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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Maybe not the best time to drop off the mail?
  2. It seems like the industry has gotten far away from really recognizing developers. Roberta Williams, Jane Jensen, Lori Cole, Linda Currie...these were all big names in development in the 80's. Now the only people that get any recognition tend to be independent or on small teams, the big developers hide everyone away. I'm not sure what my point is, I just think it's odd.
  3. Assange is too high profile to just get quietly locked away. Also Manning and Snowden are not good comparisons. They were both working for the US military when they gathered their intelligence. The circumstances are entirely different.
  4. Overrated is the best word ever.
  5. If anyone believes a US court could actually prosecute Assange, they do not have a very good understanding of the US legal system. On the slim chance he was actually extradited and some dumb politician was able to exert enough influence to get him charged, it would be a big circus and end in a lucrative book and movie deal for Assange and his lawyers.
  6. As I've said, there has been very little attention to it in the mainstream media. It has an 87 on metacritic. Just because some peons are clamoring about it on tiny forums hardly makes it overrated.
  7. Ok, so I meants viril. Thanks peanut gallery.
  8. "On the ring boulevard there was an old cream-colored two-storey house that stood in the depths of a withered garden which was separated from the sidewalk by a carved wrought-iron fence." "The Master and Margarita" by Mikhail Bulgakov, always on my desk at work. I have been feeling the effects of age a bit, I'm not as viral as I once was. Weird.
  9. Video game journalism has pretty much always been terrible. I don't think it has much to do with the inappropriate relationship between journalists and creators, I think it is because they are all terrible writers with sophomoric sensibilities. The only magazine ever worth reading was CGW, and honestly the writing wasn't that good. They just had the benefit of editors that weren't totally out of touch with the real world.
  10. I just want to point out Romero is cooler and more talented than any of the tools being talked about here.
  11. Why is there a Brazzers logo at the bottom of Keyrock's weird schoolgirl game? Not that I know what Brazzers is.
  12. I watched a couple episodes of Bojack Horseman, it's pretty well done. Will Arnett is his typical entertaining self. The beginning credits remind me of something...I can't figure it out.
  13. Thanks, that was much clearer. Sorry for being so uptight.
  14. That's a shame, he always seemed to be on the cusp of being a great QB.
  15. Hurl, don't be a troll. You know what they meant. And those points are valid. I'm taking issue with the idea that the game is overrated. He says the game is refreshing and fun, right after calling it overrated. That seems unreasonable. Is it good or not? He sunk a ton of time into it, but he leads with a criticism that isn't really even aimed at the game, but rather how it has been received by the public. It just seems like an odd way to post your thoughts on the game. I didn't even finish the game. I petered out around 30 hours in. But the game was fun and refreshing for those hours, so I'm not going to call it out as overrated. Overrated against what? It's not like it's outselling Call of Duty or the Kim Kardashian game.
  16. The game is overrated because you don't want to play again after the first 60+ hour run? The critics are all biased because the developers catered to the needs of their audience?
  17. Thankfully injuries were very limited, and the damage is mostly just in the immediate Napa area. We are about 90 miles away and I slept right through it.
  18. Too transparent, I'll give it a 3/10.
  19. Let's not forget that LOST had a character that was an Iraqi torture expert who was redeeming himself, so in 20 years we might see an ex-ISIS in a hollywood flick doing the same.
  20. That makes way more sense than most of the character development in the Expendables movies. But yeah, not really a big deal.
  21. Get in the draft room slacker :p

  22. Malc, you talk about the police having to earn your respect. How exactly do you see that happening? If there is a gunman loose on my campus firing off rounds, every cop I know will respond by heading towards the shooting, even the jerks. Is that not enough enough for a bit of respect? If you are in a major accident on the freeway, the Highway Patrol is going to be the first on the scene, and they are going to do everything they can to save your life. That doesn't get a smidgen of respect? Don't try to feed me this bull about it being their job. Their salary is good, but it isn't 'risk your life' good, and yet they train to put themselves in the line of fire whenever necessary to save others. So yeah, the default should be respect until they prove they don't deserve it.
  23. How does it worsen the situation to have communities that automatically assume the worst about law enforcement?
  24. 10%!?!?! My experience has that number at much higher across most professions, especially high when it comes to government or large corporate employees. With police specifically it's about 50/50, and I've numerous friends on the 'force'. There is no evidence to support that. 95% of police officers will never fire their weapons in the line of duty in their career. With video becoming more prevalent, accountability is on the rise, rather than the reverse. Look, there is always room for improvement. This is a terribly difficult profession, it requires way more training, discipline, and accountability that your average job. But buying into negative stereotypes is pointless, and perpetrating them only worsens the situation.
  25. On one side you have crazy people that defend cops no matter what they do, and on the other you have crazy people who condemn them no matter what they do. Neither of these are tenable.
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