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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. *Sits down, waits patiently for PC version...*
  2. At least the radial menus were gone. It wasn't so much the primitive gfx that put me off NWN, as it was the story (and Aribeths voice). I wonder if I might have changed my opinion if I had waited for a later boxed set that included HoTU and just played the expansion. MotB wasn't perfect, but the positive impressions far outweigh the negative ones... Cons: The default camera settings, the extra game mechanism management, the party members felt oddly "detached" somehow and finally the high level play, which I liked no more than I did in Throne of Bhaal. Pros: The configurability of the camera, nice story, good sound and visual work, interesting choice and consequence incidents, simplified crafting, no more forced party members, no excessive "grind" levels. Probably a lot more, but being human, one seems to forget all the smaller, nice details.
  3. I'm in the middle of doing some stupid project for history where i have to make a tabloid magazine for some specific time in ancient history. i hate college sometimes ): Can you choose the time, or is that a given? It could be worse, they could have asked you for Pompeii style grafitti
  4. You mean, like "Going down the drain"? :sad: They did it to Epic, they did it to 40k, and they are currently busy messing up the army books completely for fantasy Luckily, my familiarity with Forgotten Realms is mostly from paper back books and crpgs, so I don't really have this sense of violation of my orthodox perception of what it *should* be compared to what it *used* to be. (although, the "Times of Trouble" trilogy is probably among the worst books I've spend time reading) Does anybody know of any Forgotten Realms games at all, due to be released in a foreseeable future?
  5. What class are you? Tactics usually depends on your class. Picking Vrook as your first jedi master fight is probably the hardest battle in the entire game... You know that you don't have to fight him yet? If he turns out unbeatable, save him for later and visit other places first (and get som xp and a bit more oomph! for your exile character first). As a rule of thumb, independent of class... buff up on stimulants, energy shields, force speed, etc.
  6. I think that *is* enough toads for one forum. Some individual(s) didn't seem to get Walsinghams first hint. If anybody feel like discussing phone pranks and their merits or lack of in general (and toad free), feel free to do so.
  7. Got myself a new bike today. The ride back home from the store was a stark reminder how badly I needed that bike Couldn't bring myself to replace them old shoes though :sad:
  8. I believe that deceiving would be covered, as long as doing so did not break any established laws... That is some rather cryptic english in there No wonder there is a market for lawyers Anyway, just to clarify my position: Lets say I am an evil old bastard (which I am not really, don't let the member no. fool you), and I decide to play mind games with a child... Most 13 years old I've known suffers from varying degrees of insecurity, sometimes including an abject fear of rejection. I'll bet that in many cases, you could if for whatever reason you may desire so, twist an insecure 13 old around your little finger if you where evil enough, playing the game of bad cop/good cop with yourself. Pretend to be friendly and show acceptance, just to replace it with rejection, rinse and repeat. The effect is the same as training an intelligent animal, if you act nice, you get a cookie, if you act bad, you get a kick. In the case of humans, it creates a sick dependency relationship (see abuse, domestic violence, other similar phenomena). The question I then ask myself is, do I blame an insecure 13 with issues for being an insecure 13 with issues? Or do I blame a manipulative old bastard for enforcing his will on a minor? For me it's similar to rape, doesn't matter if physical force was involved or not. Maybe I am just intolerant when people are deceptive? ... That would of course explain my deep-seated dislike of politicians...
  9. Somebody with good taste I can warmly recommend the live version from Staying Alive too (since it has quite a few of the Balls to the Wall tracks) said the old Accept fan. Now I feel like listening to Princess of the Dawn again.
  10. I have no idea what is in the mentioned amendment, but does it also allow for lying and deceiving (i.e. pretending to be somebody you are not)?
  11. I doubt they will, even if they deserve it. If the dad did it, I would say, he deserves time for deliberate deception and manipulation of a minor for his own purposes. Not sure if that is punishable by any law though. If he is covering over his own kids, I would say, it is not just one, but two families in dire need of therapy, since both seems to have problems raising kids then. Only the "dad" (undeserving of that responsibility in any case) is likely to know the truth.
