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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. The Royals versus the Orioles - That would have been a tough one to predict even a week ago. Baseball is weird.
  2. As long as they aren't charging people, it's not an issue. But most companies will C&D if you try to profit off their IP.
  3. Just to entertain myself I guess, I read this before last night's 2-1 win: I imagine that looks even more impressive now.
  4. Am I the only one watching the postseason or something? The Giants have won 10 postseason games in a row. How were they not the favorites coming into this thing? It was great to see Hudson return to form just in time, I didn't expect that, and Petit got the full game in and win he deserved. Just to really stick it in the craw, they put a guy who has pitched in nine MLB games out there to close it out. The Giants can pitch.
  5. I've been a very healthy semi-professional athlete for 11 years now, I might not have a personal training certification but my credibility lies in my success in that area. I guess I've been a semi-professional athlete for about 20 years. But don't worry, my lack of certification does affect my credibility, so trust people with an education in kinesiology. Oh, since I'm here:
  6. It's a considerable percentage of people that get motion sickness, so I just don't see it becoming THE thing. I am one of them, so I may be biased.
  7. Woldan you make it very hard to take any of your fitness advice seriously.
  8. That's from February. But yeah, early 2015 has been the expectation for a long while.
  9. I sense pending disaster for my local team.
  10. A hundred people have been exposed to that guy, how would you like to be one of them? But I guess it's OK so long as it's someone else. I'm pretty sure I've gotten exposed to SARS and the Bird Flu, given all my students spend holidays in Asia. But yeah, it's a bit early to condemn the government when right now we have one guy who is quarantined and all the people he was in close contact are being watched and isolated. What else are you looking for in a response to this? Should we send everyone into the fallout bunkers immediately?
  11. Wow, Jake Peavy got it done. I don't know how anyone can really bet against the Giants at this point. They get it done when it counts.
  12. Actually I think the Occulus is the real nail in the coffin for that project.
  13. To be fair, WoD lives in Texas, and it's a pretty small state, so he probably already has Ebola from that Liberian guy. Let's shut down all the airports and close the borders just in case though.
  14. That would be the death knell for AMD. Or, you know, it would barely affect them. Just like this thing will not really affect Intel. Because it's silly internet drama and very few people are paying attention to it.
  15. That's really going to depend on where you go in the US. It's a bit of a large country, and the food varies tremendously from region to region.
  16. The government wasn't small, it was practically non existing in some parts. For capitalism to work you need strong government and strong law to prevent nonlegal practices. I thought you were against regulation? What do you think strong government laws are?
  17. This is completely false. (you can look at timestamp below, your specific example is completely debunked) You want me to watch an hour long video on net neutrality to prove that the Gilded Age is false?
  18. Corporation is a legal fiction created by the government to remove personal accountability. It is impossible for such entity to exist in the free market because nobody would have the monopoly on force and control over the flow of money(the communist central banking that we have right now). And with polycentric laws, such entity wouldn't even be conceivable. Have to agree. Corpo are the product of government regulations and mendling on free market. Again, we've had periods in history where government was small and did not regulate business. It was called the Gilded Age, and you ended up with corrupt railroad companies that controlled pricing and reaped huge profits. Didn't any of you play Monopoly as children?
  19. At least he's been studying his vocab words, that's always refreshing.
  20. We need someone to fill the hardcore liberal void that Krezack did so well, too.
  21. I imagine the Nationals are a bit freaked out. The Giants have quite a few guys that don't even know what a playoff series loss looks like.
  22. They don't really get dominated. Instead they take every series to the last inning and then lose in heartbreaking fashion. I think I'd prefer to get dominated if I was an A's fan, honestly.
  23. Speaking of aces, tonight is an example of how an ace pitcher plays a big game. Wowzers. Unfortunately they don't quite have as many aces as they did in '10 and '12, but the Giants might still make some noise this year.
  24. Oakland doesn't attention on a national level, so I don't see how they can be considered overrated. They are a small market team with a small payroll that is competitive more often than not. I don't know why Volourn is hating on them so hard. What is weird is that this year, they went out of their way to get that ace that Volo says is needed to compete in the playoffs. Lester is supposed to be a top pitcher in the league. And he didn't look very good. They lost 9-8, not 1-0. It's pretty bizarre. But yeah, they lack superstars. They make do with what they have, and they've won a lot of games. If Oakland is crap, then it should be fairly amazing that they win so many games in the regular season.
  25. Oh, for the love of ... christ, what else is actionable. If it makes you feel better, I shot one with my plasma gun and cut up another with my knife before figuring that out.
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