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  1. Me and my freinds playing we are getting knocked down every 1 min we would have to die get our stuff back it’s happens if we swing after we revive each other and we get knocked over and over and other thing the red bugs are putting insane damage and one taping me and my freinds plzzz fix
  2. This may help you with the any egg issues. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/115943-ant-eggs/
  3. After Exploring The Blueberry Hedge, I Returned To The Oak Lab And The Door Appears To Have Been Locked. I Have Looked Up This Issue And It Seems Many Have Run Into It Right After Discovering The Hedge. I'm Playing On The Xbox One, Not Sure If This Issue Occurs On PC.
  4. Loving the game concept so far. Currently playing a game with my husband. Just a few things: He created the game so when I join I usually don't have a saved character, which means I lose all my stuff when I join. I wish I could play the game without him online (the same game we started together) The game randomly has save points, there needs to be a way to save the game periodically Having a better bow would be nice (possibly haven't gotten to the point where we discover this). Spiders can glitch inside things, not necessarily a bad thing just a side note. I experienced a glitch where there was a group of recordings in a pile with a juice droplet (not sure what that was about); kept asking me to interact with it (grab it) but I could not.
  5. ok so somethimes when im playing on my save with my freind he would lag out and he would leave no backpack and comeback at spawn with no stuff, onetime we both lagged out and i lost my ant club which i threw and he lost his whole inventory this also permanently deleted his rotten ant club
  6. After looking around it seems there’s a consensus that the longer you play the more worker ants, ladybugs etc will get stuck in rocks/terrain leading to less and less insects in the world and making it feel less populated and alive. I hope it’s an easy fix for the devs. In my game the majority of the ants get stuck in/under the rocks around the pond. However they’re very spread out and stuck under many different rocks. Despite using gas arrows to kill them and give them a chance to respawn I haven’t seen any worker ants in the ant hill in about 1 week of in game time. Aside from bugs and glitches I love the game P.S. don’t nerf the spiders, they’re like bosses in and of themselves and even though I hate them I love fighting them.
  7. GLITCHES: If you drop grass planks in areas with water texture they fall through the world, ants can take stuff out of storage boxes that shouldn't be accessible to them at all, larva have a huge spawn rate, ants and lady bugs spawn inside rocks and underneath water, armor dummy's allow you to sometime dup armor and dummy's also glitch amor pieces which switches them to a different type (spider and ladybug head changed to acorn), anything with a lunge attack can faze through walls and into buildings SUGGESTIONS: amor and weapons equipped shouldn't take up invatory space or ability to get a tier 2/3 backpack, drop stack or trade option, sort invatory option, bigger party size, ability to "pin" armor like you can items so it auto equips when picked up, a way to use grass planks (once base is built they just lay scattered around with no use) or let us "scrap" them for even plant fiber It's an amazing game and I'm really enjoying myself I really hope this game makes it
  8. Started my game on Xbox, didn't do the mission straight away and now there's no raw science on the map at all. Even with the upgrade to detect raw science.
  9. While playing with my cousins (mind you we’ve taken into the account that there were going to be bugs [pun maybe intended] since it’s only in Alfa right now) we found the game to be really fun and well thought out mechanic wise for the most part. However there are some slight issues that I came across: Environment- While walking through the terrain I found it buggy quite often while trying to sprint. Also this would happen while trying to shift from the dirt to a clay foundation (meaning it isn’t a smooth change in altitude like going up a staircase. Generally just bugs out so I have to jump instead of just running over it.) Walking on any items on the ground such as clover leaves and plant fibers (from chopping grass) bug out the characters quite a bit too; along with trying to run through/by clover stems. We also wish there was a way to stop clovers from respawning as it makes it super in convenient while we ar building our base. Tools- I found that there’s a bug with tool and armor usage. Mainly the durability meters would stay full, never revealing how much was actually left. Another interesting bug was that after using an axe or anything else it would unequip after one use making it tedious to do things (probably a bug with the durability as the tool or weapon is trying to break but isn’t as when I craft a new one and scrap the old one it works just fine until I use it a lot) Building-The only thing I noticed so far is that those who don’t host the game can’t see the purple arrow on the blue printed walls and windows that help show you which way it’s facing. Along with while inside a closed area sometimes you can’t see the blueprinted item at all, making you have to step outside to get it then go back in. Combat- I find the combat simple and easy to get the hang of for the most part. I just run in circles and stay out of view of the insects mandibles so I can’t take damage and attack it from behind. However my cousin pointed out the arrows do hardly anything even if they are venomous or poisoned. Logins- This one was interesting, after completing a lot of things on my cousin’s world (including managing to kill a wolf spider) we decided to take a break for a bit and come back. Though when I logged back in to his world a few hours later my character’s stats were completely wiped and I had to restart at the beginning with nothing. I lost everything with no way to get it back. (Made things worse that I had the spider parts in my inventory too before it was wiped. Overall- Grounded is a unique take on the PVE survival genre. While having bugs that need to be worked on, the game’s overall tone and feel is enticing and super fun to play with see what is there to offer. The dev’s have shown their homework through some of the smallest features such as distance measured by centimeters or different armor giving you different abilities based on what armor it is from (like ant armor making you be able to haul more grass and stems at a time). I can’t wait to see what is in store for the future and I hope these bugs will be resolved soon
