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About lv100shuckle

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  1. Hey! Just wanted to follow up on this by saying, when I finished the game, it did indeed tell me that "Parvati did not survive the adventure" even tho she was with me when I finished the game.
  2. Spoilers for Parvati questline So I'm playing on Hard difficulty (NOT Supernova), and my Parvati Quest "Don't Bite The Sun" has been marked as botched while on the step "Give Parvati the Food", and the reason for it in the quest description says "Parvati was killed." Parvati can't die since I'm not playing on Supernova. Furthermore, she is in my party 95% of the time including right this very moment. She's alive and well. But the quest is botched. How this appears to have happened is: I had just gotten done doing the portion of the questline in Cascadia where you get the candy or whatever it is for her date. I had gotten back on my ship, flew to Groundbreaker, and after the loading screen to go into Groundbreaker I noticed Parvati was missing. I searched around, gave movement/follow commands... Nothing. But my other companion (Ellie at the time) was still there. Then, I suddenly hear Parvati screaming in the distance, I get a "quest botched" notification and a few seconds go by, then poof she's back with me like normal. I speak to her and she proceeds to give em dialog that continues the questline, saying she wants to buy clothes on Byzantium. So SHE is proceeding the quest like normal. But it's still marked as botched. Strangely, I was able to go to Byzantium, purchase the clothes, and send Parvati on her date... But it was a really strange occurence.
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