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Found 16 results

  1. This has happened a few times in the game. This one was especially notable because it happened with three companions at once toward the end game, where I would expect new dialogue to pop up. Companions will get the speech bubble, suggesting they have new dialogue/want to talk to you about something, but when you click on it or talk to them, you only see the preexisting dialogue choices. In this case, I: Arrived at Ukaizo, exhausted dialogue with the Guardian of Ukaizo, defeated him, then went to Grand Promenade. When I got there, Xoti, Eder, and Aloth had speech bubbles pop up, but when I talked to any of them, it only showed dialogue I had already seen. Imgur link goes to a couple pictures showing the issue: https://imgur.com/a/XAQqLZQ I have attached the system specs from dxdiag.exe, the output log, and what should be a save from right after I beat the Guardian of Ukaizo - in the harbor. If you go to Grand Promenade after you load the file, this issue should happen for you too. I had to compress it in to a zip file and put it on Dropbox because of the total size. Please let me know if there's any issue with opening/extracting them! Or if I'm supposed to do something else. https://www.dropbox.com/s/mecg4vagz0lqsrl/Error%20Zip.zip?dl=0 Thank you!!
  2. My ongoing peeve with Reputation gain (i.e. the pre-defined meaning and intention of conversation options) vs what I actually intended the option to mean. Currently, in PoE(2), the reputation system is, as in most (all?) other games, static. You choose Conversation Option A, and it has already been given a meaning by the writers/devs, no matter what meaning you and your PC may put in it. Example: In BoW, I convinced Neriscyrlas to find respite and release herself to the Void. My PC (paladin, dimplomatic, good) took this direction with the best intentions, since there's no option to release Neris to the Wheel (that I could find). But after playing the same dialogue sequence with Reptutations in conversations turned on, I found that this was in fact the "Cruel" option! Why? Why would this me more cruel than killing her? Well, sure, you're telling her that she's already dead and have been living an utter pointless existence for centuries, but is that really cruel? It wasn't for me, until I played it with the pre-set meaning of conversation options releaved. What I think would solve this problem, is a way to change the Reputation, i.e. the intention of conversation opotions. The example I just gave could just as well have been Honest, or even Benevolent (a peaceful solution), which was the way "I" meant it. These static "choices" breaks the immersion, restricts your ability to RP the character the way you envisioned it. You want to RP? Well, I as my character would have said this, but according to the rep-gain my character must say that in order to be aligned with the reputation-mechanic-RP aspect, if you catch my drift. You'll end up with having to pick choices just to align with the "correct" rep gains, or choose the "wrong" convo/rep options to align with what you would say, thus ending up with an ingame-personality that does not reflect your RP. Am I making sense? So, please, in PoE3, look into the possibility of being able to change the Reputation, i.e. intention/meaning of certain conversation options. E.g. dropdown for [chose your intention], where it makes sense, where you can select between a few options. I think that this would make the RP aspects of the game a whole lot more rewarding, since you can be much more dynamic in the way you approach conversations. Again, this is not something particular to PoE2, but PoE 1 and 2 are the RPGs I've spent the most time playing and enjoyed. Also, I do think that the PoE devs are more receptible to suggestions than, say, Dragon Age devs would be (simply due to the more corporate, top-down nature of how Bioware/DA is managed).
  3. Just a suggestion, can we please have an option to press a button and advance the npc text quicker. I read far quicker than the text advances. This is available on every other game of this type. As much as I enjoy the game, this is killing it for me !
  4. In Tyranny, when you have a conversation with companions and most NPCs, instead of the static portrait for companions you have in PoE1, you'd see a window showing the companion or NPC doing various gestures. I'm just curious if PoE2 will have that neat feature as it deepens the immersion (though you guys already do it quite well with the descriptions). Then again, I understand that PoE2 is going to be much, MUCH larger in size and scope than Tyranny (which was a joint project between Obsidian and Paradox), so, the assets needed would be much larger and there would be many more interactions than there are in Tyranny. Of course, I'd be totally fine without that since you guys do a good job of it with descriptions already. I just thought that it would be a cool thing to have with the more dynamic and evolving interactions PoE2 is going to have. edit2: I saw a suggestions thread back a bit, maybe I could post in there actually, or could have in the first place.
  5. We all know POE have good graphics and characters and that the conversations feel a little empty outside the textbox. I suggest to zoom the camera to the character who is speaking at that moment. This would center the action on the speaking character and also, zooming the character, showing his details and most important creating a stronger bound player/character. This is something lacks in POE + WM that I think woul be a great addition to POE dynamism.
