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Everything posted by rheingold

  1. Druid, paladin and ranger for me. Or I might go druid, paladin and chanter. Would be one of those options though. Or maybe druid,paladin and monk. Yup definitely one of the above.... All though monk, paladin and chanter would rock. But, yeah one of those combos would be great...... Oh hell, who am I kidding.... Druids, rangers, paladins, monks, chanters, barbs and rogues and I'm supposed to pick 3? Can't choose 6, 3 aint gonna happen....
  2. I think you need 15con/res. Yeah, I've had the res just not the con. And man it's a tough fight with all the adds. Weird thing about the alpine and adra dragons though. I found both fights really really tough and had to resort to cheese to win. But the adra's adds are much tougher than the alpines. And the alpine dragon is tougher than the adra so it balances out I guess. But those darn adragons....
  3. ^^^ the stat checks to free the vithrack are not that easy. I almost alway play a resolve,perc and int kinda character. Not sure what stat and how high it is required but ive never managed. And the fight with them is tough
  4. Sorry you don't like the game and the writing. But plenty of people do. It all comes down to personal taste and opinion. There is just no getting around that.
  5. Ha, they really need to do a perfect "10" run. All stats set to 10. No bonuses or penalties....
  6. The Rain of Godagh Field warbow always seems a bit lacking for a Superb weapon, mostly because its only special effect is Speed. A good effect to be sure, but somehow it seems a little weak compared to Borresaine or Cloudpiercer when you factor in their effects. I suppose that RoGF might be a nice warbow for a bow user you don't expect to be a critical hit producing machine. But I think that for a character who does produce a lot of crits, a bow that takes greater advantage of those crits with some on-crit effects would be more advantageous. And even more so when you durganize it. Yeah, on hit crits are great especially for rangers. I just feel RoGF is seriously underated as a dps weapon though. Twinned arrows, driving flight. Durgan steel and a lash and it turns into monster. Sabra Marie is great except it always comes way to late for me, so it ends up pretty worthless....
  7. I dont think that there are going to be any new abilities added at this stage, but that is fine, there is nothing wrong with the concept of the current barb/rogue ones. Some of them are quite cool actually. They should just be buffed up somewhat. ie dragons leap , one of the coolest abilities in the game. The barbarian should come down on the opposition like a hammer. Instead its more like the pillow of god at the moment. Should be more damage and stun as opposed to daze which is useless. Good news though about carnage and bash. The devs have shown a lot of willingness to listen and adapt. Hopefully they will make a few tweaks to rogues and barbs. They dont need a major overhaul. Just some small changes would make a large difference. Plenty of good ideas on the thread, if they are listening....
  8. Great weapons (off the top of my head) that are worth durgan steel. You may or may not use them with your classes though. Tall grass Hours of st rumbalt Tidefall Vile loners lance We toki Rain (warbow from ranger bounty) Persistence Cloudpiercer Leadsplitter Lenas er hunting bow
  9. Vile loners lance is great, though you could also go the dozens route for their spear. Both work well and look cool and will last till WM2 where you can pick up a better weapon, and the dragons maw shield. Spears will also help with the shield accuracy debuff, at least if you are using medium/large shields.
  10. Stats are fine. For me personally if I play a dwarf barb I have trouble dropping their strength down, I normally go for a balanced attribute spread something like: Might 14 Con 10 Dex 15 Perc 15 Int 15 Res 9 It's tough justifying low might when the dwarf model looks like Conans big brother. Orlans on the other hand I'm happy to drop a couple more points of might at around 12 or so. I must stress this is a role playing decision. As is the fact I dont like dropping anything below 9. Still the barbs work great with those stats. Cant wait for carnage to work with bash.
  11. Glad that there are differences between the races including the bonuses. Nothing worse than having different options to choose but it ends up being a cosmetic difference only.... Cough....cough dragon age inquisition. And all the complaints about some being over powered, well really they are not that important. But they do add flavour which is great.
  12. I quite like dual wielding for the ranger. A boreal dwarf dual wielding axes with a warpig is just about the coolest character you can build in the game. (Or should i say warhamster). Yes, you miss out tidefalls healing and dot. But wounded shot works in melee. And the extra damage the ranger does makes up for the times when predators sense is not active. Carry a blundebuss for ranged and take powderburn. Not necessarily the most effective build but oh so much fun. (Talking about taking powderburn here, its really more for flavour and looks than effectiveness)
  13. I dunno, chanters can get insane defenses. Yeah if they get hit they are in trouble but nothing short of a dragon should give them problems. And to be honest paladins dont even do that well against dragons. I mean its not like the paladin is going one on one. Its more a case of using scrolls and some cheese to keep them alive.
