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Everything posted by Longshot11

  1. I have observed this with several 'discard for effect' powers: - Backstab (the discard, in addition to the recharge) - Seoni's Fire Blast -Lini's ANimal Form Seems to be a pretty widespread issue, but basically targeting the same class of powers.
  2. The card has a FAQ which states it should have the Attack trait.
  3. Merisiel encountered a barrier. Revealed Thief's Tools to add 1d12 Disable. Then the Pole was available for "discard'. I did not discard the Pole to see what will happen.
  4. I suppose a lizard-like impersonation of evil should be free to chose it's own gender, but iirc there's a pair of impressive (for a demon) mammaries on Erylim's art, indicating the artist was leaning towards 'female'. Because, the first thing you imagine when you think of The Abyss is 'nurseries'...
  5. It can be argued. By rules as written - she shouldn't recharge them, as they don't have a check to recharge (which is auto-success with Magic in the Touch), they have a check to be DISCARDED (instead of Buried). Of course, Magic in the Blood as written is a remnant from the very firs iteration of PACG, and is informed by its design sensibilities (i.e. Items and Spell cards had a dedicated Recharge box, where a check was specified to literally recharge the card), so I'd argue, by today's standards, the intent of the power would be to also auto-succeed at the Flasks' check to discard. Which thankfully it currently does in the app.
  6. So, no, it's not a bug - it's a design decision of Obsidian's that any loot can only be gained only once per profile. You'll need to create a new Party (and you can continue playing in it with your experienced heroes!) if you want new copies of the Loot.
  7. So, this is not alt-checks issue. Had the same problem with non-cancelable discards with Seoni vs. Kobold Barbarian, when I used her innate Fireball, but then tried to go back and return my discarded card.
  8. Did you start a new Party Profile in the STory menu, or did you make a new party in you old save slot? If you started a new Party - this is a bug.
  9. - with LIni, encounter any of the Lamia villains in 4-2 - activate Beast Form and discard a card for it - the Lamia's check to defeat automatically changes to Divine - when the check is changed to Combat - Lini's Strength die is still d4 (it should be d10) - when the Cancel button is pressed - the card discarded for Beast Form is not returned to hand (regardless if the selected check is Combat or Divine) - this can be reproduced multiple times against the same Lamia, with Lini irretrievably losing her Beast Form card each time This, again, is probably connected to the fact the Lamias have alternative checks (combat or Divine). All of these cards seem to be notoriously bug-inducing.
  10. As reported elsewhere, I had the same issue with Shelyn and Harsk's Wisdom/Survival. It would appear either some Blessings are bugged, or maybe some caharcter skills (my Survival and your Diplomacy) have somehow been 'detached' from their parent Wisdom/Charsma.
  11. The location Scarletti Manor, when permanently closed, adds 1d6 items to it, and gives the top item to player. I had cornered and defeat the villain in Scarletti Manor; the location should have closed, rolled for items, and give me 1 item before the scenario end; instead, the scenario ended immediately. Turtleback Ferry seems to have the correct behaviour, in granting you an item before scenario end. I haven't tested the General Store or other similar locations.
  12. The boss of 4-2, Galenmir. Scenario power is "when you defeat a Giant, roll 1d6; on 1, the Giant is undefeated". Playing solo Seoni, I had already closed Mountain Peak and Forbidden Cave. I encountered and beated Galenmir in the Giant Lair (so he was cornered). After I beat the check, the scenario immediately loaded the victory cutscene, without rolling 1d6 to check if the villain is undefeated; however, I could hear a rolling die in the background as the cutscene loaded - I can only assume the 1d6 is rolled, but as the end sequence is already triggered - the die result is disregarded. Companion issue: I have previously reported the exact same thing happening, when the Skinsaw Man is defeated in the Desecrated Vault; I assume the fix for both issues will be similar.
  13. Goddamit! I was with Seoni at Mountain Peaks. Needed Wisdom 6 to close, rolled 5. Fortune's Herald never activated. Way back, I had reported similar bug with Luckstone; you guys might wanna look if location closing checks are not somehow differently wired. Fortune's Herald works on everything else so far.
