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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. It's going to be an interesting game in Pittsburgh. Bumgarner is the better pitcher, but the Giants look pretty bad in the outfield. In fact I think Bumgarner could bat 6th in this lineup. It's going to be stressful.
  2. I'm guessing alarm disabling will be more useful down the road, sounds like something you'd need when dealing with places where robots hang out. But yeah, a couple skills could probably be combined. Like mechanical repair and toaster repair would work better together, and really alarm disarm should just be a part of demolitions or electronics. Still, I have a ton of fun with all the skill checks. It might be the highlight of the game, getting a balanced party that can methodically work their way through traps and everything else to clear an area.
  3. Well at least the pressure is off my Gigantes this evening, if they lose they'll just join the other bay area team in misery. If the A's had won and the Giants lost, I'd have to listen to gloating A's fans for a week.
  4. My doctor skill has allowed me to save a few lives in battle before they bled out, as well as cut free the researchers in the ag center.
  5. I lost Rose in a pretty nasty gunfight, and decided to let it be. She was a bit creepy anyways. Oh and I finally found Angela Deth or whatever. Honestly I'm struggling to find companions, but I'm having a blast with my core party of me, my wife, and my two kids.
  6. Who was that Asian poster who was obsessed with guns back in the day? I'm having flashbacks.
  7. That was a pretty crazy game. What the heck happened to these bullpens? They were both supposed to be super good.
  8. Really? edit: I just mean, there are some pretty terrible events there. I don't know, I'm fairly flabbergasted. Do you understand how the labor pool works?
  9. I'm not sure if you are really interested in a history lesson, but here are some sources on the history of labor in the US. http://prospect.org/brief-history-american-labor#.VCrMryldXgY This one sides heavily with the unions, so use your critical thinking skills: http://www.history.com/topics/labor You can go back further, and you will find it gets much bleaker for the common worker. You can also look to undeveloped nations to see how bad working conditions can be. Sweatshops exist all over the world as a result of little regulation.
  10. Again, that is a very naive view of how employer-employee relationships work. We have centuries of historical precedent showing that the employer will abuse the relationship if checks are not put into place. The working class has very little leverage here. You've already struck down the idea of them unionizing, and now you want to take away government restrictions. I'm actually not a fan of big government, and I am very leery of unions, but they play a necessary role in balancing worker's rights versus economic progress. The key is to have a balance of power between business, the government, and the working class. Now you can argue that we are currently imbalanced, and I will support you in that (although I think each side has a case for getting the short stick.)
  11. Employer should be able to do neither more nor less than what both sides (employer and employee) agreed to in employment contract. That is all there should be. Unfortunately the government and some organizations (like unions) constantly try to butt in between the people that actually made some agreements between them. You sure have a lot of confidence in corporations doing the right thing at the negotiating table with employees. When you have a large labor pool, you are basically giving the employer the power to enslave their workforce. Can't survive off your wage? Want benefits? The company will just fire you and move on to the next poor sap. Man, the naive trust some of you have for big business is astounding.
  12. As bad as the A's have been, if Lester shuts down the Royals tomorrow, the Cespedes trade is suddenly justified. It will be interesting.
  13. Yeah, that's never led to any problems ever. Fewer problems than government regulation designed to combat said problems, most of which are imaginary, hypothetical, or really just no one's business except the employer and employee. Ah, it's as if the Gilded Age never happened. Such a paradise we live in.
  14. Whatever document translator you are using is atrocious.
  15. That Fallout 3 lunchbox was fantastic. I still have my kids use it on occassion.
  16. Hey, that was the last physical game I bought as well! After my son broke our Mario Kart 8 copy, I briefly thought about throwing in the towel with physical console games, but I think the benefit of getting a few trade in bucks outweighs the risk of breaking or losing a physical copy. The only physical PC games I buy are special ones like PoE. They are simply too hard to find in stores most of the time, and I hate to pre-order. I think Mass Effect 3 was the last PC game I got physically.
  17. What crimes have they been charged with by the FBI, the courts, or the US Government? They are on an unindicted contact list for a charity that is linked to Hamas, that's hardly a smoking gun. But hey, maybe they are just a front for the big bad wolf. So what on their website is meant to corrupt the youth (or whatever their seedy agenda is)? It's funny that you accuse me of being politically correct when you seem very quick to jump on the anti-muslim bandwagon without hesitation. Attacking Islam and the 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide is a much more popular choice in the US than engaging different cultures and having an open dialogue about differences.
  18. Given that they faced adversity for much of the second part of the season, it will be interesting to see if the A's can turn that around and finally get a decent playoff run. But honestly I don't consider anybody a playoff team until they have more than one game guaranteed. I do like my Giant's chances of beating the Pirates, Wednesday will be exciting.
  19. It did not look like it was going to turn out well at the start. I guess the key is to be behind in the second half, not ahead.
  20. Do you really think a website called jihadwatch is interested in presenting a reasonably moderate and impartial view of Islam? He's got an agenda he is pushing, he has books to sell, etc. I don't think he is a conspiracy theorist, I think people who buy into everything he is saying are. Every one of your sources is making a profit off inciting fear. I don't fault them for that, free press is a beautiful part of our society, but it is a one-sided news source. Keep an open mind, listen to alternative opinions, and weigh evidence against common sense. tl;dr - yes, your sources are garbage.
  21. Why do you type like that? It is unreadable.
  22. Wonderful, cherry pick paragraphs that fit your opinion on the matter. Leave out the ones like this: See that's really the whole problem with your conspiracy theory. It's a conspiracy theory. It isn't fact, the evidence is lacking, and CAIR certainly hasn't been charged with any crimes. I know it's against conspiracy theorists nature to take things at face value, so I'll give up now.
  23. Wait, so a large organization with chapters spread throughout North America possibly has ties to shady characters? *gasp* That sounds like every large organization ever to exist anywhere. As I said, my local chapter has done a great job of building ties in the community. Also, every one of your sources is pushing an agenda. Try reading a legitimate news source: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/fact-checker/post/the-king-hearings-is-cair-a-terrorist-organization/2011/03/10/AB3AdTQ_blog.html or http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/12/us/politics/12muslims.html?_r=0 They don't clear CAIR of anything, they simply present facts in a reasonable manner and try to avoid hyperbole. You know, what good journalists are supposed to do. Also you shouldn't talk to the FBI without a lawyer present. Any Lawyer in the world will tell you that, and CAIR is, above all else, a legal advocacy group. edit: Read the NY Times article at least, it's very well written.
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