  10. Been playing since launch a few hours in with friends managed to farm out tier 2 weapons/tools and find labs before videos were thrown out revealing location. Here are some problems, chest will bug out and make items disappear from all players view and they won't fill properly, another problem is bugs will spawn inside bases destroying it if aggressive, ants will steal through walls, building is starting to become weird as some things won't click to one another, more structures are needed such as foundations/triangular foundations not floors. My friend lost all of their stuff after d/cing after dying, they also have their armor unequip itself when they get hit(May be due to it being ant armor or a bug with hauling seams/planks). I like the game so far but its slacking on alot where it counts not much to interact with. Wolf spiders do massive damage even with tier 2 everything and strategically killing them they tend to 1-3 hit if not the poison will top you off not giving much time to using a healing smoothie. The Wolf spider dagger does little to no damage its poison hardly procs if ever in combat on bugs and its durability runs out within a matter of a minute in a battle making it kind of worthless yet the hardest weapon to obtain as of this moment, it needs a buff with poison proc and increased durability to be worth grinding for. There is also a glitch where berry's will not show in the right place on one person's screen but will on the other person's screen. There was a instance on a moment where super armor glue was somehow managed to dupe itself twice upon use (used it on spider helm and another one fell on floor infront of me happened twice but none after). And another instance where a friend used 1 super glue and it fixed all 3 pieces of armor. Would recommend a way to dispose of planks and seams so they dont break the map which may be the cause of most of these problems. Love the game so far looking forward to more content.
  11. Resources that fall near built objects fall through ground, so far I have lost grass planks when they fall
  12. I'm on Xbox and I have seen on YouTube that there are supposed to be raw science points hidden around the map but they aren't showing up in my game. For example I saw in a video on YouTube there was one in the labs in the battery room and another one on the lamp near the oak tree but when I went to these places they where not showing up. Is this a bug or do the spawn in random locations?
  13. In the hallway just before you enter the secret lab if you look to the right at the window you will notice the last section where the window meets the wall is a different color. If you are looking at the correct section there will be purple smoke directly on the other side. If you try to jump or walk through the different colored section of the window you will eventually get outside of the playable area. I will attach a picture of the window.
  14. So it seems the Copperlane map stuff is being put on top of every other map in the city.So all of the magnifying glass prompts, the hidden cache, the names of locations on the map like the Goose and the Fox. All of that is just being put on top of every other map and I've mostly been able to navigate around it, I just have to walk around the areas with the magnifying glass prompts but I literally can't complete a quest because it's blocking my access to an NPC. I haven't been able to find anything about this in all the bug threads I've seen so I was wondering if anyone had a clue how to fix this. It started when I entered Copperlane and so far it has affected every single location I've been to afterwards. Screenshot from the Goose and the Fox. I need to speak to Weaxel for "Something Secret" and I can't reach him because the entire area is covered by the magnifying prompt for some reason. Other prompts don't take over entire areas so I have to assume this is part of the bug.
  15. I’m having problems with Max- I’ve done The Illustrated Manual and the main quest line in Edgewater, and he keeps saying he’ll meet me on my ship but he never actually does. I have already finished the Roseway Quests and still nothing. I keep going back to Edgewater but he never gets on my ship even when he says he’s going to. I’m playing on th switch and I’m not sure if that’s causing the glitch or if it’s something else. Is anyone else having this problem? Please help me, I really want him to join my crew.
  16. I am currently playing a solo adventure, when soon after I completed the Clandestine Cargo task, most areas seemed to have reset. Enemies reappeared, loot showed up in containers already taken, and all the stores had their stock back to the start. Rooms I already entered gave me experience for discovering them. NPC's I killed respawned, and some events that only happened once happened again. But when I try interacting with NPC's, their dialog is normal, like nothing happened. Due to this glitch, I cannot enter heritage hill, because the gate closed, but didn't reset the guards dialog. Can anyone fix this without resetting my progress?
