt abilities `either always hit, or applied an Affliction and so already got a benefit for a Graze. They still require the character to have Grazes from another source (Fighter Confident Aim, Aware Inspiration, etc.) Movement: Reducing movement speeds to 85% of their previous amount. Attributes: In Pillars 1 and Deadfire (now), the Might and Resolve attributes affect the following: Might - All Damage, All Healing, Fortitude Defense Resolve - Concentration (Pillars 1 only), Deflection Defense, Will Defense Players have noted the following over the past few years: If you're a caster, there's often not much reason to invest in Resolve (especially in Deadfire). From a *~ roleplaying ~* perspective, it feels weird to have muscley wizards casting high damage fireballs because they can bench 350 lbs. So we are making these changes for the next Backer Beta build: Strength - All Weapon Damage, Fortitude Defense Resolve - All Healing, All Spell Damage, Deflection Defense, Will Defense For ease of use, "Weapon Damage" means anything that's an equipped weapon, from a sword to a bow to a gun to Kalakoth's Minor Blights. This also means there's a benefit to making a high-Strength wizard (i.e., being a psycho melee "gish" wizard). Spells: Slow cast spells will use the Fast (2s base) recovery time instead of Average (3s base). The Very Slow cast spells (typically summons) will now use the Very Fast (1s base) recovery time. Penetration: Modified the Penetration system slightly, along with how Penetration displays in the mouse-over tooltip in combat. When your Penetration is below the target's Armor, there is now a gradual reduction in damage. The current values are (and may be tweaked as we play with them a bit): -1 Pen = 75% Damage -2 Pen = 50% Damage -3 or more Pen = 25% Damage It's still 100% damage up until you are at double Pen, and then 130% damage from there. Along with this change, Penetration will now ONLY display on the combat tooltip when you are either BELOW Pen, or you don't yet know the target's Armor value for the damage type you'll deal. Attack Speed: Updated the attack speed of most 1H weapons to use an Average (3s) recovery time, instead of Fast (previously 1s). Fast recovery times are now 2s, rather than 1s. The overall result of these changes is that combat will have a slower pace as recovery times for 1H weapons is increased. Here are the 1H weapons that will have a Fast (2s) recovery time. All other 1H weapons are Average recovery: Stiletto Hatchet Dagger Rapier Club Flail Monk Fists As part of this change, we also looked at the overall damage ranges of weapons, with the goal of making 2H weapons a viable choice compared to 1H weapons. Recovery: Base recovery time for a Slow recovery attack is now 4s, instead of 5s. Very slow is now 7s instead of 8s. More importantly, we updated the recovery penalty from armor, as follows: 20%: Light Armor (Leather, Hide, Padded) 35%: Medium Armor (Scale, Breastplate, Mail) 55%: Heavy Armor (Brigandine, Plate) Graze: All attacks can inherently Graze. We updated the Aware Inspiration to grant 50% Graze to Hit conversion, and fighter Confident Aim also grants 50% Graze to Hit (meaning Fighters who have both will hit a lot more). Grazing will reduce damage and status effect / affliction duration by 50%. We might consider having graze downgrade Tier 3 & Tier 2 afflictions, like an inherent Resistance. Rogue: Rogue Escape ability. It now costs 1 Guile to use (previously it was 2). It is no longer removed when you choose Shadow Step/Shadowing Beyond, but it is a requirement in order to gain either of those abilities.Ranger: Ranger abilities Wounding Shot, Accurate Wounding Shot, Hobbling Shot, Concussive Shot, Concussive Tranquilizer, and Stunning Shots will now work with melee weapon attacks.Priest: Priests will now receive an automatic spell when they reach every new Power Level. For a single-class Priest, that's at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 16, and 19. Updated Priests so that they no longer lose access to spells based on type. IE: Eothas Priests no longer lose access to Protection spells. Fighter: Mule Kick is now a standalone ability, not a Knock Down upgrade. It requires Knock Down to learn, but doesn't replace it. It now does bonus damage and will Disorient the target, and will cost 3 points to use.Ranger: Wounding Shot - Since Wounding Shot and its upgrades were reduced to 1 point, tuned down the bonus Raw damage a bit. Marked Prey - As with Sworn Enemy, Marked Prey will now work correctly w/ ranged & AoE attacks. Paladin: