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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. The best outcome would probably be for everyone to ignore Hatred. It is basically waving its arms around saying "Look at me, I'm ultra violent!" and then assuming that is all you need to sell games. It would be nice to see the market prove it wrong.
  2. Giants magic keeps going. Phenomenal. KC versus SF will be a crazy series.
  3. I'm kind of freaking out about the idea of leaving my super stable teaching job and starting a bar pretty much all by myself. I've got a decent start on a business plan, a good location, and a lot of people to call on for help, but it's super risky regardless.
  4. I'm enjoying the new WoW patch. It's different.
  5. That's really the thing. Many of us played the South Park game, which was tasteless and horrible, but also hilarious and sardonic. Hatred looks rather pointless. Are the redeeming qualities that you can kill people and they will scream for mercy? Where is the audience for that?
  6. There is a pretty big difference between your slasher horror films and that Hatred game. Hatred looks rather pointless, really. Is there a story there? edit: I watched that trailer through to the end, and I kept expecting something to show that it is lampooning violence. Maybe it's there. At least the Postal series always recognized that it was wallowing in the muck. Anyways, the trailer was pretty horrific on a few different levels and I nearly closed it more than once. I guess I'm not a fan.
  7. There is one thing that is certain: Dave Righetti is the greatest pitching coach of all time.
  8. Classy. How did they even get enough people to work on a game like that?
  9. Lexx may have won the name game, so far my wife has already approved The Common Hops. I can see the sign looking pretty good too, maybe something simple with hops and barley worked into it. Not quite like that, but it's the right idea.
  10. Heh, Wasteland 2 turned out a thousand times better than I expected. I really went in thinking it was going to struggle with gameplay and be unpolished, but it is a gem. It actually probably is enough to convince me to buy Torment when it comes out.
  11. My wife is Catholic, and I attend with her somewhat regularly. But I really recommend meeting with a priest. I've had meetings with a couple different deacons, and both were a delight to discuss church history with. They had some great insights that really helped me in my own teaching.
  12. I am thinking something along the lines of a Monastery or Priory, although I did like The Common Hops from Lexx. I also was contemplating something along the lines of The Classroom or something else suitably historical to fit my personality. We have a place called Liquid Bread down the ways and I like that type of name. Fermented Friars? Babylon Beers? This is hard.
  13. I am thinking about starting a craft beer bar in my town, and I need a decent name.
  14. In 1494, the population of Hispanola was over 3 million. In 1508, it was 60,000. This was under Columbus' direct governorship. It has gotten so bad that Queen Isabella removed him from power, in part because he would refuse to let the Native Americans to convert so he could keep them enslaved, and also due to repeated complaints of gross mismanagement (which were found true by de Bobadilla). Thus, you cannot say that Columbus was just a man of his time- he wasn't, because even his contemporaries thought that he was horrible. The Bobadilla report confirms it http://www.fofweb.com/History/HistRefMain.asp?iPin=ELAI0029&SID=2&DatabaseName=Ancient+and+Medieval+History+Online&InputText=%22order+of+Calatrava%22&SearchStyle=&dTitle=Bobadilla%2C+Francisco+de&TabRecordType=All+Records&BioCountPass=1&SubCountPass=2&DocCountPass=0&ImgCountPass=0&MapCountPass=0&FedCountPass=&MedCountPass=0&NewsCountPass=0&RecPosition=3&AmericanData=&WomenData=&AFHCData=&IndianData=&WorldData=&AncientData=Set&GovernmentData= Columbus' defenders really should learn some history first. Have a very nice day -fgalkin Your statement has nothing to do with mine, which was actually a response to an entirely different statement.
  15. That's an easy one, Aztecs and Incans lives in large population centers while the tribes of North America were often nomadic and lived in smaller settlements.
  16. The genocide label is fairly ridiculous, it implies that Columbus somehow knew that European diseases were going to rip through Native American populations. If you really want to go all out on this campaign, you should go after Cortes and Pizarro first.
  17. Oddly enough I was talking about this with some fellow history teachers. We don't get the day off work anymore, but most of us find ourselves defending Columbus. The guy was by and large a product of his times, and he kickstarted the exploration of the Americas. Was he a terrible person? Probably, but that's not really why he is in the history books. He was at the helm of a major historical event. But hey, I'm also just bitter that I don't get an extra three day weekend.
  18. My dentist has massage rollers in the backs of the chairs. But yeah, it's still a terrible experience.
  19. If it makes you feel better, his name is at the top of the test I give on the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. Although I usually just get rubbish answers like "He moved the capital 850 miles to the east." Congrats, you can memorize fairly useless facts.
  20. Yep, I dropped the settings down a couple notches when I typically run at full steam for everything. It doesn't even look that different.
  21. Sorry to hear that Woldan, take care and we'll hopefully hear from you soon.
  22. i played it for 6 months to see if it was worth it,it wasn't. i tried nearly every storyline,the Sith Warrior was the only one that i liked a bit and finished to level 50.after that,i abandoned TOR the JK story is an injustice to Revan so i will never start it. but there's too much crap between,the levelling is slow and it's a grindfest,i got bored pretty quickly the companions are boring and shallow lack of innovation is what this game suffers the most from there aren't many things to do and many are grinding mobs,immersion is broken easily it's a terrible game aside from the ****ty treatment of both KOTORs,of course agree on story classes,though,it's the only thing that actually TOR didn't screw up It took you six months to realize you didn't like the game? You got all the way to level 50? Oddly enough, I agree with most of your complaints, and I probably played about as long as you did (although I rarely played past the first act with most of the classes.) But the game did keep my attention for a decent amount of time and so I think it's weird to bag on it. I enjoyed it for what it was.
  23. I am sitting in a boring class on iPads, but I need the credits and it is giving me a chance to experiment and learn how to use this stupid tablet on my own. They gave us like an hour to create a 10 second video, I made mine in about a minute and spent the rest of my time creating a vacation book.
  24. Hm, thats news to me, what makes you think that they're drugged up? Would explain a lot though. That was certainly the case with many of the Taliban fighters.
  25. It's always weird when I hear people attack academics, as if having an education is some sort of terrible character flaw.
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