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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. Sheesh... my poor old computer is embarrassed :blush10: 2.8Ghz Pentium 4 (HT) Asus P4B800 Deluxe board 2Gb memory Nvidia FX5900 Ultra gfx card with 256mb memory Sb Audigy 2 (5+1) sound card Old noisy no-name cabinet 380 Gb hd space (mix of old Maxtor, Seagate and other drives). Samsung Syncmaster 940N 17" monitor Various peripherals (Joystick, Wacom tablet, headset, surround speaker set, microsoft webcam etc.). I should probably have upgraded a year or two ago, but now I am waiting for the intel nehalm to show it's face. I would hate to spend a fortune on somthing that is obsolete in 6-9 months.
  2. Looks like my poor old arthritis ridden PC has to survive for almost a full year still http://www.dailytech.com/Gearing+Up+for+Ne...article9823.htm Maybe another 6 months on top of that to avoid the first production batches :sad:
  3. Finished Season #1 of Rome. Most excellent Now I just have to wait until I can get my hands on the second season. I'll probably watch a lot of the extra material on the dvds while waiting.
  4. I think you might be out of luck, as it is randomised from game to game. If I remember correctly, only the "quest" parts for lightsabers are in known places.
  5. I think he (Peter jackson) did a good job on the movies until halfway through Return of the King. The ending of an otherwise awesome movie trilogy was cringeworthy Fellowship of the Ring was spot on and The Two Towers was my favourite for various reasons, but Return of the King?... Bleh. I haven't seen his version of King Kong, is it any good?
  6. Praised be Tzeentch! All bow down to the Lord of Change... So, that means all current (including NWN2) D&D platforms and engines are no longer good? That might have a detrimental effect on expansions :sad:
  7. Alien 3 DC It must either be a very long time since I've seen it, or the additional 30 minutes added something to it. It wasn't as awful as I remembered it. Quite decent, apart from the Alien itself, which wasn't exactly a convincing piece of cgi.
  8. If they are going for Space Marines vs. Orks shooter game, they might as well have done a Warhammer 40k game. It may be a decent game or not, but nothing so far says "Fallout" to me :sad: More like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. with less scary opponents.
  9. Yeah, well, it's bloody hot these days, it's unbelievable. Lots of people out too. Anyway, rather anticlimax-y; I didn't even touch the gearstick. The lesson guy seemed to favour a 'push pull' steering method I had hardly seen before, so I spent an hour running 8's and double 8's in a parking lot. You lucky bastard! When I was young, we had to learn how to operate the gearstick with our teeth while operating three pedals with my two feet and a hand each on the steering wheel and hand brakes for those fancy parking maneuvres. -- I never drove a car the years I lived in New Zealand, driving in the left hand side was just too scary. Now I have gotten used to it, driving quite a lot in rental cars, but it took a lot of concentration the first few times. I actually appreciated driving automatics, as having to fiddle around with a stick with the wrong hand while driving would have been suicide >_
  10. Still no special edition with a little plastic mask and a jar of green spirit essence jelly? :sad: I guess I will just have to wait for Mysteries of Westgate to hit the stores then.
  11. You will know what the clutch is for the first time you try to change gear while driving (and not using the clutch). It sounds like a heavy metal concert http://auto.howstuffworks.com/clutch.htm
  12. You're a hydra. You have many different outlooks on life, and know how to utilize each one to make the best of any situation. Others may mistake this for hypocrisy or even insanity, but you know yourself better than that. Indecision is your greatest flaw. Your alignment tends slightly towards *evil*. I don't really know if this is an accurate assessment or not...
  13. I just came back from vacation up in northern Queensland (Cairns and surroundings)... What a difference air humidity makes. Day temperatures aren't that much of a difference to where I live (South Australia, around 28-34 degrees most of the summer), but having 80%+ humidity makes for some constantly damp clothes. I am used to around 15-20% max.