  6. This is a very minor bug concerning the first conversation with Kana. the steps to reproduce it are: 1) Go and talk to Kana the first time you see him before entering Caed Nua. Don't invite him to your team. 2) Rest? 3) Kill Maerwald. 4) Talk to Kana again. Kana will treat you as if you just met, telling you again about the book. Whatever marked the first conversation had taken place seems to have been resetted after killing Maerwald. I am not sure whether resting or not made any difference. I rested twice between talking to Kana the first time and killing Maerwald. Here is the savegame: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/35717124/SaveGame.zip
  7. Description: When the party enters the Abbey of the Fallen Moon and Maneha is in the party, the dialogue bubble appears on her portrait. The Player can talk to her. As soon as the party starts moving, the same conversation starts automatically again. Steps to reproduce: 1. Have Maneha in the party. 2. Enter the Abbey of the Fallen Moon area. 3. Notice the speech bubble on Maneha's portrait. 4. Talk to Maneha and go through the conversation. 5. Move the party anywhere in the same area. 6. Maneha initiates the same conversation with the player. Expected behavior: Maneha shouldn't initiate the conversation if the player has already had this conversation with her.
  8. Only for sleep ,hiring, buying stuffs? how about dine party or something ,make drinks and foods necessary in some circumstances,May even open some quests, dialogues when parties gather together . that could be fun
  9. HI, I seem to have a, mostly cosmetic, issue. When I try to talk to Eder about Eothas, the [Eothas] option is bugging out. (I am an Eothas priest). In the list of conversation options, the special [Eothas] option says: *Missing companion_cv_eder_hub2 87* The option still seems to function correctly. If I click on it, everything continues as normal. Its just the conversation option description itself that seems buggy. Pic and output.txt attached. Save game was too big. output_log_txt.zip
  10. I got 4 BUGS/PROBLEMS: 1.- Can start the White March missions, cause I can't talk with the steward Like: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/81328-cannot-speak-to-the-steward-to-begin-durgans-batter/?hl=steward 2.- Eder keeps wait for talking, but already chosed all options in our conversation 3.- If I respec my character, Savage Attack, keeps available without any need to pick it. And if i choose it during lvl up, i got 2 savage attack available. 4.- The loads time are hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorrible.... Here are the files: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/275k5smif9tnpxc/AADj1vH1AErQUMLlozRIlTSJa?dl=0
  11. I was listening NPC conversation in gilded vale near windmill, then suddenly freeze. i tried to restart but the freeze still. take a look at this: http://prntscr.com/85jkyy any idea how to repair it?
  12. Does the food buff timer keep ticking during dialogue conversation? (in case someone says, "why not just test it yourself?" I want the answer to get indexed, SEO baby!)
  13. She says she'll help me find Thaos, but I'm pretty sure I had never even heard of Thaos in the game until that moment. Full dialogue: On that note, does anyone else think that the pacing for certain characters' "bonding" with you is a little off? I mean I had barely met Sagani a day ago and she's already going on about how I'm doing so much for her.
  14. Very impressive, first off. Very awesome dialogue screen. By my count, the nine dialogue options boil down to this: - 3 regular responses - 5 stat responses - 1 multi-stat response (this blows my mind and makes me so, so happy) I'm going to assume that the three regulars all flow into the same reaction (plus Athletics), but what about the other five? We know that there will/can be up to twelve responses for one screen, but how many of those are just for flavor? Those five are all stat-based, so I'm a bit cautious. I'm going to assume Intelligence and Perception flow into one peaceful response. If I may, what is the ratio of Flavor responses vs. Actual ones?
  15. Lying is important. In Planescape, it was common that two or three of the dialogue options one had was marked with [Lie]. You could lie about many things, not simply quest things like "Did Leandro steal my things?" but lying about personal beliefs, intentions, etc. I've seen other RPGs incorporate lying, but only P:T would have the same identical lines available, one marked with [Lie] and the other without. I also understand it would be hard work to incorporate it into the game world, but the ability to spread false rumours, create arbitrary conflicts, and in general get factions, organizations and people into hostilities with each other would simply be... terrific. I don't think I've seen this in any game before, but it was an immensely important tool in the noble's power struggles, historically. To depict a power struggle without giving room to lies is a mistake. When is it appropriate for lying to require a successful die roll? Discussion and answers to poll appreciated. Does anybody have examples of when lies have been overused, or badly used, in game before? I'm sure there must be some examples to heed.
  16. While playing NWN2 I noticed that: the clock was running on buffs during cutscenes and long conversations there was no option to have anyone other than the player character do the talking for the party I'm hopeful that these issues might be addressed in P:E. It would be very helpful for the timer to stop during conversations and cutscenes so that our preparations don't go to waste. Also, being able to designate someone other than the PC as the party mouthpiece would an excellent option. Fragile wizards and sneaky rogues have no business taking the lead when dealing with hostile parties unless we can maintain our party formations during cutscenes and conversations. Protecting the P:E equivalent of D&D d4 and d6 characters behind a line of high-hitpoint melee types just makes sense as they're not able to shrug off a beat-down very readily, especially the d4 types. So, Obsidian, please enable us to designate a mouthpiece or maintain our combat formation unless there's a uniquely coreographed encounter taking place that mandates otherwise.
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