Paladin Orders like Priests, players were required to pick a Paladin Order during character creation. We've removed the drawbacks from picking the various Orders. Lay on Hands -Greater Lay on Hands and Hands of Light are no longer upgrades to Lay on Hands. They require Lay on Hands, but do not replace it. Their effects remain the same. Sworn Enemy - has been updated to work correctly with ranged & AoE attacks BUG FIXES Thanks to all you wonderful gamers providing tons of feedback/bugs. We spent this past month addressing as many of it as we could; here are some of the highlights. General Issues: (FIXED) Mild to severe drop in frame rate on first load. We are still in the process of optimizing our game. (FIXED) Some machines may crash on a black screen on first 'New Game' (FIXED) A few different creatures (Imp, Beetle, etc..) are missing audio (FIXED) Some NPCs will have abilities that activate after each transition (FIXED) Party will spawn halfway below the ground after destroying the Adra Pillar in Poko Kohara Class Specific: (FIXED) Chanter phrase count is not updating after Save/Load (FIXED) Multiclass Barbarian/Priest (Shaman) lose passives (FIXED) Wizard/Druid/Priest 'aggressive' AI preset will mainly auto attack (FIXED) Mercenary Wizard is currently listed as a dwarf and gains 'Hale and Hardy' but visually is a Human UI: (FIXED) Some menus are cut off in certain resolutions (FIXED) All tooltips regarding Action Speed, Recovery Time, and Reload Time are incorrect (Don't trust them) (FIXED) HUD elements may flicker/phase out of existence after a save/load cycle (FIXED) Adra Pillar in Poko Kohara disappears after Save/Load (FIXED) Player character portrait doesn't fill red to show damage after Save/Load (FIXED) Loading Error that kicks to the Main Menu transitioning after Save/Load Spells and Abilities: (FIXED) Spell Levels in Ability Trees and Grimoires do not match (FIXED) Bull's Will Passive can be obtained twice for Multiclass Players Miscellaneous: (FIXED) Off screen Character Position Portraits all display the 5th slot party member (FIXED) Animation controller issue with Blights and Spores. If you Knock Down/Up either of these enemies they will be put into a bad state and combat will not end. (FIXED) Players can obtain infinite money or debt by buying hammer and chisels from Vektor Combat: (FIXED) Mule Kick makes enemies untargettable and stuck in combat (FIXED) Enemies sometimes duplicate on save/load (FIXED) Weapon Recovery speeds are inconsistent (FIXED) Skeleton Sorcerers attack themselves in Poko Kohara (FIXED) Weapon Focus Barbarian ability is combat only (Currently being worked on) (FIXED) Kith (humanoid) enemies will sometimes attack themselves KNOWN ISSUES IN THE CURRENT BACKER BETA These issues are still a priority for us, but there is only so much time in a day and we didn't want to keep you all waiting any longer. All Platforms: Mercenary Priest level up summary has much larger text than other characters Items can be duplicated in rest menu 'Broodmother's Fury' Loading an autosave before starting the quest will block the quest from turn in at end Some machines may crash when quitting to the Main Menu from within the game The Game doesn't boot in native resolution after installation Ranger 'Ghostheart' summoned spirit companions will sometimes blend into the background Chanter will not have audio for their abilities (Chants or invocations) Linux: Loading a save outside of Tikawara and returning to Tikawara will open Character Creation Encounter between Ravine and Tikawara reappears New Game takes forever to launch character creation Mac: Crash when loading an encounter autosave from a different scene New Game takes forever to launch character creation
  7. I hope we'll have a great Spell System, similar to what was done in Tyranny. Also from Tyranny, the whole "Cooldown Ability" thing was good aswell. & what about this :
  8. The Torment:ToN video showed off a movement/animation system using irregular speed and inertia. ("improved on PoE technology, or something like that) Maybe not for combat, but for just moving around, I would really love to see that being traded back to PoE. PoE's animations are fine, they do the job, but they look robotic and especially compared to Torment's movement, they just hurts the eyes a bit. I understand in RtWP combat these would change the mechanics too much, but for out of combat movement, they'd be wonderful to have. It's super late in development, I realize that. But, perhaps it could be applied as a patch after release. Thoughts?
