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Found 13 results

  1. I'll cut to the chase. I think a aggresive centipede would be awesome. A lawnmower in grass areas would be epic. A neutral stick bug would be sweet. Lastly an aggressive garden snake would be fantastic. Centipede - Typically drier, flat, areas or underground. Hide could be used for better base upgrades like reinforced walls. The legs could be used for scimitars. Stick Bug - Wandering around a lot of places, but mostly the giant tree. Legs can be used to make the rod of a fishing pole to catch tadpoles, etc. Lawnmower - Leaves a trail of grass planks and either grass or dead grass chunks. The chunks depends on the area being mowed. Garden Snake - In thick grass or weeded areas. Can also be found exploring the berry bushes. Fangs could be used as upgraded spear ends or reinforced spike traps. Shedded skin could be used as a pitfall cover.
  2. So, not sure if I blabbered to the forums yet, but a while back, I started working on a big idea that then got small and then turned into a different project entirely. Years later, the thing is finally out. World, I give to thee Army of Tentacles. Now on Steam for monetary value. It's not a Cthulhu dating simulator. But it is an H.P. Lovecraft-based RPG-Adventure hybrid set in a visual novel format (hence the dating sim subtitle). Take a look, I know it won't be everyone's cup of tea, but we're all pretty proud of the product we made. We just put the Mac version up, and are working on Linux and possibly even Tablet.
  3. First I'd like to thank all devs and backers for bringing this wonderful game to us, It's great! But so far, the only thing that keeps me from enjoying it fully is the stronghold turn-based tax system. I understand that it was implemented to restrict money farming by resting, but I really hope it gets reverted to fixed timescale someday. If someone wants to rest 21 times to collect ~1000 gold, for the love of Berath LET HIM. I want to be able to calculate if I can afford hirelings instead of hoping that the tax comes before payday... Adventures are also the same proble, I'd like to know for how long a party member will stay locked in an adventure instead of guessing.
  4. So, the game sort of fizzled out for me, sometime during act 2. Oh, I am certain I'll pick it up again, but right now, I am on a break. There's a number of details in the game, that are disappointing. Most of them can be overlooked or ignored, e.g. the horrible load-times, the boring run-your-own-castle simulation and the fact that you can't buff up before a fight. But, there are two things that are really preventing me from enjoying the game the way I enjoyed and still enjoy BG and BG2. And that is crafting and companions. So why don't I like crafting and why not just ignore it? Well. That was my plan. Just ignore it. I've never liked crafting. The very idea of a warrior or a paladin or what have we, who is also a miner/herbalist/smelter/blacksmith/weapon-smith, have always irritated me no end, and struck me as silly and contrived. However, the way it's implemented in PoE makes it very hard to ignore. Do any of you remember the ~first~ magical weapon you found in BG? Mine was Silke's +1 quarterstaff. I spend an eternity - no pun intended - figuring out whether to have my own character use it, or give it to Jaheira. In PoE, you put some stuff on a sword, and there you go. So exciting. It makes the treasure you find boring and meaningless. Worse, it makes money equally pointless. Back to BG. Do any of you remember the treasure at the bottom of the Naskel Mines? The first really large treasure with several items and lots of money. Where I am now in PoE's Act 2, my character have got an absurd amount of money, enchanted weapons all around and nothing to spend the accumulated wealth on. Crafting! How I hate it! And on to companions. I mentioned Jaheira from BG. Bossy, irritating, meddling and utterly unforgettable. Her husband Khalid, the stuttering fighter. Viconia the evil drow. Imoen. Minsc. Dynaheir. Edwin. Xan the depressed mage. Xzar. Shar Teel. Well, Obsidian, I am sorry, but IMO you have created a dull, un-engaging and forgettable lot in comparison. PoE is not a bad game. Better than most of the travesties that goes under the name RPG today. But, it doesn't hold a candle to BG or BG2 either. And, IMO, crafting and boring companions must carry a lot of the blame.
  5. Does the adventuring action work properly in the player stronghold? Yesterday I received that option and since I had some minor exploring to do before the next big step in the storyline I removed Kana from my party and sent him adventuring. The whole mission supposed to last 9 turns but it dragged on for weeks. Literary for weeks!!! I built all the major walls of the player stronghold during that time. In the end I just went to my quarters and slept and slept and slept to see if Kana's mission will ever end. It did not. I had to reload and replay two entire maps because of it. And possibly I will have to replay them for a third time too because I was annoyed and rushed the conversations. This makes me really annoyed. I suspect a bug of some kind. Any ideas what could be wrong? As I wrote at least two game weeks passed while I was waiting Kana's return.
