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  1. For the next game, I think that the known characters of our group should be divided into two groups: Those who accompany you to the battle in your travels, and those who stay at your base, and give you advice. Among those who accompany you, you should see Maia, Pallegina and Durance. (Apart from the new colleagues you meet during the new adventure.) And among those who are at your base and talk to them from time to time, I would put Aloth, Eder, Fassina, Ydwin, Kana and Hiravias. (Oh, and also our dear Vela) What is your opinion?
  2. This is not a post mirror. im just adding here for other playes the cheats to change companion classes in order for it to be registered in the forum. Thanks to boerer for the help! EXAMPLES: comp classes setclasslevel companion<hit tab until Konstanten pops up> Barbarian 8 true player classes setclasslevel player<hit tab> paladin 8 true SetClasslevel <companion_name> <base_class_name> <level> true and then SetSubclass <companion_name> <base_class_name> <subclass_name> I think (?) you don't have to remove/add the lvl-0 abilites manually but maybe you have to. This is done with the AddAbility player<hit tab> <abilityname> and RemoveAbility commands.
  3. When I added Ellie to my party I switched her out for Vicar Max. He had a nice set of armor and the new science weapon I just acquired. Since he had the highest science stat I let him use it. When I sent him back to the ship I discovered his stats had been reset and his equipment had been lost. I just lost 1 the unique science weapons 8 hours in to the game. There’s no going back and no way to get it again. WTF. I also had to level him back up. I have 2 of his starting guns and his starting clothes too now... also Max is always in the med bay on groundbreaker where I picked up Ellie. A few more hours in and Vicar max has reset himself again for no reason I can tell. Back to no stats and all the gear I gave him are gone again. Wow how frustrating.
  4. I’m having problems with Max- I’ve done The Illustrated Manual and the main quest line in Edgewater, and he keeps saying he’ll meet me on my ship but he never actually does. I have already finished the Roseway Quests and still nothing. I keep going back to Edgewater but he never gets on my ship even when he says he’s going to. I’m playing on th switch and I’m not sure if that’s causing the glitch or if it’s something else. Is anyone else having this problem? Please help me, I really want him to join my crew.
  5. Let's talk about our man, SAM. I like SAM, I feel like I'd like him alot more if he was able to be upgraded. So this is a general discussion for everyone to include what they'd like to see. Personally I'd Like to see a SAM side quest or companion mission where you find out where he's from, and maybe even find some schematics that allows for more upgrades? I'd also like to see some kind of compliment of new weapons, maybe something with a shoulder, or a new arm gun to say the least.
  6. after a long time i noticed ydwin dissapeared, probably died during pirate fight. is there any way to revive her? maybe through the console or some mod ? is her name still "Companion_Ydwin(Clone)" ? AddToParty Companion_Ydwin(Clone) does not work. any way to revive ydwin ?
  7. This has happened a few times in the game. This one was especially notable because it happened with three companions at once toward the end game, where I would expect new dialogue to pop up. Companions will get the speech bubble, suggesting they have new dialogue/want to talk to you about something, but when you click on it or talk to them, you only see the preexisting dialogue choices. In this case, I: Arrived at Ukaizo, exhausted dialogue with the Guardian of Ukaizo, defeated him, then went to Grand Promenade. When I got there, Xoti, Eder, and Aloth had speech bubbles pop up, but when I talked to any of them, it only showed dialogue I had already seen. Imgur link goes to a couple pictures showing the issue: https://imgur.com/a/XAQqLZQ I have attached the system specs from dxdiag.exe, the output log, and what should be a save from right after I beat the Guardian of Ukaizo - in the harbor. If you go to Grand Promenade after you load the file, this issue should happen for you too. I had to compress it in to a zip file and put it on Dropbox because of the total size. Please let me know if there's any issue with opening/extracting them! Or if I'm supposed to do something else. https://www.dropbox.com/s/mecg4vagz0lqsrl/Error%20Zip.zip?dl=0 Thank you!!
  8. I already played and finished the first PoE. But in my playtrough, Kana died -somehow- early. And I didn't care him, cuz my party did not need a chanter. Even I like his personality, I don't know anything about his story. So, I am curious about him and his background. And his relationship with Maia -his sister in the second game- is a mystery to me. All answers are welcome. Thank you all.
  9. Hi. The mod and inventory screen sometimes don't show bright squares even if mods are installed and why is there no filter to sort by damage/armor when equipping companions? It's hard to find the strongest/best weapons fast.
  10. I equipped a new leather helmet with medicine +3 for Nyoka which had medicine listed in skills but it does not show the +3 in brackets. It works for sneaking with armor. But why not with helmet stats?
