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Frog Man

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Everything posted by Frog Man

  1. Wait did I end up in the romance Thread again?
  2. Me too. I think I tried it once with the default fighter and it missed and I was like GARBAGE ABILITY. HATE IT. I’ll try it again with more PER
  3. I'd like to discuss everyone's favorite golden-haired, starry-eyed, aww shucks racist farmer, Eder. I'm bringing him with me on the first playthrough, and all of you are as well! Come on ...he's the watcher's best pal. Wait ...you didn't sacrifice him to the blood pit did you? You chaotic evil b*stard! Given current power levels in the Backer Beta IV - how are you guys and gals planning to building him? I'll lay out a few options below to start the conversation: 1) Single Class Fighter - now that charge is at Power Level 4 it's looking like you'll have that monstrous ability for a good half the game. Turn Eder back into that good old dual wielding sabre monster that he was in Pillars 1? (also you're going to need someone to wield that spoilerific talking weapon recently unearthed in the patch notes...) orrrrr strap a shield and sword on that bad boy otherwise known as the CANON BUILD (1 N, not two, that's a different build) 2) Single Class Rogue - sharp right turn with Eder and make him a full rogue! Stabby stabby single dagger focusing on stealth and backstabs? Pew pew double pistols focusing on ranged? Pray that Tidefall 2.0 exists and go 2-hander? Lots of fun options. 3) Swashbuckler (Fighter / Rogue multiclass) - I have to think this is the most popular choice, best of both worlds. But I'm curious what everyone else thinks. After all, I'm hoping to use this thread for ideas to test out during BB4 so I've got my plan for Eder ready to go for launch! Help me Backers wan Kenobi ...you're my only hope!
  4. What stat spread are you guys looking at with the Paladin beckoner? I’m assuming might isn’t needed much as your summons are doing the damage. Also, are you keeping the skellies up 100% of the time? When I played it I switched to the wyrms once I was down to 1-2 enemies and they packed quite a punch!
  5. Just copied the devoted/monk and street fighter/monk builds theorized above for my next run through the beta. You guys are awesome.
  6. Dumb question by me - but which specialization is for ranged users like now and arquebus - two handed style?
  8. That survey basically made me go ‘wow....ummm there’s a lot of crap I didn’t do in the game!’ Also when I beat the game I felt terrible for letting gilded vale down. I was like come on!! I already killed that guy I thought I saved you dudes already !! I will sail to the Deadfire with my head hung in shame.
  9. If you’re offended, don’t play.What about my comment makes you think I'm offended? For crying out loud, I play Witcher games lol I'm not offended or sensitive, I just don't see how nudity would benefit this game specifically is all. Sonic - I’ve learned to ignore this guy. Your post didn’t suggest in any way that you were offended. Achilles is bored waiting for May 8 and picks fights in forums because he isn’t very successful or liked in his real life.
  10. Edit - Never mind. My apologies for upsetting you. Forgiven and forgotten my friendly forum-frequenter and fellow fan of fantasy!
  11. For those who didn’t hear yet - they chose to go with a licensed track for the trailer as Justin Bell is busy wrapping up the score and audio and it would have taken a lot of his time to create something specifically for the trailer. Smart thinking IMO.
  12. Oh it’s mother bleeping CONTENT time!!! https://www.pcgamesn.com//pillars-of-eternity-2-deadfire/pillars-of-eternity-2-romance FYI this one is fairly spoiler heavy on what seems to be an awesome quest regarding the Principi pirates. Enter at own risk. But I loved the article.
  13. Hoping for storm blight summoning!!
  14. I tend to put everyone in plate and brigandine to stay safe. Curious, have you guys found viable classes/builds where you can play naked and be effective? I’d like to try it but I’m not creative enough to know what works.
  15. Guys - tying this is any way to Katrina’s departure is laughable. Let’s try not to be lazy conspiracy theorists.
  16. With you Veevoir. I think Bo has convinced me to go two chanters: Pallegina Paladin/Chanter Me Beckoner Probably still need a priest for support and because I’m banking on the high level single class priest abilities being godlike.
  17. I’m torn - when Deadfire launches part of me wants to steer clear of the forums completely to avoid any and all spoilers. However I’m a forum junkie and it’ll be fun to hear about everyone’s runs and feedback on the game. Which way are you going?
  18. Fun thread idea. I’m a Roman Catholic IRL and have had wonderful experiences with priests all my life (I know, I know, insert molestation joke), and I’ve often wondered what I would have been like if I had become a priest, so RPGs allow me to explore that fantasy. From Warcraft, Warhammer, Baldurs gate, ice wind dale, to pillars and others, I always chose priest. The god of rebirth and renewal sounded beautiful so Priest of Eothas it was. He’s a good god, but stomps a few too many keeps for my tastes. Also, now that you know my religious disposition, imagine my horror when Iovora reveals there are no gods. Me - ‘blasphemy! burn her! Burn the witch!!!’
  19. Hey sorry to keep bugging here but I’ve tried this guy out in the beta and LOVED him. My best party yet involved his summons - skellies most of the time and switch to wyrms when there’s only a couple guys left (their fireballs are nasty!). He’ll be my main character for sure. Curious how you’d build him - my thoughts were high INT and RES for long summons, large AOE chants, and powerful healing (or does ancient memory not get affected by RES?) Figured this guy won’t hit hard and should focus on tanking and supporting. Plate armor, large shield, hatchet, etc. ?
  20. Pillars junkies - come take a good long snort of this ‘hype’ I got for ya. I already chopped it up in a little line and sprinkled it on the coffee table. Here, place this straw in your nose, and snort it waaaay up your nose until it hits your brain and your world becomes a ****ing kaleidoscope of colors and sounds and music and euphoria: https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/171762156201/hey-josh-with-pillars-1-in-addition-to-the-beta
  21. Bo - for your mith fyr Paladin, beckoner multiclass, I’m wondering if a single class beckoner and Pallegina could be an even better combo. You get mith fyr faster due to single class, plus you can stack ancient memory and ZE with robust. Edit: ‘better’ is the wrong word, bc you’re using two party spots rather than 1. More curious about viability and play style, as I’m planning on a Beckoner MC for my first run.
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