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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. It always amazes me how many people see being here illegally as some sort of major crime. The government certainly doesn't treat it that way. There are various levels of illegal activity, working without a valid permit is up there with driving without a license. It will get you in some trouble, but it's not exactly a top priority for law enforcement, and it is a waste of resources to throw those people in prison.
  2. Most of us look critically at the US regularly here, but your gross generalizations are incredibly ignorant, so you'll have a hard time finding people who agree. Maybe Oby will show up and fight the good fight with you.
  3. Or Maybe the police are wiping their feet all over the truth. The cop that shot and killed Brown was not aware that Brown was a robbery suspect. http://news.yahoo.com/turmoil-tear-gas-way-hope-ferguson-053336976.html So for the purpose of assigning some sort of Police motive for shooting Brown, This childish "he started it!" excuse can't rationally be used. Even the Police Chief knows that. Not that it matters. You don't friggin summary execute unarmed robbers. I live in St. Louis. I live about 10 miles away from Ferguson. I'm trying my hardest to not keep both eyes on this really dreary, saddening story, but it's hard when I'm driving to work every day and every radio station has a Cop, or a police chief, or a spokesman for the police on the air to pound everyone over the head with What really Happened™. As graphic and dramatic as the scenes of the riots and the crying African American mothers is, here in St. Louis it is not as loud or prolific as the massive Damage control PR campaign currently being waged by the police on every single media platform. Yeah, but I just watched the video, and Michael Brown pretty much looks like a ****. I know it's bad to speak ill of the dead and all, but I'd say Oscar Grant III was a much better martyr for police brutality. That guy was executed on camera with his hands behind his back. This cop is most likely going to lose his badge, maybe spend a couple years in court, possibly even get a little bit of time behind bars. Does he deserve more? Less?
  4. I drove 5,000 miles across the US this summer in an RV. I didn't have a single interaction with a cop.
  5. So yeah, the police don't strut around in cammo on a regular basis. Babayaga and Bester sound ridiculous. Can we name any country where things are going to go well when you challenge law enforcement? If you try and force a German cop back into his car, is it going to go smoothly?
  6. There obviously needs to be an investigation here, and that is standard procedure in any shooting. But really the way the police handled the protests is the real problem here, and it is very telling that the Governor turned that over to the Highway Patrol and suddenly the protests went back to being calm and uneventful. I'm guessing the County Police Department is going to get raked over the coals quite a bit.
  7. Just to address the original topic, my wife has quite a few new students this year that are part of this recent flood from Central America. They may not be classified as refugees, but they definitely act like they've just fled hell on earth. So far they are hard working and respectful. The American citizens, however, continue to slack and give attitude. Many of my students spend the summers in India and China, and they always have an amazing perspective about how lucky they are to live in the US. So maybe the answer to the education problems of the US isn't to get rid of immigrants, but rather ship out some of the citizens.
  8. Huh? Twitter is the one with the final say here, which is as it should be. Of course public outcry is going to be a factor in their decisions, as it wouldn't even be a blip on their radar if this wasn't such a public event, but Twitter can manage their own as they see fit.
  9. I have no problem with douchy people losing their twitter accounts. It's not exactly hard for them to create a new one, but there should be some accountability in the world.
  10. People who know God exists and people who know God does not exist are two sides of the same coin. I don't trust either one.
  11. Honestly that sounds like a minigame, rather than the premise for a full title. Like some sort of multiplayer component they would tack onto Mass Effect.
  12. Honestly I don't really buy Bioware games for the combat, so this does nothing good or bad for me.
  13. There is some terribad theology going on in this thread.
  14. That was a well done review Bester, thank you for sharing.
  15. You can always tell when a cast just enjoys working together, so it sounds like it will be a fun project for them to do a bunch of webisodes. A number of them already do stuff like Burning Love, so I look forward to seeing it. edit: Party Down was hilarious too. Everyone should watch it.
  16. Not to rain on the parade, but why would Obsidian use the Pathfinder setting? They just created their own setting that sounds a bit too similar.
  17. Nice! Who's playing? I notice you conspicuously wrote "professional" - indicating it's not necessarily an MLB contest. Well the Rockies are mostly professional.
  18. Robin Williams was forced at 63 to go back to work on a sitcom, which is not an easy gig. So he didn't really have a carefree life. Most of us will hopefully be happily retired at that age, or only working if we want to. It's pretty hard not to blame his ex-wives, honestly. The guy got fleeced in both divorces.
  19. Unless you are talking about low-level lifters or average-joe-gym-guy I couldn't disagree more. I want to see someone doing only yoga being able to dead lift 2.5 times their own body weight 4 reps, shoulder press their own body weight 3 times or doing 15 commando pull ups. Or 3/4 body weight bent forward rows 10 reps. Also bone density only increases through breaking the crystalline structure in your bones which then heals, which happens when you run (in your legs), punch sand bags or put really heavy weights on them. If Yoga was that effective in strength building and easy all the competing strongmen and athletes would do that and not waste their time with pumping iron. I think its funny how people desperately try to find alternatives to weight lifting using all kinds of strange logics. I know so many people doing that, its like they're scared of it and don't want it to be true. And the people with those theories usually have very little sports experience under their belt and cannot prove it. All I can say is that lifting weights is a quick, efficient and direct no-BS way to strengthen your whole body. Woldan, what exactly is your education? Have you taken any kinesiology classes on this stuff?
  20. What an apathetic and unimaginative troll post. Stick to what you are good at, Bester.
  21. Yes you could. Something like Yoga is very effective at building strength throughout the body. I decided to ask my wife about this, because Woldan's opinion of swimming seemed off to me. She has a degree in kinesiology, was a personal trainer, and now teaches PE. She actually supported Woldan, because she said swimming and biking are not weight bearing activities. I was surprised to hear that. So weight training is an important compliment to those, particularly in building bone strength and preventing osteoporosis. However weight bearing activities like Yoga and running decrease your need for lifting weights, and someone doing Yoga every day is going to be just fine competing strength wise with your typical person lifting weights.
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