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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. So how do you recommend creating stable families? It seems like a pretty difficult thing to control.
  2. Who is rioting over jobs? Are you talking about the Occupy movement? They just want a better distribution of wealth, they don't seem too concerned about working for it.
  3. Hey, the Giants won the first protest since 1986, that's pretty crazy. They also lit the Cubs up today in response, so we'll see if this is them turning the corner, or just a fun blip against a bad Cubs team.
  4. I reached level 20 in WoW with my Pandaren monk, and I got a cool looking turtle to run around with. Boy, gold is sure easier to come by now than it was when I played a decade ago. I'm really enjoying the streamlined quests, there is no sense of grind right now as I move through the early areas.
  5. With Obsidian games being so buggy, why would you even want to beta test it? Just relax and wait for the full release.
  6. I just want to add that I love the Original Poster's avatar. "Who are you that flies so good, are you insane?!?"
  7. Played a bit of PoE, it's pretty cool. I spent a lot of time on the character creation. Wowzers.
  8. Hmm, looks like a very sleek version of Shadowrun.
  9. I was away from WoW for close to 8 years. I dipped in here and there, but I never stuck around long. I'm not sure if this will be different, but so far I'm really enjoying my Pandaren monk, and the hero's call questlines make levelling and moving through the areas pretty quick. I also ran through the Deadmines and it was a nice little trip through time, although I missed Van Cleef. I might see if I can remember how to play my level 58 paladin, but that's really the highest character I have from back in the day.
  10. Yeah, that makes for great storylines in games and movies, but in reality the majority of the world is becoming safer, equality and civil rights are progressing, and even those living below the poverty line in developed nations are much better off than they were 50 years ago. Plus in the last decade our ability to tap into renewable resources has grown tremendously. There is still a lot of progress to be made, but again we've taken huge steps forward compared to the past.
  11. I've been thinking about ordering the Destiny PS4 bundle.
  12. Because they are gross?
  13. WoW- Geez, I haven't played this in like 4 years. I'm a bit lost, but it's been a fun trip back to Azeroth.
  14. kgambit, I don't think you were around when I posted this story, so I'll repost it. Now this article is more of a human interest spin looking at a very particular scenario, not necessarily a collection of a large amount of data. I guess my big question moving forward would be if you removed the foreign born workers tomorrow, would you be able to replace them with American born labor effectively?
  15. So...the percentages that kgambit posted seem super high to me. If a workforce is made up of anywhere near 50% immigrants, that sounds like a fairly dominant group.
  16. Geez, that was insane. Hard not to smile through that craziness.
  17. This is where we've come full circle. As I've said before, I support a robust partnership with Mexico that allows us to tap the necessary workforce. It should be possible to create a partnership that benefits both economies and helps the workers thrive. It is obviously much more complex than that, but this talk of building walls instead of partnerships is short-sighted, xenophobic, and unrealistic.
  18. Your typical undocumented worker family is not actually a drain on the economy. I already posted an article on that, but you clearly didn't read it. So yeah, it is more economically feasible to educate their children than try to create a huge fence and then keep them out. The fence is fairly useless, as a large percentage of undocumented workers travel over the border legally, but simply don't have work visas. You can pass over the border relatively easy if you have a valid passport. Do you want to send INS agents with every family that crosses the border? Reasons undocumented workers help our economy: 1. We need the labor. 2. They spend the vast majority of their minimal salaries in our economy. Did I mention our economy would collapse without this labor force? Here is a link on that.
  19. Yeah, our officers have the cameras as well. People sue police departments with regularity, so financially it makes sense to have video of every event.
  20. Just a quick blurb on crime in the US via http://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/stats/Crime/Total-crimes:
  21. So Rick Perry, who was likely going to push for the 2016 nomination, has been indicted for coercion. I've gotta say, this is a blessing for the Republican party. Hopefully this will allow them to focus on more viable candidates and move away from the circus acts. I'm really hoping for re-focus of priorities for the Republican party. If they can move away from the ultra conservative mouthpieces that have been dragging them down, I think they have some interesting candidates that can help change the country. Heck, Rand Paul wrote a very good piece against the police militarization in Missouri, try to find another Republican taking that side! You've got Rubio challenging the party line on immigration, and if Chris Christie can move past the bridge scandal, he's a moderate candidate that is popular.
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