  9. Obsidian has said that they are going to separate out combat and non-combat skills, so that the same resources are not spent on both. This has lead to some cheering... ...as well as some concern. The concern seems to chiefly come from those people who, at first glance, you would assume would be happy about non-combat skills getting to not be overshadowed by combat skills. I know I was. But it became clear - one cause for worry was the possibility that there'd be no way to make a more non-combat oriented character (or a more combat oriented one, for that matter.) And this makes a kind of sense - that is a possibility, that the character creation becomes so cookie cutter as to be "choose you weapon style, choose your source of power, chose your non-combat skill" generic of a template where the choices are different but the characters are essentially identical sized and shaped lollipops of different colors and flavors. Many players want to have one character a lollipop, but maybe another a tootsie pop, and mayber a third a popsicle... eh, let's abandon that metaphor. The question remains - will players be able to make a more non-combat oriented character now that you can't spend the resources put aside for combat on non-combat? Now this is potentially (in my mind likely) a non-issue - Obsidian will design a great system and we'll all love it. Unless their intent is for combat and non-combat to always play equally. And maybe that's still the problem, especially in getting to design your own character. Balance, I'd argue, is important. Any race or class or combination of such should have the same maximum potential - you don't want one class choice to be gimped as compared to another. Some RP'ers who aren't trying to "win the game at all costs" won't care that their RP choice is not the most effective on a spreadsheet via statistics. But many players will be concerned, and this should be a worry - hence balance. Again, any race or class or combination of such should have the same maximum potential... and I'd argue the same minimum potential. But there's this whole range inbetween for players to customize their character, where you can make purposeful (for challenge or for RP) "less effective" choices. And inside of this thought process I found one (of I'm sure many) potential solution to the concerns of those worried about the dividing of resources into combat and non-combat skills. (yes, here's the point I'm getting to) When creating your character, regardless of race or class, one part of your shaping process could be chosing if your character is combat oriented, skill (what I'm going to call non-combat from this point forward) oriented, or balanced. Think of this like have a choice of one of three traits at creation, a la the Fallout series. If you choose the combat oriented trait, you get fewer skill points but more combat points (however Obsidian is going to divide up those abilities). Your character is now better at fighting but less good at the not-killing-things, not-absorbing-damage. And figure your thief or mage or cleric (or whatever classes) abilities are similarly divided into "fighting abilities" and "non-fighting abilities" for the sake of this discussion. If you choose the skill orientend trait, you get more skill points but fewer combat points (basically the reverse of combat oriented.) And, clearly, chosing the balance (or maybe default or no trait) will keep the distribution of those resources at the base, normal, average level as considered in the game world and mechanics. These traits could even simply be a few of the options in a Fallout style trait mechanic overall, in fact. Well... would this solve those concerns, and would you like this idea implemented (or at least something like it)?
  10. I love the look of Infinity Engine games, but will it run right on newer systems ?? http://en.wikipedia....Infinity_Engine I bought BALDUR'S GATE 2 COMPLETE @ http://www.gog.com/ the game won't run right on my new system. System specs : DEll 30" 2560 x1900 6970 x2 Crossfire 16 gigs ram ssd drive and harddrives win 7 pro 64-bit AMD 6-core Processor
  11. This was a popular topic in these forums back when Obsidian asked "If we (theoretically) did a Kickstarter, what would you like to see"? There were some great ideas there, but many of them were prohibitively expensive or impossible to implement. This is just idle speculating for fun, but if possible I would like to see something new - i.e. not MMO/Dragon Age style cooldowns or D&D memorized slots. My own ideal (probably totally over-ambitious) magic system should affect the lore, and exist/be useful outside of combat. Something that bothered me with D&D - if you could manipulate wind, why could you only do one specific thing like "create a gust of wind"? If you could do that, you should also be able to caress someone with a light wind at low levels, blow away toxic clouds, extinguish candles create a strong gust that pushes a hostile away (or sweeps the street if spring cleaning) / do a smaller focused air punch to knock people out or break small objects at mid levels keep a sailing ship moving / thicken air to slow down projectiles, hold someone still, or slow down a fall / fling heavy items at high levels Have such power and control that you can fly / create an impassable field / sharpen the air to a killing edge / strangle someone at a distance / blast down walls / pick locks with ease at epic levels. Magicians at epic levels would be feared or revered, a leader and a target for assassinations. When characters level up, they can choose to deepen an understanding of a domain (air, life, demonology, mind...), invest more points into power or finesse for a known domain, or put it in stats to get more stamina. Casting spells drain stamina (or mana), so all spellcasting would be like sorcerers in D&D. You can risk casting higher levels spells than you are normally capable of or you have stamina left for - force-casting. This carries a high risk of knocking the spellcaster out, and/or physically damaging them. High level and really strong willed characters can choose to force-cast something that is likely to kill them, which can be useful both in combat as a dramatic cut-scene event.
  12. I didn't found anything solid about this topic, so here it goes: What do you think abut profession systems? I think I would want some kind of professions in the game like alchemy, first aids, herbalism or even engineering. It would be nice if: We need to do something to get better without implying repetitive tasks. We can have custom recipes. We can read books to actually learn some (few) of the recipes, having to take out the recipe after reading the book to a custom recipe. We can collect things (items, medals, flavor items) from them. We need to explore deeply to get the best rewards from them. We can benefit from them in dialogues and / or in the battlefield. It would be awesome if them allows us to have an exclusive assistant or some sort of companion / pet. I like having professions in the game; they add to the game a new level of progression and mix some of the responsibilities from some classes with new ones that won't fit a class system at all. They are rewarding and give a motto for those explorer players. What do you think?
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