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Everything posted by Longshot11

  1. Did you use any items for your Combat check by chance?
  2. I reported that bug way back when, so I wouldn't hold my breath on them fixing it (the devs have bigger fish to fry, certainly), but you're correct - the Haunts are NEVER defeated, automatically or otherwise, and they have nothing to do with the way you beat Habe (who has a defeated condition) or BOG (which has a power that explicitly states it's automatically acquired). Also, as another manifestation of the same bug, if memory doesn't fail me, if you get a Haunt at the Desecrated Vault, it will trigger its power and may get shuffled back in the location (but don't take my word for it). Also, I suspect the Haunts trigger all "If you defeat monster/ Undead" conditions, but haven't tested for it.
  3. Just so we can establish a possible connection with the old Meri bug: do you guys have the role power that allows you to recharge blessings played on Dexterity checks?
  4. So, I'd say the problem is in general with cards that say "You may play another <my_card_type> card on the check" (which the shields do) allowing you to play the same instance of the card itself.
  5. This^. If you revealed the Blackcloth to add +1 to your check, this counts as you playing your 1 allowed Armor card on the check, so if you fail - you may not play another Armor. Therefore, even if you had another armor in your hand besides Blackcloth - you shouldn't be able to play that one either.
  6. Some 'accessories' - I believe the ROP was one - expressly allow you to play another card of the same type on the check (can't remember if the ROP does). However, there is a FAQ over at Paizo that specifically forbids that you reveal the same physical card, exactly to close such loopholes. Keep in mind, if you have TWO ROPs in your hand (and they state "You may play another Item on this check") - you should be able to play both.
  7. Not by original rules. This is either a bug or a conscious design decision in the app (no dev has commented on it yet, though it was brought up several times). It's stupid because you have to make the decision at the start of your turn at empty location, without a chance to look over your characters and hand compositions. By original rules, the chance to close an empty location is pretty much the LAST thing you do before the end of your turn.
  8. Any solo caster will generally be in trouble, but particularly solo Ezren (who can't hold blessings in his deck) who'll have to beat a Combat 29 check in AD5 against a monster immune to attack spells. Good luck with that. Also, the final scenario of the adventure path for any character/s who didn't stock up on all possible ways of" examine and rearrange" (Magic Spyglass, Augury, Scrying, Revelation Quill...), barring an amazing luck during the location deck shuffle. You CANNOT forfeit that scenario (i.e. wait out the blessings timer), so all perma-death characters who did not optimize their deck for a challenge they didn't know is coming - they might as well pack it up and go home (one more reason I find the 'perma-death' concept ridiculous, but who am I to tell people how to spend their time).
  9. Presumably this bug may also apply vs. Scout or Barriers. For proper failed Combat damage, the ability works as intended. Also, Combat damage prevented by this ability doesn't count vs the Battle Hardened Steel challenge.
  10. When you start a scenario - go to the Character Slection screen. Then tap the '...' button next to the character art and several options will pop up, among them "Dice" - select that. You should then see a menu with all of your dice and above them - all the character portraits for the current party. Drag a character portrait into one of the round empty slot to associate it with the given dice skin. Enjoy. Also, having the 'assist' dice being colored by the contributing hero was mentioned by the devs as their intent, but is currently not working. Rather, all dice for a check are colored per the active character's dice skin, no matter who contributed them.
  11. This is odd, if those are the only ones. The list of cards not yet implemented (search the threads around) shoud've been considerably longer, IIRC. Unless they were snuck in without mention from the devs, bu that seems unlikely... From your list: I have a couple of Flaming Returning Axes and Squires, so just bad luck I guess. The Samisen and Black Arrow Longbow are awarded when you complete on Legendary all scenarios from the Base and #3 Adventures, respectively.
  12. I second the question about Merisiel banishing Blessings with her role power.
  13. If this helps. all the lycantropes have been FAQed into working with 'Basic' Blessings, instead of BOG (the 3rd card game, Wrath of the Righteous doesn't have BOG for example - it has another Basic blessing entirely). This disctinction won't matter for a long time in the app, but basically, if a Lycanthrope works with any non-Basic blessing - that would be a bug.
