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Everything posted by IRMA

  1. The single player rpg's task is to be fun for all classes. This does not in any way interfere with more powerful class being mages at all, because people like different play strategies and not automatically the most powerful class in the game and thats it. And who said mage is the only class that is able to become godlike? Or that there arent any combinations on IE better that mage?You listen to yourself ffs. AND, in bg2 thieves could use scrolls as well and that is where the fun starts for me
  2. One of these days, Stun, you're going to have to get over the fact that most people choose to play these games as games to be beaten rather than role play them, and that most people who role play do not use crpgs as their main vehicle for it. Nice, but this is successor to IE and that means roleplaying no matter what does the CoD generation do with games.
  3. exactly, i pointed it out few times before beta, but never got any reaction. I still hope they will do it somewhere near the end of production once all areas are done, and it is one of the most important tools to create realistic environment
  4. Additional attribute points for each background are great idea, hope this thing lasts.
  5. This game was backed so much because obsidian said itll be successor to infinitz games. And those games big point of interest for MANY people were powerful mages. Whatever the **** sawyer wants in his dream game can **** off since the game people backed was successor to infinity stuff.
  6. Seriously, who gives a **** if you get those 10-40 xp for each lock and trap or not? I doesn't make a ****en difference!
  7. Yes, because it is much easier to come up with new ideas how to count quest xp and trap xp and exploration xp and whatever the **** you think of rather than overcoming sawyers ego and simply implementing combat xp. Way to go really. We have been ranting about this for 2 months Obsidian! So stop being a ****en sissy and say something.
  8. Thank god for people like you! +1 to this.
  9. You'll have to try really hard without combat XP fellas.
  10. I am becoming quite allergic to Sawyers opinions lately. Athkatla had AWESOME amount of quests, that were put there to be done during all the chapters. For example secret mindflayer dungeon in sewers and completing Crom Fryer, you got there like in chapter 6 and its all in Athkatla. And to be honest, lots of quest I left incomplete during that precious and amazing first time I played BG2, for example that beholder cult thing. I was so absorbed by the story I was all like "**** it no time to loose lets find Imoen" and all that. And it gave you amazing FREEDOM, as many of you mentioned before me, and I miss that in all other games! I literally HATE when you have to do some inane good-boy bull**** you don't even feel connected to. No no no my dear fella, if you want to hide your inability or lack of resources to come up with something as awesome as Athkatla and BG2 itself by yourself, please don't hide behind nitpicking.
  11. Nope. Because it would be more like Baldurs Gate.. and you know, Josh Sawyer didn't like it.
  12. I don't care how anybody else plays the game, I do care only about the game being as much fun as possible. No combat xp, less fun. If YOU care HOW I play the game, you have problem in your head. Devs, please make turn off combat xp button and everybody should be pleased, right? Right? You shouldn't really care how I do play the game at my home.
  13. To all those of you who claim that adding xp for kills would destroy the balance of leveling - on what basis exactly do you decide that creators of the game would definitely fail on this one? What part of the current game makes you think that?
  14. Second that. There are also few pretty important things in question in the forums atm and some word from creators where it's heading or some justification could help. I'm not sure this silence is helping.
  15. Exactly, the second vote seems a lot like "do you like filling quests" while first one feels like "we dumb amateurs only love to bash **** till we get to lvl 40". Make "XP from combat" an option in menu and lets see how many of you know-it-alls will try it and then turn it back off.
  16. It is repetitive when the developers make it repetitive. When you make the game where every fight can be won using one strongest spell then its not the game to be blamed, it's the creators of the game. You have to have mobs having various powers and different attacks for which you need to change tactic to come around; for example golems in BG2 who could not be defeated by piercing weapons, trolls whom you couldn't kill without fire or acid, magic golems, demi-lich, dragons...
  17. Honestly, not getting xp for killing.mobs would ruin the game so much! Like why the **** would i care about battling some bugs or something, seriously. I will keep myself calm by thinking they only turned it off for this beta and you will get xp for killing **** in final product. This is very vital thing.
  18. You have some very valid points mate, but on the other hand, I wouldn't really mind the circles under characters to go from little to large instead of from darker to lighter.
  19. like 15 new pages today, hahahahah
  20. Cheers guys, with the streams of beta coming out I noticed there is very little or none grass moving in the maps, will this be changed? For example when I looked at animation of the area in quotes the water is perfectly animated and in one previous preview of graphic art there was also few pieces of grass moving but will this also be the case for large grassey areas? It make sthe map a lot less static and more alive. Cheers!
  21. +1, please don't waste resources on spell queue
  22. Nope. It clearly moves in this vid: As well as the trees. Plus water moves here so I do believe this is possible within this engine.
  23. Graphics: Will the outdoors shown in the vid be polished or is this the final version? I kinda like how there are flying leafs outdoors, but it seems a little flat as could't find any more animations going on in the background except for those leafs, for example I have the feeling that the grass isn't moving at all: At least moving grass would help a lot. But I have seen moving grass in your other videos so I guess this is just before polish will be done on this
  24. a) Definitely, the lightning arrow OP mentions could use some polishing, even if it was only to make you really feel it has some impact on the target, because now they don't even shake. I'm kinda liking how it looks now tho. b) fireball is amazing, but you could place some kind of remaining effect to the area it stroke, just a texture. Fireball itself creates nice cloudy scar after the explosion (being part of the animation itself): But this effect goes away in very short while and after that there is again untouched background: Even if it was just a screen of this effect from pic1 put over background on pic2 that would remain over the time of lets say one game day or something that would make it feel a lot more powerful.
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