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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. The reaction people have to this video is weird to me. People are all defensive about it. This is an uncomfortable video, there are a number of creepy guys who have no idea how to act in a gentlemanly fashion. You don't need to defend them. Just be a gentleman and give a polite nod or smile when passing a lady in the streets. Problem solved.
  2. I'm pretty sure Bochy is the best manager in the game right now. You can say that again. Holy moly.
  3. It would be pretty hard to invite all my friends to my wedding. That is typically reserved for family and close friends. Most work friends, hockey friends, and internet friends are going to be left off the list. If I won the lottery, I always imagined I would invite a bunch of folks here out for a hockey game at Madison Square Gardens and cover the costs.
  4. Shouldn't you be doing that anyway, with your wife being unable to regularly eat red meat(IIRC)? Sadly I make all the lunches in my household. But that is more because my wife lags in the morning and the only way to get everyone out and off to school is to do thay job myself. But she isnt allergic to handling meat, thank god.
  5. If my wife threatened to poison my lunch, I probably would start making my own sandwiches.
  6. No online fame for empowering his daughter, that way. To be fairt, it was probably much cheaper than the wookie costume. I'm pretty much always pushing the cheapest costume option on my kids and wife.
  7. Way to miss the point on that very uncomfortable video.
  8. If Chun-Li threatened to kill me, I'd take it seriously and hire Ken to protect me.
  9. Geez, we've been talking on these forums for close to a decade, those are some harsh words. I'm sorry you don't consider us friends. Honestly I've grown pretty fond of you over the years and appreciate what you bring to the community, so I'll just keep treating you as a friend.
  10. You can feel however you want about the treatment, but that doesn't mean it is an appropriate way to treat a person. As your friend, it makes me uncomfortable to read. I wouldn't stand for it if I saw it here, I'd report it, because this is a forum that maintains a higher standard. Now I'm not calling for censorship. The Codex has their thing and if people enjoy it then that is a choice. But it shouldn't litter every corner of the internet, and people don't have to accept it as just part of being online. Acceptable behavior shifts under societal pressure. The more people that pick up the garbage, the less waste we will have on our digital playground.
  11. I've seen the way they treated you on RPGCodex, that definitely qualifies as abuse. I get the feeling that some of you just feel that cyberbullying is not a problem. I'm hoping I'm mistaken, because that would be incredibly naive.
  12. Volourn, I know you've dealt with some online abuse in the past. If you need to talk about it with us, we are here for you.
  13. I am pretty sure Val would be an awesome guy to have a beer with as long as I avoid political talk. Thanks for sharing your experience with us.
  14. I hope you guys understand that society does change when enough people stand up against abuse. You don't have to just accept it as the cost of being online.
  15. Probably because there's no real harm in it. You get to vent, I get the laughs. All's good. Ah the old stick and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me. Yeah, that's not really a thing. There is literally piles of research and evidence stacked up against that old idiom.
  16. I received at least a few death threats (among a great many other kind of threats, such as promises to do horrible things to my mother) just this last week, with a couple of them being particularly gruesome in how I was to meet my demise. My reaction ranged from 'oh yay, another zit popping twit' to laughing out loud in amusement. I am sorry that you have to deal with that type of vitriol. Hopefully you do not have to do business with such toxic people. edit: How is that an acceptable way to interact with people?
  17. It is actually the only action Steam took. They didn't publicly shame him, they didn't tell the developer to get rid of him, and they didn't get law enforcement involved. They distanced themselves from his company. Seems pretty tame, honestly.
  18. Trashman, unless you live in the Big Brother house, it's really not comparable to Twitter. No need to make bad analogies. Twitter is a social media platform. There are public and protected tweets. His were very much public.
  19. I think I already said this, but if Gabe Newell decided to press charges, he would be well within his rights, and we should all expect that law enforcement would take such a threat seriously. Do you really want them to ignore death threats just because they are made on twitter? Their investigation would probably show that the threat was not serious in any way, but it would be on record, which is important if this individual ever did follow through on one of his outbursts. The police are supposed to err on the side of caution in these situations. Their job is to serve and protect. I fail to see how it serves us if they make a habit of ignoring death threats.
  20. I'd have no problem with people signing it, or Steam putting the game back up. The guy stepped down and apologized. I'm not sure he learned anything, but his partner issued a very well written apology and seems to be approaching the situation with humility and intelligence.
  21. Life is not fair. I'm used to saying that to my kids, and pretty much emphasis it as I teach History to 7th graders, but I am surprised it would come up here with all us adults having adult conversations. Don't count on life to be fair. Protect yourself and expect the worst. It should probably be brought up that this guy was on a two-man team. With a larger company, Steam may handle it differently. http://codeavarice.com/
  22. I think forums are more like the muck filled trenches.
  23. I've always been more under the impression that organic implies a lack of pesticide use, compared to your typical crops in fields. Of course the trade off is you might get a few bugs in your artichoke.
  24. I've gotta agree with everything Drowsy Boo says (good to see you posting.) I would say it's a decent little expansion, but not worth the full price.
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