  14. Actually, their current setup is pretty weird, but still better than before the last patch when they had nothing. So, currently, when you get new cards: - in Gallery, their AD filter tab is colored in flat yellow - when you select the appropriate AD tab, however, then the Card Type tab filter is DARKENED, as it usually does when there are no card in the selected category! I'll admit I initially dismissed it as a new graphical bug, and it only later, after extensive perusal of the Gallery that I got what's going on.
  15. Wow, that's a good one. Now, I wonder what would happen if you had ALL the locations temp-closed, and failed to defeat the Villain... Do you remember if you had Harsk selected when you rolled Sajan's Wisdom check? Otherwise, it might be a case where a card summoned off-turn with a pre-combat check assumes its encountered by the active hero. I think I encountered some similar shenanigans a while back..
  16. Tap on the red 'Undead Uprising' button on the left to see you scenario powers, including Wildcards. From what you're describing - you were playing a regular Heroic or Legendary session (no bugs there)
  17. I think there was tread where a dev confirmed there was indeed an issue with Haste's AD#. Find Traps should normally have 2 copies in the Vault. As for Masterwork Tools - idk, they changed AD# for some cards in Quest Mode, there's nothing to say they didn't also change the number of copies?
  18. The reason might be, the Lizard is Deck 4, actually. How did you get a hold of it in the first place - that might be another issue entirely.
  19. I'm more interested, how the heck do you have AD4 cards - both Lizard and Flame Cannon?
  20. Somewhat relevant. You can use her Animal Trick while fighting Gogmurt becasue you are revealing the animal, not playing the animal. More specifically, you can use Animal Trick as this is 'playing Lini's power', not 'playing an ally card with Animal trait" (Revealing an Animal for its own power DOES count as playing that card)
  21. Actually, this was confirmed as intended (i.e., the +1 Club only gives you Magic trait over the normal one) by the designers. You could probably search-fu the topic over at Paizo forums. (I'm not saying I like this inconsistency or think it's right, but that's the status-quo currently)
  22. Current implementation is consistent with the real game. Consider this scenario: hero has a power that says, for example, "Succeed at Charisma/Diplomacy 10 check to avoid monster" (a couple of pixie Allies give you that) - the player wants to evade the villain, but he doesn't know if he'll be able until after he rolls the Charisma check. The POINT is, you have to decide if you want to temp-close and how hard are you trying to do it (i.e. what resource to spend) BEFORE you know for sure if you'll be able to evade. Now, in the real game, you usually know when you can evade for sure (ex, Merisiel's power) and if you want to do so, so you just skip the Temp Close step. And here we hit on the REAL problem in the app: you possibly don't get know if you WANT to evade, before you're done with Temp Close, the reason being: you can't see what your heroes are holding in the Temp Close screen. This is one of the more annoying UI decisions in the game. The best recourse you currently have (in your example) is: you select to Temp Close a location that won't cost you any resources or is negligibly easy to close; then, instead of rollong the check/performing other action - switch to view the hero that encountered the villain (they'll be accessible, as they are allowed to help with the temp-close check). When you see that you don't have the sword - just fail or cancel the Temp Close, skip the whole Temp Close menu and evade the villain. Of course, it would be best if the devs just fix the UI, but right now there's a whole school of bigger fish to fry, so...
  23. This was a reported bug for party size of 4 - showing 18 instead of 15. At least, it's only cosmetic and the game counts it correctly. I havent checked if the other party size display correct or wrong values.
  24. Same here, Galaxy Tab A, lost 2 chests. After I updated, the chests don't register me tapping on them at all to open. Well, I can take solace that at least they don't diminish in quantity. I can confirm that I did in fact get the cards from my 'missing' chests. It was a pleasant surprise when I suddenly stumbled on a Slaying Sword in my Gallery
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