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Force Reaper

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Everything posted by Force Reaper

  1. Male - Erdo Kraf Female - Mae Kiren
  2. K1- I used the guy with the shaved head and the scar. K2- I used the dude with shaved head and the little beard thing. They both look pretty much the same except one had brown hair and the other one had black hair.
  3. Darkside. Lightside was more fun in K1 though.
  4. Korriban and Malachor I guess, compared to all the other planets they were a lot darker.
  5. I've always liked HK alot but Mandalore and T3 are pretty awesome too.
  6. I always do Korriban first and then the rest of the planets in whatever order.
  7. Rodians kick ass.
  8. That's my point, if the game's too easy for him he's better off just playing something different rather than trying to make the game harder " or maybe he just really likes KotOR I dunno.
  9. Just play another game!!!
  10. Bastila, even though I'd probably go with Visas if they showed her face
  11. Mandalore. I liked the Handmaiden alot too though.
  12. I went with Sion, his look is awesome.
  13. Visas even with her missing eyes!!!!
  14. Yeah I always use them. The Jedi armors are just gay looking and later on in the game you're a god anyway so you don't need to have the best equipment to kill stuff.
  15. lol what's the point
  16. ok kriea and arren kae are two different people, just shut up about it
  17. Mira was ok but I liked the Visas and the Handmaiden a lot more.
  18. Nice work, really like the one with the female exile killing Kavar
  19. I saw a copy in BB earlier. Either way you losers are in for some ****.
  20. Why the **** is this even a topic..
  21. I can't remember Something on KotOR 2 though, that's for sure.
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