  17. I'm having a ton of fun with the game so far, and I have nothing but praise for the story/writing/creativity that went into the game. But I've encountered several seriously annoying glitches that are on the cusp of game breaking. # 1. The enchantment glitch. The ability to enchant gear and keep it up to par with your enemies as you level up is a VITAL piece of this experience. I don't care how many new and shiny suits of armor I find, Eder is gonna be rocking the Saints War armor til the end of days. But what I've found is the game will crash and kick you out if you try to enchant gear while you have too many other enchantable items in your inventory. The game just can't handle all of them popping up on the screen at one I guess? The only way I've found around this is to stash a bunch of stuff in a barrell so you only have about 10 or so enchantable items and then the game will allow it, or sell your gear so you only have a few enchantable items on you at any time. Maybe make it so when you go to enchant an item, just that singular item pops up in the menu, instead of all 100 pieces of us hoarders cary with us #2 The disappearing Cursor. So this one really scared me. I finished a few ship battles and went to sell my gear in Neteka, which worked fine, but when I tried to buy an item for the supply store my cursor just vanished. No matter what I did it would not appear in the shops inventory to let me but anything. That means no provisions for my crew. I tried reloading other saves, but still no cursor. My last hope was exiting the game altogether, and re-opening it, which actually worked, but I was afraid my save file my have been corrupted. #3 Random Crashes - This is a bit less specific, but since I bought the game about 2 weeks ago, and have put about 40 hours into it, I'd say the game has crashed about 20 times at random. So about 1 time every two hours. For someone like me who likes to go 4-5 hours at a time this is a real immersion killer. #4 - Not really a glitch, but Load times... they are so long it might as well be a glitch. Please Obsidian its 2020 there has to be something you can do to improve upon this I play on an Xbox One X btw. I love this game and this series, if Sonic can get a redesign to please his fans I know you guys can fix these
  18. There is a Halcyon Parcel Service (HPS) in Byzantium that when i lockpicked a door to the storage room in the office it turned everyone in the office into enemy's, there is a quest line in this office for Wanda Chen, the quest line is called *Makes Space Suits, Wont Travel* the problem with her turning into an enemy is that i cant interact with here, all i can do is pick pocket her. I have tried restarting my game, i also have tried waiting a couple hours I also have tried do another mission and she still is an enemy I also have tried restarting my Xbox One S but still no luck. If anyone has any clue on how to fix this bug I would greatly appreciate if you could help me, i have spent over 24 hours of my time into this game, so it would help if there is an answer to this bug. Thank you for your time.
  19. When you first open the game on Xbox, you are presented with the title screen that says "press A to continue". In the background is an animation of the Unreliable flying through the air while music is playing too. Once I press A, the Unreliable animation and the game freezes but the music keeps playing. No matter how long I wait, the game will not progress past this screen. I have tried closing and reopening the game, cycling the power on my xbox, uninstalling the game, unplugging and plugging the external drive back in, opening the game offline, and one other small things but nothing has worked to fix this bug. I have attached a picture of the screen that I am stuck on. It is worth noting that I have already put about 15hrs into the game on this console already so this is not an issue that was present originally. It has been 2 days of trying to load the game with no success now. I have an original xbox one from when it was first released.
  20. So last time Pervati's quest failed on me because she supposedly died. Then it fixed itself one day and I continued it until it did it to me again. I think it happened whenever we went back into the ship whenever I didn't have her as my traveling companion.
  21. I got into the C&P Boarst factory with a key card but ended up having to fight everyone inside anyway. When I killed all the drones and workers it locked all the doors so I cant leave the building and my lock picking isn't high enough to get into clives office to finish the mission so I'm just stuck in the factory. This is possibly game breaking, I've spent a few hours combing threads for people with similar stories but no luck.
  22. Hi there, I just wanted to share a bug that I'm experiencing with Felix's personal quest. I got prompted to talk to Harlow, and once I did and gave him Thrask's ring (which I got from his dead body around other outlaws before I even went to see Harlow), it won't let me progress to the next step. I spoke with Felix, I got exp from "completing" his quest, but it is still telling me to bring Felix to talk to Harlow. Any ideas what to do? I also did bring Felix back to talk to Harlow, but all he says is "take care of the kid for me". EDIT: I should note that this is for xbox
  23. I have encountered a major bug. Playing PDF on Android through Play Store. During the third scenario with the angel in the tower, after completing the scenario I reached the deck maintenance screen. However all the cards that I discarded or buried are missing. The cards are quite from the scenario or still in my inventory but not my previous ones. Currently my party is stuck on the screen and unable to move forward. I've completed several scenarios ahead with another party and have taken the time to advance them. At this point there's no progressing them at all. Please help!
  24. While trying to complete the quest line mentioned in the topic I have encountered a glitch. Once I have completed talking with Dr. Chartrand and convinced her to join me the Corporate Commander only gives me two options (1. It's less work than hauling my corpse out of here?) And (2 Attack). Both options lead to a shoot out, which wouldn't be a big deal except that Dr. Chartrand attacks me as well which is weird since we just became allies. I have searched other message boards and found this is a common glitch I do not receive a third option to persuade the Corporate Commander to take a bribe even though my persuasion is over 100.
  25. I'm not sure if this has already been brought up and I'm not sure if this is the right place to be posting this, but I thought I'd try anyway. I'm playing on PC (MS Store version) and I've noticed that after I've completed a companion's personal quest and gained their bonus perk, I'll lose the bonus perk after doing a respec. HOWEVER, after doing a respec, I'll get an additional perk point to use for any companion who's personal quest I've completed as if it's giving me an extra point for the bonus perk. That doesn't seem like it's how it was intended to work. I figured the bonus perk would be a permanent passive quest reward. The way it's working now you have no warning that a respec will remove the perk and no way of getting it back even though you do get an additional point to spend after respec. Sorry if this is a well known bug, I just noticed it happening. I did a quick Google search and only found one small topic on Reddit talking about it. Figured I'd bring it up. Maybe someone else could do some testing to see if they get the same results.
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