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Everything posted by ruzen

  1. Introduced with FRP -around 12- but I didnt like rpgs back then, more like platform, shooter or strategy guy. Started with Baldurs Gate and Silver in one summer around late 90's, after that just couldnt stop but playing but RPGs. My favorite rpg of all time is Vampire The Masqurade: Bloodlines and Arcanum for second place
  2. I think that many people will not even click, just to check It out.
  3. I'm accually more intrested about digitial books and all...still waiting for that to release
  4. Would it possible to make (mod) big weapons like Dragon Age: inqu- ehm... Japanise rpgs?
  5. How many out there with that Avatar Its becoming confusing ** I really wont decide until play and complete the first game
  6. @ LordCrash Well I belive you misunderstud me about what I called disgusting because I really do think Its shamefull to deliver goods late -as I said before- but bringing the money or the level of pledge or the level of comitment or the service some of us must be getting, shouldnt be relevent about your point. Because there shouldnt be rising from others -individually or a group- in crowdfounding. Hell ! Even I wanted to be everyone have at the same time and I dont have any phsycal goods. Alas, Its decided this way but I find the other parts, you and some others who thinks Its not fare to be at same position as other backers because of the $500+ pladge. It should only be focused around Obsidians delivering management only. Maybe you (as in general) dragged to talk like this and put the money card but I didnt like that kinda talk. Its been decade since we are having this kinda game and we make It happen together. While still, my sympathy is with you guys I just hope you guys hear my emotions about my point as I did heard yours.
  7. Its really shame that physical goods are coming late but all that money talk and expecting better "services" because of "commitment" is disgusting. In Keith Waldrop's words from poem "...Expectation, endlessly engraved, is a question to beg..."
  8. When can we enjoy our digital goods? I wish to read much as I can before I start to play. **monday you say eh?
  9. I'm pause maniac! Hope that teleport bug wasnt releated to pause couse that would be immersion breaker to me.
  10. that is accually looks really nice added to my pledge hope It will be available 4-5 days before release so I can read
  11. ...well there is no grinding in PoE so you are saved
  12. oh my days! whats up with that no collusion abuse
  13. It was suprising at first announce and still is... because Its really happening
  14. In short If you disengage someone the fleeing one is punished with lots of damage. Certain abilities and situation may change the result.
  15. If they done right and doing comments about the situation well enough I will try to play with 8 companions much as possible but I guess you gotto create some chars for the defence of the stronghold effitiently *see what I did there?
  16. dont be so suprised It could end in 25-30 hours for first playthough. But there will be lots of challanges, variables and perhaps 2 expantion, so the game will entertain for quite a long time.
  17. I had to mute or looked somewhere else to prevent any spoilers but heard some dialoges. Its funny
  18. Tim Cain is so shy Looks lots of changed. I have one paranoid issue with one thing: half of the presentation some said "you get the stronghold by the half of the game" but as I recall devs said countless times that "you get stronghold from first quarter of the game" never frightened about the length of the PoE before, until that point.
  19. I think the more important discussion is the team status. Did they gathered just for this game or going to continue together on other projects?
  20. or you can buy 3 times to make sure you delivered the full money to Obsidian
  21. nothing to see here fellas. Move along
  22. so is that mean in far future PoE will available for Win10?
  23. 200M $ wow It just blew my mind. Its very much for that years. Even GTA5 (which took 5 years to develop) cost estimated 265M $ (with the marketing) in 2014. No wonder television guys are frightened by the progress of the computer game industry. Insane numbers are begining to come up. Dota2 price money and all that... Its really crazy
  24. Another idea come up to my mind finish the game with 6 Chanters on hard mode to get Eternity Idols
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