  6. I'v read a bit about it already, but I seem to be the only one with this problem? When I send someone on an adventure, the character just magically gets ordered back without me doing anything. So I was not able to finish a single adventure yet. There is stil a number as if someone is out on an aventure, but that's not the case. Edit:
  7. Let's make a comprehensive list of everything in the game so far that has been Backer Made. Obviously, this will be filled in over time, but for now, I think we can get started with a few of the Backer Portraits and the Celestial Sapling. The rules are simple. We post images and/or name of people, places, and things such as: LARS WESTERGREN UNKNOWN CELESTIAL SAPLING ---- UNKNOWN UNKNOWN And then we fill it in as needed.
  8. https://www.humblebundle.com/doublefine Everyone needs to vote for Mega Ninja Troopers. Especially if you live in the Bay Area. Don't even bother paying for more Pen Ward's games. Great writer, but that's what he should stick with.
  9. Hey, you! Yes you! The guy/girl reading this thread! Do you own a PC/Mac/Linux Thing? Do you like RPGs? Do you like H.P. Loveraft? Horror genre? Adventure games? Well, it just so happens that my team and I have been making an RPG-Adventure game over the past year or so, and we've been in beta testing for about... a while. We're just now waiting on all our VO to get in. When you are not paying anyone, people tend to take their time. It's not a Cthulhu Dating Sim. Don't listen to those that say it is. Anyhow. The good news is that the gameplay is 99%. All of the functions and mechanics are in. Art is 99% (UIs and title). I just need a courageous band of brothers for the final round of beta. I also have a few rules that I would be giving you, some would be following X in the story and others Y. You get the idea. Any takers?
  10. An adventurers best friend! ~ Maybe not, but still making this thread out of curiosity. Not the "?" in the "shovel" tag. Like always, this thread is simply material and my own "philosophical" thoughts on "Could this work in P:E?". Could it work in the IE games? Do we dig for treasures? Would you require shovels? Is this taking it too far? Gold, Treasure, a pitfall which takes you to a dungeon (You dig through some roof and fall down). On Mortality Mode: Dig a Grave for your fallen companion, although that might take it a bit far. Easy to implement? Yes. It's a button in some form of UI or HUD~and it has a [LOG] function "You dig" + % of finding something (not abusable). Great for finding riddles, clues, heck maybe even be able to disarm or dismantle a trap. Prone! Digging might allow you to crawl under some sort of wall. Thoughts?
  11. So what would you folks like to encounter when you stumble upon a ruined city out in the wilderness? One of my favorite troupes has to be the Death-cult residing in ancient ruins preforming horrible rituals for their fiendish deities. Players can choose to charge in with spell and sword ready or kill of a few guards and sneak in wearing their robes. They better not waste time though, or the horrible ritual to summon [insert elder God here] the Eater of Worlds! I'm really thinking somewhere between Col. Kurtz and Temple of Doom here. Another possible fun encounter would be a Necropolis in some foggy bog. Forgotten by nations and time, a lonely city deep in the marsh toils tirelessly to endure the harsh surroundings as the rotting peasants mend the defenses. Ruled by an arbitrary lich, the lifeless peasants and guards live life as they have for centuries. Raids for fresh 'subjects' are infrequent but bloody. The nearby hamlets of the living speak in hushed tones about the masses of lifeless warriors gathering deep in the marshlands. Lastly another sort of ruin encounter I would like to see is ruins inhabited by some new colony of another culture. I'm thinking of the surface Drow who dwell in Myth Drannor or the Forsworn of Skyrim in the tombs of the Dragur. Old architecture juxtaposed with another group's order makes for interesting areas. Perhaps the Mad lord of the bandits of the Black-woods declares himself King of lost Carcosa. What if the forgotten inhabitants of the city awaken to find their old homes occupied by strangers?
  12. I'm quite partial to the Baldur's Gate 1 style: it gave me the feeling of a massive world (contrary to the continuous maps like Skyrim, which scaled down world aspect feel wrong to me), and the feeling of freedom, and the discovery aspect. Oh and I love roaming in the countryside, I hope they'll put in a lot of non-city areas to explore.
  13. Hey guys! I've been DMing 3.5 Edition D&D, Eberron Campaign Setting, for the last couple of years. I have recently acquired the Traveller (Mongoose Edition) Rulebook, but am having trouble coming up with many adventures for it. Does anyone have any adventure creation advice?
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