  12. So, you guys scored two goals in the same game. It might be a loss, but it sure is an improvement over no (or one) goals
  13. Edit2: Added spoiler tag. Not sure if really necessary for this game, but just in case
  14. You need a hint for that latter?
  15. So they are Lets see, I've got a c64 emulator, an Amiga emulator, a Glide (old 3dfx driver) emulator, Dosbox, a BBC model B emulator, a ZX Spectrum 48k emulator, I even think I saw some console emulators on the net a while back that I for a short time considered getting, but truth be told, I haven't found a console exclusive game yet that I wanted it badly enough. It doesn't automatically mean that I won't ever get one, but so far, I don't see the need for one, real or emulator.
  16. Got my six monthly bonus paid today Time to think about what I need to replace the most... probably my sneakers, since my feet are doing their best to escape the current ones throught all kinds of wear and tear holes Then, probably going shopping for a bike. I really need more exercise.
  17. Gorth


    I would have thought it a cross between a Therapeut and a Metallurgist
  18. I didn't find the mirrors themselves a problem. I smashed the bookcases and got them lined up allright. My journal also hinted at placing characters between the beam and the first mirror, so no problem there. I must just have missed the results of having my party members "speak" to their equivalent duplicates... I also tried a couple of soul combinations, joined by master poruset, but the two guys just kept complaining about it not being the right two that was fused together. All in all, I found the souls in the "library", two empty soul housings, an incomplete soul and a fragmented soul (from sorting the ice and fire mephits). The door in the head mistress' room took the incomplete and the fragmented one off my hands so far, leaving me with two empty housings and whatever two I can check out at a time (thanks to the pass given to me by master Poruset). I'll have to try the #127 & #91 combo when I get home from work... looking forward to speaking to Jerro again
  19. Ah, that might explain why I have some weird soul housings (incomplete iirc)... I only remember finding one when browsing through peoples belongings
  20. Ok, a few things at the Thay academy is making me wish Qara was here, and in a bad mood too I got the mirrors all set up and create a nice light show. I can put my party members (except kaji) in there and get "duplicates" in the other end, i.e. Ukko before he got all colourful, Safiya's (sp?) mother, Kaelyn the not so dove like and myself with a big ugly mask (I supposed that is the mask the game is named after). Question: Does it serve any purpose other than looking nice? I can make the images pop like soap bubbles when their counterparts try to initiate dialogue, but the only one who responds differently is Safiya (sp?) who addresses the image as "Mother?" I couldn't find any obvious combination of two souls for the two "merchants" in the instructors quarters. Is what they want really made up of any of the 5 souls in the soul library? Limited hints, or even just one of the soul houseing # will do. I think I tried offering each of them to the guy with the substitute soul, but he turned them all down. Did I miss something or did I screw up my counting when taking one at a time? I just need to know if it was one of those readily available. I could either embarras myself in public and ask here, or I could sink so low, as to start looking for walkthroughs. Something I just don't want to do until completing the game once... I must really be getting old, not being able to solve these things without breaking a sweat
  21. My condolences :sad: It was the biggest disappointment for me since I bought the NWN Silver Box. And the first game since that, which I just couldn't be bothered to finish due to lack of interest. TR: Legends was so promising, but sadly, they took the crappy parts of that and elaborated on, instead of the good parts.
  22. Maybe he just likes to work on Fallout games? It's not like the current license holder wanted anything to do with people who had been involved with the games in the past.
  23. In the good old days, my graviton armed tech-priest used to rule the battlefield. What we need is some good old 40k Eldar guns. D-Cannon for the win Vibro cannons and Doom Weavers are nice too, except as an IG player, I used to be on the receiving end of them :ninja10: Still, would make some interesting FPS weapons.
  24. It is the force ghost of a thread... it will linger for a while, offering wisdom from the past before disappearing for good into obscurity.
  25. So, I made my way to Thaymount.... Somebody must have had a lot of fun coming up with the stuff in the academy. Just listening to the classes on soul splitting and merging One question though. I know the game isn't really linear, but I still wonder about a journal/quest entry from the Ashenwood (sp?). I think I got it from the corpses of some Malar followers, lying in the snow, but I am not sure anymore. One is about the blood (from a vicious beast) and the other is about finding a possible survivor. I found the blood, but doesn't really need it, since I chose the "good" option helping the sick tree and I found two men, one of them dying. I offered to help his mate, but he seemed determined that letting him croak was part of a natural order. With friends like these and all that Still, those two things seems to have got stuck with superglue in my journal. Are they still "removable" or should I give Cantousent a hard time? Edit: Btw. the Skein was awesome
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