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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Teleport is pretty dang powerful for me. So I get to move someone away from me, do a bunch of damage in the process, and drop him on another enemy, doing even more damage? Thank you.
  2. Really sorry to hear that Woldan. My daughter sat through a CAT scan a couple years ago perfectly. Each kid is really just different. My daughter is quick to anger, quick to move on. My son is very mellow, but when he gets in a mood, he's a stubborn mule.
  3. The whole quote was "In me and my girlfriends co-op game I'm playing a rogue-like character, and from a pure single target damage perspective, that character is the top in most fights." So I'm assuming you are Spider's girlfriend, since you know who is the top damage dealer in all of his fights. Congrats, I think Spider is a real catch.
  4. So Logan, my 4-year old, is not a fan of getting x-rays. He's got this dent in his cheek and we were worried it might be broken, but he was having none of it. He seriously flipped out on the table, kicking, punching and screaming.
  5. Yeah, that skill point thing is a bit confusing. Easy isn't a cakewalk or anything in this game, enemies still use all their spells and abilities against you, you just don't go down quite as quickly and they go down faster to your attacks.
  6. It's not a crime to drop the difficulty to easy either.
  7. Combat Mission is a pretty old name. Honestly I'd say Company of Heroes is a closer comparison.
  8. Didn't you accuse someone a few posts back of wallowing in their own bigoted and arrogant view of games? Maybe you might wanna reflect on that a bit? Bethesda breaks my immersion every time I have to talk to an NPC using one of 5 recycled voices over and over again. But hey, that's life. There are enough redeeming qualities for me to ignore that for awhile in ES games. Some people find inventory management to be tedious and immersive breaking, but that's a big part of Divinity, and I'm enjoying the heck out of it.
  9. I saw this on Steam on special and I'm thinking about buying it as well ? Elder scrolls Online is pretty nice. Never understood why it got such bad reputation. It is exactly like a SP Elder scrolls games in terms of quests except there is also MP and the world is just really really huge. Is that a bad joke? Nah, ESO is exactly like the SP games, except you run into fellow adventurers that aren't your typical lifeless Bethesda NPC's. Back to Divinity, it's actually made me set ESO aside for a bit, I was up way too late last night solving mysteries.
  10. The Internship - Pretty funny love letter to Google. I think my enjoyment was enhanced since I live in the area and have friends who work there. Also pretty creative credits.
  11. http://youtu.be/aEGjBCNeJSM Weird Al's new album is killer. He's been releasing videos too. So far the Foil one is my favorite.
  12. The one I posted will be getting even more prison ink in her future.
  13. This is crazy good timing, since we are getting a dog on Saturday. We are getting a smooth collie that is about a year old from a friend who raises them. I've been working in the backyard trying to figure out how to handle containment when we are gone, and I've settled on buying a 10' by 6' dog run. He'll sleep in the house with us at night. I'll have to do some training, I'm guessing, although I know he's already started with our friend. I've also been looking at those igloo houses and other ways to keep him happy. The dog run is going to be in some good shade, and I'm thinking about putting a roof over it.
  14. Anthony Ryan really reminds me of David Gemmel. His character development and action are just spot on. Although he is definitely developing a more detailed world than Gemmel ever did. Not to make that sound like a knock on Gemmel, I think his books were designed around a pulp fiction simplicity that was very charming and always easy to pick up. But yeah, Anthony Ryan is simply solid. I'll put him next to Patrick Rothfuss as my new favorite fantasy writers.
  15. Heh, the A's know how to get the maximum out of a pitcher before they cut him loose.
  16. Day 20 - We started the long drive home. Somehow Google maps decided that I should stick to backroads instead of interstates, so I got to see some interesting parts of Kansas. We passed this interesting point on the way: We pulled into Dodge City pretty late and I ordered a pizza while we watched Labrynth. I'm driving to Santa Fe tomorrow, so we will be getting the heck out of Dodge early. It's a shame, looks like an interesting little town. Ah well, future journeys and all that.
  17. I'm pretty sure my wife and kids would revolt if I took them on Woldan's vacation.
  18. Day 19 - Last day in Branson, and we went to see Dolly Parton's Dixie Stampede. This was an amazing show, very well done. They served us great food while entertaining with all sorts of horse and animal numbers. When they brought out a small group of bison, I was hooked. They also had these huge Belgian horses that were simply massive. I got to see them up close and compared to the other horses they look incredible. This show alone was worth the trip. Tomorrow we start the long drive home. It will take us 5 days, and tomorrow we drive through Kansas.
  19. Welcome back! Looks fabulous. Also, I fall in love with places I visit regularly and hatch schemes to move. They pass in time.
  20. Day 18 - So my sunburn from yesterday's adventure is pretty bad. My wife and kids are great, they've basically taken on a nice tan, but my shoulders and back are absolutely on fire. We had quite a bit of rain in the morning, so we relaxed around the RV and did some laundry. We got picked up by a shuttle at 3:00 to go see a show called Jonah. Growing up as a kid, I used to go with a friend's family to church pretty regularly, and the story of Jonah was always one that stuck with me. It was colored with some more believable ideas like Jonah's hair and skin changing after being swallowed by the fish. Anyways, the show had some amazing set design and was cool to look at, but it was a bit preachy for me. My biggest issue was they introduce this Jesus like character at the end to counsel Jonah against hatred towards Nineveh. That was a bit too much creative license for me. But overall it was not a bad show. After that we went to dinner, rode on these round little boats shooting water at each other, and went to bed. Not much in the way of pictures today, I think I'm getting a bit lazy about them.
  21. Oerwinde, I'd love to give Xcom:the bureau a shot.
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