  11. So I’m on the Groundbreaker after finishing a mission and as I am leaving I hear this lady (Ellie) in the medical bay complaining about something or whatnot, so I talk to her and start the ”Worst Contact” Mission but before I went ahead I told my current companion (Parvati) to go back to the ship since I figured I didn't need her then I set off to go to that hidden entrance to the restricted area of the medical bay thinking the id cartridge was back there also but no it was in the nonrestricted area as a found out later but I thought I could sneak past the guard and get it but they caught me and I had to kill them which lower my reputation which I didn't want so I went to a previous autosave so I could do it with getting the id cartridge fist then going past them but here's the problem: when I loaded back in I noticed the Parvati’s character model was there want this was after I dismissed her but there she was. I couldn't interact with her and she had the original outfit she has at the beginning of the game. I didn't think too much of it I've seen this happen before in other games but I'll tell you why I made this when it comes up anyway I finish the mission and go back the Ellie and Parvati is still standing there just the way I described before but I still don't this much of it (besides the fact that it's still there) and I go the Ellie and finish the mission and recruit her and we go my ship and I go around the ship to see where Ellie would be and before that happens I see Parvati doing her usual thing but in the same outfit from the beginning of the instead of what I gave her so I go to see whats in her inventory and there's nothing. So that's the problem and I wouldn't as upset about it if she didn't have the prismatic hammer which isn't replaceable. Now the only save I have before this happened was 6 hour prior so I was hoping to find a way to fix this or at least get the hammer back without doing 6 hours worth of stuff I already did and if not then tell me. The video was a save I went back to before I finished the mission so that I could show what was going on with Parvati. The second video is showing everything that was reverted back Including her skills. 59927233842__DAD3E270-B302-4F3D-9341-4DD519AC2ED2.MOV 59927196644__2F9038AE-40FC-4F02-8B20-83974F2B1ED8.MOV
  12. So the recent patch just came out and I got it installed. However, as soon as I went back to talk to Parvati to get the "Don't Bite the Sun" quest, it immediately fails and says she died. I thought that was fixed in the patch?
  13. I throw myself in front of every enemy and bullet to protect these retards, who rush headlong into bullets with 2% health. I try to heal them by spamming my Inhaler, to give them the paltry 35%, but healing isn't enough when they refuse to take cover. Is there any reason not to just take the Lone Wolf perk and ignore these bullet cushions? Why are they in the game, if they're going to die 5 minutes after I meet them? Maybe put a recovery timer on the Supernova difficulty so that I don't have to fast travel back to the ship and save after every fight, on the off chance Shi* for Brains decides it's time to die. Thanks for taking the time to read! Lifelong Obsidian fan. *EDITED FOR THE ASSUMING READER" 60 Leadership, Melee focused roll. Bonus HP, Armor perks on all companions Parvatti has 32 Armor battle suit, 32 Armor helm. Sam cannot have be equipped with more armor. Adjusted all behavior to max range, use ranged only weapons, defensive. Am I playing to your satisfaction yet? ffs.
  14. Spoilers for Parvati questline So I'm playing on Hard difficulty (NOT Supernova), and my Parvati Quest "Don't Bite The Sun" has been marked as botched while on the step "Give Parvati the Food", and the reason for it in the quest description says "Parvati was killed." Parvati can't die since I'm not playing on Supernova. Furthermore, she is in my party 95% of the time including right this very moment. She's alive and well. But the quest is botched. How this appears to have happened is: I had just gotten done doing the portion of the questline in Cascadia where you get the candy or whatever it is for her date. I had gotten back on my ship, flew to Groundbreaker, and after the loading screen to go into Groundbreaker I noticed Parvati was missing. I searched around, gave movement/follow commands... Nothing. But my other companion (Ellie at the time) was still there. Then, I suddenly hear Parvati screaming in the distance, I get a "quest botched" notification and a few seconds go by, then poof she's back with me like normal. I speak to her and she proceeds to give em dialog that continues the questline, saying she wants to buy clothes on Byzantium. So SHE is proceeding the quest like normal. But it's still marked as botched. Strangely, I was able to go to Byzantium, purchase the clothes, and send Parvati on her date... But it was a really strange occurence.
  15. Not sure if this has happened to others or not, but when attempting to do the companion quest for Felix, Friendship's Due, i'm having a slight "issue". I'm supposed to meet up with an NPC on Emerald Vale, but upon coming within 110m-160m the quest suddenly updates from "Confront Trask" to "Collect Trask's Ring". Upon getting to where Trask is located, I find him dead, and with several of those dog type enemies directly next too him. It appears that they're either A) spawning on top of him, killing him, and then dying to his Outlaw buddies around him. Or B) since I never came to this area prior, the enemies in it have not de-spawned, and thus once he spawns in from me being close enough, draws aggro and dies. I've reloaded my save multiple times, waited for the day/night cycles to pass, and yet nothing works. If anyone else has encountered this bug, and has a solution to it, please let me know. I want to talk with him and find alternate ways to complete the quest aside from having to kill him. Thank you for your time.
