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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Courts protecting the rights of minorities against the tyranny of the majority is an extremely important function. It is nice that society has been slowly shifting towards tolerance, but it shouldn't be the only way minorities gain more rights. What is the non-religious justification for denying gay couples the right to marry? I do agree that the best case would be the government getting out of the marriage business. But that is simply not realistic, there isn't enough support for such a movement.
  2. When you run a business, you are subject to non-discrimination laws. Religious organizations can get around this, but I fail to see how a for profit business deserves a free pass here. Would it be fair for your local bar to only serve white people?
  3. We should really just treat reviews like trade magazines do. Reviews tell us if the product is functional, how it runs, what components it has, and the rest is subjective opinion.
  4. I've been getting about 10-12k for every quest for awhile now. Once I hit 70, it dropped in the Outlands, but once I went to Northrend it was back to the big xp rewards. It's been moving pretty fast.
  5. Sure. But if the series keeps demonstrating that it can't hold his interest long enough to finish the game off, it seems he should aim to save cash and do what he does partly anyway (Youtube) or try to pay an percentage in line with the amount he will play. Or he could just finish the games. Why do I need to finish a game to find it enjoyable? I've never finished a single Elder Scrolls game either. Really the only games I tend to finish are Obsidian and Bioware ones. Usually I wouldn't even bother with watching the ending on youtube, but the AssCreed games are a bit of a guilty pleasure when it comes to the story. It's terrible, but I can't help myself.
  6. Then I just don't understand why are you still spending money on these games O.o 30 hours of entertainment is a great exchange for my money. I'm not sure why that is hard to understand. Now I do tend to wait for them to go on sale, because I'm not really a fan of the yearly release model. But that's because I simply don't have time to devote to one franchise, particularly one that is good but not great.
  7. That sounds like a fantastic business opportunity for Polygamygon. How could you possibly turn down $750,000 as a small gaming website?
  8. So I tried to play AC: Black Flag, but it does not run well. I tried a few fixes, but I'm not happy yet. AC3 ran great, so I'm surprised. Kinda wish I had it on the PS4 instead.
  9. I'm still confused about the idea that anyone takes gaming websites seriously when it comes to reviews. That just boggles my mind.
  10. Hope that you don't have gamer OCD I definitely do. I prefer games in the 20 hour range, that's the only way I'll finish them regularly.
  11. One nice thing to know is you can pay your registration and avoid late fees without getting the smog done, they just send you a letter saying they won't send the tags until the smog is done. Since I don't drive the RV regularly, I sat on it for a couple months until I had the time and the money to fix anything big. I got lucky that it was small. Obviously this won't work for a primary vehicle.
  12. I thought you had a job in the gaming industry? Aren't you always going to conventions and stuff?
  13. I actually just installed AC4 Black Flag after sitting on it for a year. AC3 burnt me out pretty good. I also never finish these things. I just get about halfway through and watch the movie on youtube to get the rest. They really turn into a grind around hour 30.
  14. I finally figured out why my RV was not passing smog. It was the gas cap, it was not sealing properly and was causing a fail on the evaporation test. Ah well, nice to have that mystery solved. Only cost $20 and the price of the smog test.
  15. Why kill the goose when it still lays eggs? But there's now that thing with twitter and Women against Media where it seems like they are giving carte blanche to the feminists to "protect themselves from harassment". With the wake of this new wave of Twitter bans on prominent pro-GG speakers is beginning to seems as if Twitter might have chosen a side or is going to be caught in the middle of this whole thing. It is interesting to see how social media companies will police this stuff. Maybe Jlaw has the right idea just staying off social media.
  16. Has Sarkeesian attempted to pass legislation against games?
  17. So learning to laugh off insults is a sign of sociopathy ? Aim of that statement is to encourage one to not crumple like paper because some guy called you an **** or something. Or to advise you to perhaps break his bones in response, depending on how one looks at it (while effective, it's too much trouble in the end). It's a terribly simplistic response to give someone who has been hurt by words. I couldn't imagine feeding that line to my kids or my students when they are genuinely upset about something. It completely invalidates their emotions. There are better ways to build emotional fortitude. Most people realize that is a ridiculous adage. If you go through your life never getting hurt by words, you are quite likely a sociopath. Getting hurt by words is a consequence of any free society. Trying to abolish bad words and malicious intent (=badthink) is the first step to any totalitarian society. That's quite a leap from what I said. Living in a free society doesn't mean you need to accept that your free society sucks. Societal pressure is a very real and effective force in enacting change. But really, all I meant with my original statement is: It is perfectly normal to have your feelings hurt by words.
  18. Most people realize that is a ridiculous adage. If you go through your life never getting hurt by words, you are quite likely a sociopath.
  19. This thread is interesting, I don't think we need to turn it into another lamergate discussion.
  20. It would be nice if everyone ignored party lines and just voted for who they thought the best candidate is.
  21. I've never seen a defense do that before. 9 sacks, 3 picks, 3 forced fumbles, and two TD's? Those are video game numbers. So now I am 3-7 on the season, yay.
  22. It wouldnt matter with the two pick 7's.
  23. I was way behind on points with only the Eagles Defense left on my fantasy football team, and they put up a huge night! Helped me get a win against Gfted.
  24. Exactly, hence the need to approach legalization intelligently. It is hard to enforce when people are under the influence of pot. In most states, just the smell or a small amount is enough to get the driver off the road, but if it is a legal substance, that no longer happens. So we need a better system to police it. Wait, what? So we should just accept that people are going to drive under the influence, and ignore the issue?
  25. I wouldn't know, card games are for 'aficionado's' who live in basements.
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