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Everything posted by MrBrown

  1. Seems kinda pointless trying to pit them against each other. I'll definetly play DA:I, but not sure about Witcher3... but that's only because I haven't gotten around to playing even the first Witcher. Anyway, Geralt still has a long way to go for true epicness
  2. Bad idea to put actual graphics on the kickstarter page. Should have just used art or something (like PE or Torment), then people won't realize they can't get AAA graphics with a few million dollars.
  3. Before level 3 is enough, due to how the skill points work (rounded up on even levels, down on odd).
  4. You can easily get to New Vegas at the start, with no special gear or anything. Just go to Sloan, and then walk on the ledges of the mountain/hill east of the road, past the deathclaws. If you walk on the ledges, even if the deathclaws spot you, they can't climb up. Easiest way to get high enough is to go near Neil's Shack and then head up the ledges. Once your close to the Ranger Safehouse, you should be clear. Works 9 times out of 10. Sometimes one of the deathclaws spawns to close to the safehouse, you can't get past it. Just reload.
  5. That was part of a larger issue in me2, practically all romanceable npcs had most of their character development disappear if you chose not to pursue a virtual relationship with them... It's probably simply because there were so many of them. Less NPCs, more time per NPC.
  6. It seems their current policy is not to make these. EA policy, maybe, wouldn't know. They didn't make one for DA2 or ME2.
  7. Did someone here create this? Didn't spot it in the thread.
  8. Regarding the fade and NPCs turning on you... It's not related to the party order, or friendship/rivalry (though it does provide another scene with dialogue for easy boosts in friendship/rivalry points). It's just a priority list per demon; the character who's highest on that list and in your party always turns on you. Only Anders and Sebastian don't turn, the quest plays differently for them.
  9. ^Ditto. Also, how well they end up supporting modding, and how much mods are converted for it is also a deal breaker for me. Won't cry myself to sleep if it ends up being crappy.
  10. ... This would majorly suck, if true. I can't stand the slowness.
  11. "There are graphical bugs such as flickering status icons and doors which have apparently have their graphics reversed, so they appear open when closed and vice-versa." Well, that's funny.
  12. I'm at the start of Act 3 with my Embermage, on Elite. It's not really "challenging" as such, since you can die as many times as you like. I've died 20 times in some sections or bosses, mostly because the location wasn't big enough for kiting. Hardcore would probably be actually challenging, but it seems it's really easy to level up on areas below your level, so I'd assume that's what Hardcore boils down to. I've mostly spent my points on DPS. I didn't start spending on Vitality until the 2nd half of Act 1. I had the teleport passive melkathi mentions, but found it more annoying than useful (I actually also had a unique staff that did that on 30% of hits, very annoying). I used to invest alot on mana and mana regen stuff, but noticed that if you spent a lot of your points on Focus (even 3 per lvl should be enough) you have so much mana anyway that those becomes meaningless. Recently I mostly invest on damage bonuses. I wouldn't be having half the fun I have with this game if I hadn't cheated myself a bunch of respec-potions, though.
  13. I've finished Inferno with two classes, currently farming for stuff to be able to do with the 3 others. And to be able to play the new event in the next patch.
  14. You're their perfect customer.
  15. Patch 105 contents: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/blog/7155880/
  16. "Paragon" levels in patch 104: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/blog/6968517/
  17. As far as I know, their license only covers BG1 and 2. So IF they can make a third one, it would be up to the license negotiations to cover the engine as well. I suspect that they'd want to use their updated version of Infinity engine as much as possible. Related, I have no hope that they'd be able to swing for AD&D. They'd probably have to use 4e or 5e. Normally I'd agree, but: a) If they do it in the old engine, b) How many 4e and 5e computer games have you seen?
  18. Is it their intention to make BG3, if it happens, on the same engine or new? In other words, would they aim it at the retro-crowd, or make an AAAAAAAAAAA-title?
  19. Well, there was one dungeon in Act I, The Lycaeum, that was "added" in a patch. It was in the game, just wasn't generated before. Act II is the most random, really. It can take a dozen runs through an area to get all the variations. And this is not counting the ancient device in Desolate Sands, which probably takes a 1000 ~_~.
  20. Enrage timers are only for Inferno, AFAIK.
  21. I've played Barbarian, Monk and Wizard to level 60, and found Wizard to be the easiest (pre-inferno anyway). They all have their weaknesses and strengths, though.
  22. FYI, there's a longish post on the official forum by Blizzard about Diablo 3; what's happened so far, what they're doing in the future, etc. http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/4940437236#1 TL;DR: - Launch problems because of unexpected volume of usage. - In the future: buffs for legendary items, extra stuff for lvl60 chars besides item grinding, PvP (more far off).
  23. Civ5, with the expansion. The more I play it, the more I like it over Civ4. A little Diablo3 on the side as well. Starting to get that itch for a little ADOM and FO:NV too.
  24. Since the 1.0.3 patch? Or do you mean just the regular enrage that happens after around 5 minutes? If I'd had 5 minutes I could've killed him super easily. I swear it was silver of health left every time. I tried Fists of Thunder too, didn't help. I dunno, if you did it with only 14k, hats off. Lots of crit chance and damage? I only had 17% chance and 137crit damage. And I guess it's 3 minutes, not 2.5, that he does the new "explosions enrage" thing. Yeah, in 103, and by enrage I meant the phase when he starts using the meteor over and over again. I used Way of the Hundred Fists and the Mantra that gives you more damage, and protected myself with Serenity and Seven-sided strike.
  25. I killed Belial with a Monk with about 14k DPS, *barely*... he went into enrage just as he died, and I died as well. Luckily he doesn't have Revive. Managed to beat Diablo on Inferno recently too, with a party. I had most trouble with Ghom and Iskatu as a Monk. Speaking of Ghom, he's up next for LadyCrimson. Have fun.
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