  14. As I recall, Atton could die in the battle with Sion Interesting. Who'd fly the ship then? T3 flew the Ebon Hawk to the Peragus Mining Station. The little tin can has a hidden agenda
  15. You only have Kreia's word for it (and the exiles speculations on the nature of the bond), that it could be lethal. She is a manipulative old girl As far as can be determined from the game, yes. He constructed it. The exile was his commanding officer (Yes, general) during that battle. Not quite sure. Possibly something that reinforced the planets gravity (supersized gravity well) and pulled everything out of the sky to crash on the planet? She hated to be controlled and manipulated by it. Kind of ironic considering her own nature As far as I have been able to determine, she wanted to teach people how to live without the force and the exile was her (sometimes unwilling) student. Much speculations... The exile had a lot of strong bonds to the people around him. If a lot of severing/deaths took place at once it created some kind of "dimensional vortex" sucking the life out of surroundings. The exiles defense mechanism seemed to be the ability to sever his/her own connection to the force and therefore continue living, even while being that "vortex" moving around in the galaxy. Since he/she is "empty", there is nothing to drain there, as Darth Nihilus found out when he tried to drain the force from the exile. Like french kissing a 1800w vaccuum cleaner. Umm, no. It wasn't just you. The game did suffer from some heavy handed cutting that left this feeling of "Huh?" in quite a few places, making an already moderately complex story line trickier to follow. I can definitely recommend Team Gizka's website and forums for an overview of how much was cut. It is staggering :sad:
  16. Gorth


    I am not really sure what the purpose of this thread is. Maybe that is part of the irony? Another thread bites the dust.
  17. Yeah, in Australia they probably put you in jail if you don't vote. They take it quite literally with the "commitment to democracy" I don't care though, not being a citizen, I am not eligible for voting. One head ache less. Busy making the place ready for a bunch of family visiting from Europe in a few days time. Needed more plates, more cutlery, more coffee cups, more glasses, inflatable mattresses, rental cars, spare mobiles, unfortunately there was a 6-8 week delivery time on more chairs, so I guess some of us has to sit on the floor. Ah well, it is family
  18. :sad: I finally got around to watch season 1, which I bought a week or so ago. I liked it. Now I have to go and buy season 2 >_
  19. I usually manage that with T3 and a Jedi. Either Visas or Kreia. T3 with Ion weapons (Droid Oxidizer pistol and whatsit'sname, the ones you can attach to him) and Kreia with either lightsaber or a sword constructed for anti droid warfare. Now for the fun bits... Shields are your friend. Use them before opening doors. Your jedi aught to have some kind of force speed by now. If not, use the stimpaks that gives you dexterity and strength. It makes quite a difference if you can close the distance to shooters and start hacking them to pieces in half the time. Remember, that you can run through rooms and get to the exile fairly fast. Two jedis and a droid is better than a single jedi and a droid.
  20. Just you wait for XBOX Home Edition, XBOX Professional, XBOX Mediacenter, XBOX Volume License, XBOX Plus Pack, XBOX SR1, XBOX Developer Version, XBOX CE/Handheld, XPOD etc.
  21. Which is sort of the same problem that Hollywood is having, isn't it? Movie companies whining about the unfaithful movie goers unwillingness to view "Tough Guy XXIII", "Celebrity Skin Show 3" or "Freddy vs. Jason vs. Predator" etc. I suspect there is quite a lot of teeth grinding going on amongst the creative people, the investors and the poor suckers who have to somehow reconcile the two extremes. People too concerned about the formulas of movie making give you "The Phantom Menace", people too unconcerned about the formulas of movie making gives you Uwe Boll. Somewhere in the middle, the good movies exist, and because statistics says so, for x number of unessential but decent movies, a golden nugget is bound to be found. I imagine the game industry works a bit the same way, although I have no insider knowledge of what it is like.
  22. I'd rather have other mutant powers. Nothing the Inquisition can't handle
  23. Are we supposed to? :ninja10: I had heard the name before... think I saw it on one of those "Charts" in a CD/DVD store a year or two ago. I only noticed it because one of my colleagues had won tickets to one of their concerts but couldn't be bothered to go. Not sure what happened to the tickets.
  24. Keep in mind that the original cut of Alien is the true Director's Cut. The "Director's Cut" that is labelled as such was cut by Ridley Scott, but only because when the studio tried to recut it he felt they did a horrible job. His definitive cut is still the original. Which is actually a minute longer. It was interesting when I found this out because it contradicted my previous understanding of what a "Director's Cut" could mean. It was no longer "the cut the director wanted but the studio wouldn't allow," it was "extra scenes to make a buck." Sometimes it is the latter, usually it's the former. I know Some of the stuff was nice, some of it pointless. I can understand why some of the restored stuff didn't even make into the DC version. Still nice to see it on the extras DVD though. I just watched "Aliens" last night. Now, there is a movie which definitely benefits from the 40 minutes of additional footage "put back in", as it actually makes sense and in some ways make for a more coherent movie. I always wondered how Ripley knew how to drive one of those power lifters
  25. Big Gun Dimplomacy... Playing a multitude of games these days (when not catching up on my unseen movie collection) BG1 with ToSC, JA2 with the 1.13 patch, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Planescape Torment, Europa Universalis III (playing Muscowy/Russia) and NWN2/MoTB as a Fighter. Some of the games have been in progress since last Christmas/New Year
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