  14. Mmm not sure if things have changed but easy isn't as easy as some people think.... The enemy stats are the same as hard, the only thing that changes is the amount of adds. That means the alpine dragon is still, well the alpine dragon. Its only Potd and storytime where the stats change. So there are still going to be some tough fights, though obviously the adds do make a difference in difficulty.
  15. Both will be fine. I'd go with which ever class you prefer rather than which is the "best" class. Not sure either class will be able to do all content though. That might only be possible with a paladin
  16. Only real weakness for a druid is their accuracy and casting speed are not great. Otherwise they work fine. So maybe id look at perception and dexterity?
  17. You are probably underlevelled for this fight, its really painful. Reckon ciphers are not great for this fight as well. I'd probably pick up Hiravious. Druids are great for this fight. Start with overwhelming wave, put up the storm spells while they are stunned. Calling the worlds maw for the rest and moonwell for insect plague. I found it easier to be really aggresive with this fight and hit them with everything my druid had in the beggining. Ciphers cant do that.
  18. Look I do think that balance is pretty good, but I do agree with El. Rogues and Barbs could stand to be buffed a bit. For me the issue is more a case of most of the other classes can be built different ways. So want a dps Mage? Fine, no problem. Want a combat mage, also no problem. Druids can be a tank, do dps and crowd control. Really all the others can fulfill multiple roles in a party. Rogues you can build realitively solid but they can never tank or do crowd control. Barbs can't do anything but carnage. Don't get me wrong I like rogues and love Barbs. But it would be nice if say a barb had some talents to do single target dps, or a rogue some crowd control. Wouldn't unbalance the game, it would just bring them more in line with the other classes ability to multi task.
  19. Phew, first play through on Potd. Chanter main, all custom pcs, no min maxing, no priests, wizards or ciphers. Just one poor lonely druid. Concelhaut has been painful on hard, so much so that I have had to resort to cheese, like pulling him out into the corridor by himself. Well, as I said first darn Potd run and everyone and I mean everyone comes running out. Really painful fight, druids are fantastic but for these sort of fights having another caster type as well really would help. Pity I don't like them Any road, Concelhaut on Potd is down. Not sure how to beat the 2 dragons though. Adra is okay on hard, but those adragan so are going to be a pain on Potd. I found the adds for the alpine actually much easier on hard than for the Adra though. It's just the blasted dragon. Lengrath won't happen, I'm too much of a goody two shoes. Tough fights so far on Potd: Concelhaut. Mercenary group just North of where you enter in Cragholdt bluff. The one with loads of merc brawlers. Caed Nua entrance hallway. Temple of Eothas shades. Vithrack bounty. Undead south of Ogres in Russetwood. Those Fampyr beguilers are no joke.
  20. Not sure if you guys are putting your rogues in heavy armour? I found with max armour and taking all the defensive perks the rogue doesn't get targeted. The ai uses deflection and dr to decide who to lay the smack down on. Also boosts his survivability obviously. Take the get of jail free talents as well. Also keeping them back for a moment before engaging. I haven't played a rogue on Potd but on hard a dual wield rogue is insane. And in my experience it definitely kills it's opponent before it's targeted.
  21. More Pillars please guys. But I wouldn't complain if Kotor or Bloodlines were to get an Obsidian sequel.
  22. Sooooo... I've been reading posts on the forum for a while which go something like this: Rangers suck. Chanters need to be fixed. How do I make monks viable? Paladins underwhelming. Fighters useless. Barbarians no good. Rogues too weak. Makes me think obs are doing something right.... Seriously with few class exceptions, it seems that it's pretty balanced at the moment. Note I did say with some exceptions, mainly the caster classes. Obviously it's slightly more complicated than that - people also struggle with understanding the mechanics of a particular class, but the fact that people are complaining about all the melee classes seems to mean that they are actually pretty balanced. Comments?
  23. ^ yup balanced or at least getting there. It's a good sign for pillars 2, they have a really strong base in terms of their ruleset. Not that there isn't room for improvement. But it's looking good considering the whole system was built from scratch.
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