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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. It does give them a certain "comic book" quality when it's over done. More hate stuff: Excessive loot, badly distributed/random loot and the real killer... getting the Big Sword of Crate Slaying + 12 as a reward for killing the last Crate in the game >_
  2. Happy birthday pixies (and Surreptishus) >_
  3. It doesn't bother me that you might have more coins than you can spend, as long as not every peasant has equipment that would make nobility envious. Heck, sometimes money really is just a way of keeping score.
  4. I know those bad movies and seen those trailers and from those trailers also went and rented them movies. So watching a Uwe Boll movie is like a masterpiece of cinema compared to the likes of the movies you're talking about. eg. Frankenfish or The Creeps where a mad scientist brings back Dracula, The Mummy, The Wolfman and Frankenstein as midgets and as per the review, the movie looks like it was made for less than $200.00 (I didn't mind these movies. I guess it says a lot about what I watch) Hey! Frankenfish was so awesome that I bought the dvd from amazon. I dread the day I'll be forced to watch Bloodrayne again FYI it was a choice between that or cheap, typical hotel pr0n (I was stuck working interstate for a week), I really THOUGHT I was making the good choice. The alternative would have had better directing and acting.
  5. *Looks at location* I'm going to take an educated guess here and say that you aren't "Darque" or "Walsingham". A few people a concerned about privacy for various reasons. We have a phone booth that Walsingham uses when he changes clothes.
  6. It takes a rather rare talent to make a full length movie with a scantily clad Kristanna Loken unwatchable. Yes Bloodrayne, I am looking at you!
  7. I had forgotten about that I'll have to settle for playing X3 for a few days though. Still waiting for it to be available in the local stores.
  8. I always forget about them. The sheer number of boosts you get from robes, crystals etc. makes them sort of "not essential". Nice for flavour and role playing, but not much practical value. At least compared to the benefits of loot. But then, the game had too much loot IMO.
  9. Sometimes It gives a different perspective on things. One day, men in black suits appeared at my cubicle and said: "We're willing to wipe the slate clean, give you a fresh start. All that we're asking in return is your cooperation...". I took the other pill >_
  10. The delivery guy showed up with my joystick yesterday in the office (yay for airfreight). I'll start playing X3: Terran Conflict tonight >_
  11. Are you pissed or something? Not every fan of Obsidian's reads all the articles. I want an apology. How about a chill pill? >_ It's not like they've made a secret of what the game was about. Actually, it feels like we've been hit over the head with a sledgehammer about it (as in just about every single preview, interview, prerelease review and forums).
  12. Globals can edit poll results. Not that we ever would, you understand. Don't give the fringe benefits away! Short version is, you get to read more reported posts since you get them from all fora. No, there isn't really a "picking order". The screen has a few more buttons here and there Edit: Oh yeah, I think the job description said something about reminding people of common sense and prevent too many bloodied noses, but that was in the fine print.
  13. It was still on the "coming soon" shelf in EB Games down here
  14. Let's call it a pre-emptive strike, but I have a feeling that this is really only going one way from here, and that is in the direction of discrimination and ridicule of peoples sexual orientation. If somebody can convince me otherwise, my PM box is not full yet Until then
  15. That part really sucks (speaking from personal experience). I wouldn't call myself a "failure", but I've always been seen as an underachiever compared to potential. I think the dumbest things I've done is actually the things I didn't do for various reasons, apropos insecurity and all that. I've done dumb things aplenty, but it is the missed things that keeps nagging me year after year.
  16. Thanks Shryke :)

    Yes, somebody has to break a few noses and whisper a few soothing words to hurt egos every now and then. There are truly days where I miss the relaxed, laid back lifestyle of Wellington (stares wistfully out the window)

  17. Gaius Suetonius Tranquilius: "De Vita Caesarum" Gerd von Rundstedt: "Lost Victories" Thucydides: "The History of the Peolponnesian War" Barbara W. Tucman: "The Guns of August" Meh, lots available...
  18. "History" is a pretty broad definition Ancient history, Chinese history, military history, socio-economic history, religious history, recent world history, forum history?...
  19. I thought you were supposed to pick up styles by observing the jedi masters while you fight and kill them? As opposed to have them spar and show you when you let them live and agree to meet them om Tattooine. Is there something special about Vrook and Juyo since you didn't pick it up?
  20. How can you say that Myron had no personality?!? or Sulik and Grampybone?... or Marcus the supermutant?... I think they had plenty of personality, if not incessant "party banter" BG2 style
  21. Thread pruned. Lets see if it isn't possible without insulting fellow forumites and the taste of fellow forumites in ways that are "unconstructive". Apologies to those who may have meant well and still lost a post as collateral damage.
  22. Is "ain't" a real word in English? I seem to remember a songtitle called something like He ain't heavy, he's my brother. Listening to Fleetwood Mac - Gold dust Woman (Rumours album)
  23. I've noticed that some people seems to find such activities very entertaining, at least judged by the enthusiasm they do it with There might be some criteria that can actually me measured empirically and agreed upon as being "good". Not necessarily more good than other good things, but "good". Things like getting sufficient hours of entertainment for your money, able to keep up a decent framerate, low bug count, etc. I think I stand by the conclusion of my first post though, there is no correct answer. Ok, maybe I should have changed it to, there is no universally correct answer (for the semantics pedantics).
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