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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Really? The prohibition of marijuana is 10,000x the problem that recreational marijuana use is. I'm going to go out on a limb and say your statistical analysis might be a bit off. I'm for intelligent legalization, but there are a ton of problems that need to be addressed. The DUI question alone is a huge puzzle.
  2. To be fair, Blizzard often branches out and tries different genres. They just tend to cancel them instead of releasing a product they don't feel will be exceptional. Warcraft Adventures and Starcraft Ghost were both out of their wheelhouse. They released Hearthstone and that seems super popular, and of course WoW was a surprising new direction for Blizzard way back when it came out. A Team Fortress style game is out of their normal wheelhouse too, but it looks like they have a pretty solid entry into the genre.
  3. I went to a taproom last night for a homebrewing group called Clandestine. They only open on Friday and Saturday, and do all their brewing on Sunday. It's a bunch of software engineers basically just enjoying their hobby, but they've got a pretty slick operation set up. They gave me a tour and everything.
  4. I know, it is pretty amazing how good their art style is.
  5. It doesn't look like my cup of tea. But it does look pretty intense.
  6. This is a good point. Really games in general haven't elevated to a level of the best writers and directors. How many games can really be compared to the works of the greatest novelists? Games as a whole are fairly sophomoric. Which is great when I'm in the mood for that, and I often am. But it doesn't really create a lasting impact that will stick with me.
  7. Wasteland 2 had the worst intro ever for me. It was tough, I didn't get into it until I got to use my skill check to open up the first robot. That was my hook. Sometimes mood has a lot to do with it. I tried to get into Dishonored twice and petered out early, then one week it just clicked and I loved it from start to finish. The same happened with the original Deus Ex.
  8. I don't think I could ever do that job. You teach us stuff all the time!
  9. It could be that you both have just become more cynical and jaded with age, and it's harder to recapture the magic of your youth.
  10. Minority status can be dependent on the situation. For example, I am a minority in my profession as a male teacher.
  11. It's a good place to start. Then they can really stretch out the sequels with title like: The Force Has a Cup of Coffee The Force Gets Dressed The Force Endures the Morning Commute
  12. I'm a bit surprised my state voted down some Indian casinos, seemed like easy money with minimal impact. But other than that, yeah, no surprise. The pendulum swings over to the Republicans, and I expect they will do very little differently but will gesticulate wildly and spin it so they all sound great compared to the demonic democrats.
  13. I didn't see a single libertarian on the ballot! Thankfully Jerry Brown is actually a fiscal conservative with libertarian leanings. So I went with him and a bunch of Republicans. Except for the Superintendent of Education, I had to go with the guy who actually taught for 15 years. Why would the Republicans put some guy with no classroom experience who sat on the board at a charter school up for the biggest education post in the state? Did they just want to concede it?
  14. I voted with my wife today. Thought this was worth posting.
  15. Reviews are totally obsolete. The only ones I ever read anymore are user reviews, not just for games, but any products. I skim through a few and get a good idea of what I'm getting into. The only thing game journalists are any use for is previews. They go to a company, interview someone and get some neat screenshots we haven't seen. Congrats, you are a game journalist and get free games, crappy pay, and an inflated ego. Seriously, it's literally the worst form of journalism. I mean literary. Or do I? Working for a High school Newspaper may be tied. This is the best reviewer in the biz: http://teamcoco.com/video/clueless-gamer-call-of-duty-advanced-warfare?playlsist=x%3BeyJ0eXBlIjoidGFnIiwiaWQiOjExfQ
  16. Far too much. Uh, not according to the link KP put up. You couldn't get me out of bed for most of those salaries, and I'm an underpaid educator! An average for freelancers is $26k? Yikes. I can see why they all suck. No legitimate journalist would go near those numbers.
  17. I feel like I would need to do drugs to really appreciate Bayonetta.
  18. Well, lets not forget that OJ got away with killing his ex-wife and another guy, so it's not like only women get away with this stuff.
  19. The Niners are kind of like the exact opposite of the SF Giants. Tons of talent but no real heart, and they always come up a bit short.
  20. What are you drinking instead? I drink juice all day, I start with OJ and have a couple glasses of some motts for tots thats pretty watered down. But I dont drink coffee or soda, so I dont see it as a real issue.
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