  16. If you decommission S.A.M., is there a way to get him back?
  17. Since initially talking to Junlei Tennyson in the Groundbreaker, Parvati will no longer engage in any combat. She just continues to walk around whilst in combat, doing the barks of "that's the last of them" etc, but not fighting. I've returned to the ship, reloaded a previous save, taken just Felix on a mission then rotating Parvati again all with no luck. I really like her as a companion and want to keep using her, but she's useless currently - What can I do? Playing on PS4.
  18. Accidentally dismissed Felix, I want him back is that possible?
  19. When I went to talk to Harlow I got the option to say that I had already killed Trask which wasn't true. I looked him up and went to where she should have been and only found his body. My guess is that he was killed by canids (those were nearby) and the game registered him as being killed by me. Looking at a walkthrough, apparently Trask was supposed to give me the location of some papers but I can't access the papers because he didn't tell me where they were. Now the only way to complete the quest is to just kill Harlow, but I don't want to do that.
  20. I dismissed Parvati from my crew and now I regret it and want her to come back. Where can I find her if it is even possible to have her rejoin? I looked in her workshop and what I think is her house and haven't been able to find her. Thanks
  21. Hey everyone, I am currently running a assassin/Blood mage on POTD with AI up scaled. I wanted to use Pallegina and originally planned to use https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1400804034 as her build. although this looks like a solid build, I can not help but think I should go with her as a herald mainly because I read that she would be putting out great passive hp healing and was not sure if that would mesh better with my class. I will provide the rest of my party comp. I just picked up Pallegina so only lvl 7 currently and this is the farthest I have been in poe2 as I was burnt out at launch after playing 120hrs on hard in poe1 Current Party comp *MC -assassin/Blood mage -I use blood sacrifice "A LOT" to control what spells I wish to continue to use. I also use concelhaut's corrosive siphon as a form of gaining health alot as well when im having issues either with running low on hp pots or xoti is running low on healing casts. *Eder -swashbuckler - and pretty much tank atm..... using lost sinners build as well as it looked solid https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1398100119 *Xoti - Priest - currently only party heals and support. I am also not sure I want to keep her if another "better" healer comes up. *Aloth - Wizard - also using lost sinners build for aloth https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1406080663 I mainly wanted advice on Pallegina but I am also looking on input on my other companions and what might mesh well with what I got pre planned here for my party. Thanks for the help. Updated: I have received alot of pointers toward using her as a herald. Any builds for her would be appreciated. Also the recommendation to get Tekehu and swap him out with aloth and go with Pallegina as a crusader is up for debate.
  22. So I just recently finished my first playthrough of Deadfire and am looking forward to getting the DLC and playing through it again. However, I had two endings that really bothered me. The first is due to a bug where Pallegina leaves me for absolutely no reason, but I've already reported them. The second, however, bothers me 100% more, because I could have changed it. So. I romance Maia and max out her relationship, but her ending slide results in the "Dishonorable Discharge" ending which ultimately ruined my Watcher's relationship. My question is, is there a way to side with the Principi (Furrante) AND get the ending where Maia remains in the Navy, but she is convinced what they are doing is wrong? Any help would be dope. Thank you.
  23. Am I the only one who hated the slow motion kill cams for companions back in New Vegas? I felt like it kept taking me out of the immersive experience and just ended up annoying me every single time it triggered. Especially when you are aiming down your sights trying to focus on something just to have the camera suddenly switch to a time wasting slow motion kill cam (usually not a great camera shot either) of an expressionless companion firing their gun (why do I need to see this?), and once the camera returned, your character wouldn't even be facing the same direction as you were before the terrible kill cam triggered. This forced me to not take companions with me, it was an unfortunate way to have to play the game. Obsidian, please remove this feature from The Outer Worlds, or at the very least add a toggle in the options menu to turn off companion kill cams. Interrupting a player from playing the game, especially in the heat of battle, just to watch a companion kill cam is and always has been a terrible terrible idea. For all of you who disagree with me and for some reason really like these kill cams that's why a toggle in the options menu would be best. Make everyone happy. Add a toggle. Please. Thank you.
  24. Just saw that Maia's dialogue triggers even if she is not in party and was wondering if there is a way to replicate this behavior This commands from this list sound related, but i am an ignorant on the matter and may have nothing to do with it Void PartyMemberToActiveParty(Guid) Void SetCompanionConversationsEnabled(Boolean) Void TriggerTopic(Guid, Guid, Guid, Boolean) If no with this, any other way?
  25. After switching my companions in a bar, or after getting a new companion (Mirke, in my case), the new companion that is being switched in spawns way off the screen, and can't reach the door to exit with the team, requiring a reset:
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