  14. I doesn't allow you a choice. Instead, for each scenario, a specific (and allegedly growing) percentage of Basic cards (BOTH banes and boons!) is removed from the pool for creating location decks. So, yeah, if you're playing a Card Feat reward scenario, and you were hoping to fill your new slot with a Basic card that just happened to be randomly culled just then - you're out of luck.
  15. It is a known bug. Summoned henchmen should never allow you to close a location (the wording is "...attempt to close the location this henchman came from" (or somesuch) and summons don't come from a location deck).
  16. - I encountered Longtooth with Medusa Mask in my hand, I was offered to Evade or Encounter, I chose to Encounter - I rolled Longtooth's BYA Dexterity check - Longtooth tolled his damage from the failed BYA check - I was presented with the Combat check; the Medusa Mask was glowing as playable in my hand (Bug 1: it shouldn't be playable at this point of the encounter) - I mistakenly played the Medusa Mask; Longtooth immediately disappeared back into the location deck; I had both the Cancel (left of screen) and Confirm (right of scree) buttons available; pressing the X to cancel did nothing, I could only Confirm (Bug 2: I should be able to cancel the Medusa Mask and the evasion, and the evaded monster should not shuffle back until I press Confirm; alternatively, much more user unfriendly, I shouldn't be presented with a Cancel button at all)
  17. So, I had scouted the second Lamia Villain in 4-2. I went there with Seoni, because, due to her hand composition, I wanted to bare-fist the Lamia just for kicks. - BEFORE encountering the Lamia, I (dis)played Flask of Fire, Flask of Magic, Flask of Electricity (which, not being during an encounter, is a perfectly valid play and should be giving Seoni a starting combat dice d4 + 6d6!!!) - I opened the Villain - after the cutscene, all of Seoni's flasks were returned to her hand and she (as per the usual rules) was allowed to only display one of them - I don't remember if the villain check to defeat was automatically switched to Divine (which would generally reset cards played on the Combat check, but in any case should not reset cards displayed BEFORE the check!) I have not been able to confirm if this is Lamia-specific behaviour and/or is dependent on more than 1 Falsk being displayed (effectively, the game forcing you to use only 1 item on your check, regardless that those items were dispalyed prior to the check)
  18. Well, that can throw a wrench in the 'scroll-user' characters' wheels (get a Spell feat without having Arcane/Divine, get a Cure, banish it during play, retrieve it at Deck Rebuild). I suppose you're right and the code works as intended, but this is yet another boar game option being ham-strung. If it matters, I believe the Basic/Elite culling should be disregarded on the Deck Rebuild screen, as the intent is players can control if and which boons they remove from game. I wouldn't remove cards I intend to re-draw later in my deck.
  19. I encountered the Sneak on Heoric 'Attack on Sandpoint" and first summoned and encountered Longtooth (who has his own BYA Dexterity check); I made Longtooth's BYA check, I fought Longtooth, then I immediatly went to fight Sneak, bypassing his BYA check. The issue can be limited to the Sneak alone, or it could be more widespread, to allowing only one BYA check per encounter - and thus the encountered card's BYA is overwritten by any checks mandates by Location, Scenario or summoned banes.
  20. I was playing solo Lem, and had Scarnetti Manor and City Gate closed. When I moved to Sandpoint Cathedral, the "scenario power" button did nothing anymore. - the button appears as expcted - I press the button; the button blinks and produces no effect - I had Auguried the villain on top, so I can confirm the game wasn't just skipping the "examine; if bane - shuffle back in" animation
  21. It was not - that's my point. When the non-magical Greatclub first appeared in one of the Class Decks with its d10+1 way back, it raised more than a few eyebrows on the Paizo forums (and I personally dislike this departure from convention) but it was confirmed by the designers as intended.
  22. This might not even be a new thing, but I just noticed in the Gallery - the club is now using you STrength/Melee + 1d10. It used to add 1d10+1, which is a departure from all non-magical weapons logic, but this IS how the real card is implemented in the physical game. I guess my question is - is this an intentional nerf, or did someone thing the "+1" was a bug and removed it?
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