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Everything posted by MrBrown

  1. Starcraft 2 released in july 2010, and the 1st expansion still isn't out.
  2. You sure you can't afford one? AH Prices have been dropping like hell (on EU at least), and you should be able to afford one like that with <200,000 easily. Also, found both of these in Act 1: So... just keep grinding.
  3. http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/blog/5077625/Diablo_III_Hotfixes_-_June_Updated_2806-28_06_2012 They just keep nerfing inferno.
  4. So, a friend found the blacksmith plans for a set (http://eu.battle.net...allowed-barrier). Turns out you get plans for the whole set with that one plan book, so now he's crafting said set items for everyone in our group of friends. EDIT: And about the AH. I don't understand people's problem with it. If you don't like it, stop using it. I've made it to Act3 Inferno without buying anything from it (on softcore); it's by no means necessary. Yes, you'll have to spend more time grinding for items without it, but did you really expect the game not to be about that?
  5. Patch 103 coming within a day, apparently.
  6. It looks far better on my Barbarian. Thankfully mine has a Strength bonus over the Dex one. But yeah, it's kinda boring you can't dye legendaries... makes you look like a clown eventually.
  7. You realize the drops can't be exciting if you keep using AH?
  8. I'm farming act I inferno currently with my Barbarian, who has about 9k life. It's all about armor and resistances.
  9. I watch way too much pro-SC2. At least I play myself as well. Sometimes <.>
  10. Valor. In other words, don't, until you're level 60.
  11. Use whatever you have the best items for.
  12. The blacksmith really gets worse as you level up, since your equipment will constantly be more and more tailored to your character, while the blacksmith's will still be totally random. If you have a piece of armor with one property you find useful, it might still be worth it to smith one with 3 random properties, but when you have armor with 2 properties you want, making one with 4 random starts being pretty pointless, especially with the extremely high prices. Hopefully the price lowering will make him interesting again. The jeweler sort of seems useful, but you should remember that the equipment drops always have higher stats bonuses than the gems at a particular level, so unless you only want to buff one stat (granted, many characters will), you're better of without sockets. Weapon and Helm slots seem to be always useful, though.
  13. Melee classes should also consider using Amethysts on weapons to get the Life on hit -property. Very useful, especially on the higher levels. The AMA in question is probably this one: http://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/uoooj/i_am_we_are_wyatt_cheng_andrew_chambers_and_jay/
  14. On the topic of hacks, here's a funny one (well, sort of): http://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/uovpp/accidentally_discovered_item_chat_link_code/ Other people can use it to crash your client if you click their item links.
  15. I love the new 103 changes to item drops on inferno. With the current drop rates, AH just saves so much time it becomes almost a necessity to use it. At least feels that way for Barbarians and Monks. It'll also make it easier to actually play Inferno with Hardcore characters.
  16. Don't read too much into that last scene. It won't be a big deal for some time. If they go by the books, anyhow.
  17. Apparently horses are still very costly to use.
  18. The most common complaint about DA2 probably was/is "it's not like DA:O!". Of course, this doesn't really amount to anything but "I didn't like it", so it's kinda hard to answer it. With anything but marketinglish, anyway.
  19. Rather than being "steps back", they were more like choices made by the developers. - For the armors and equipment, they decided to prioritize the unique look of followers over customizing. Apparently lots of people didn't like this, so in DA3 they're trying to do both. I don't really care, as long as I can customize something; but I did prefer unique looks on followers as opposed to DA:O where everyone just looked the same. - For reused levels, they thought people would prefer more quests over graphics. They were wrong. - I'm not 100% sure what "decisions that matter" refers to, but I'm guessing the end game in DA2 where you were basically forced into a neutral position. Seeing how BIO handled ME3 I'm not really that hopeful. The end game thing is the only one that was a clear problem; the other two are matters of preference or prioritization.
  20. The various new status effects - disoriented, staggered, brittle - have negative effects of their own, without comboing. Brittle increases critical damage by 50%, for instance. Personally, I never felt the need to use them, even on Nightmare. *shrug*
  21. Apparently, DA3 will take place in Orlais. I'm not sure if I'll be able to stand all the french accents, they annoying enough in MotA.
  22. None of the NPCs hit on you proactively. You have to always be the one to start it. The confusion for Anders probably stems from him being the only where you can start it with the Diplomatic option, as opposed to the Romance option (the heart one). Said option does read "I'll do anything for you" though, so if you bother reading what you choose you'll be able to avoid it. I obviously can't discount the existence of a bug, but I've never seen anyone actually detail it out, so my bets are on the above.
  23. Huh, new party member. I wonder if they'll add as much banter to the old ones as recent BIO games have. <.>
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