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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. So this happened: http://www.hulu.com/watch/707975 Prince is the greatest musician alive today.
  2. I ate a good dinner with friends while drinking a wonderful Stone IPA. I tried to weasel my way out of my late hockey game, but now I'm waiting for a ride with my hockey bad ready to go.
  3. Is this like one of those things where Trekkies didn't like it but everyone else did? I mean I like Star Trek, but I'm nowhere near a Trekkie.
  4. I picked up a pack of 4 Stone Bombers, and I think I'll start with the Lukcy Basartd Ale.
  5. If you think the Star Trek reboot is bad, I'm just not sure what will make you happy.
  6. I showed that to my daughter and then explained what the mom and dad tax is. It was educational and delicious.
  7. The Bay Area is huge. SF is just a small part of it.
  8. It's interesting that you brought that up, since I had just read this article: http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2014/09/08/how-many-police-shootings-a-year-no-one-knows/ I used to be quicker to state the whole rarity argument, that most officers will never even fire their gun in the line of duty over their entire career. Part of me still thinks that the advent of technology is holding officers more accountable than in the past, since we have so many different ways to track what they are doing on the job. But there really isn't any reason for us not to have the hard facts as to how many police shootings there are in a year. That should be something the State and Federal government is completely on top of, and they are clearly failing us here. How can we even fully understand the problem without the data? So write your congressman and get him or her to push a mandate forward to collect this data. Then we can tackle how to lower these tragic situations using real information.
  9. What was the surgery for? Exploratory? She has chronic pancreatitis. A couple years ago, her pancreas flared up and she was in the hospital for about a week. They don't really know what caused it, possibly her birth control pills. Since then she has been on a restricted diet and takes enzymes with every meal to help process fat and sugar. She had a flare up again recently, but it wasn't quite as bad. The problem is it has not improved at all (although it hasn't gotten much worse) so they want to take a closer look. It's not really clear why it is happening. We get an MRI next.
  10. Any scenario where the dog gets stabbed is unacceptable. Police dogs are not cannon fodder. The dog should have been put away as soon as the knife came out so they could de-escalate the situation. Who is spinning this in the cops favor? I'm just pointing out that a lot of these alternative you folks are throwing out are bad. Sacrifice the dog? Coordinate a marksmanship lesson and clip the guy in the leg? These aren't realistic. The taser is a decent idea, but there are a lot of issues with how they operate. It should have been attempted at the least, but as I said, I'd think a bean bag shotgun would be the best choice to disable the guy. But really, they should have never been in this situation, they should have backed up and avoided escalation. How is what I am saying defending the cops in any way?
  11. You get what you pay for, I guess. For the emoticons, clicking on show all brings them up is a separate window.
  12. It's pretty crazy to think how young some of these guys on the Giants are. The entire infield is pretty set, although I figure there is only a 50/50 chance of bringing back Sandoval. If they do, they look great and even have a young prospect in Duffy. Outfield is a bit more concerning, with Pence being the only lock and both Blanco and Perez being better as 4th outfielders. I'm pretty worried that Pagan will not be able to return to form, so they probably need a better lead off hitter and outfielder. Starting rotation will be the biggest concern, which is different since that was their strength in both the 2010 and 2012 campaigns. Hopefully Matt Cain makes a full recovery, but even if he does, they need at least one more solid guy. Eh, I'm sure they'll find it, they always do.
  13. How do you make that decision in real time? It's not a turn based strategy game. They aren't trained to take shots like that. I'm not defending them either. It looks like a poorly handled situation. To me it doesn't matter whether 1 shot or 48 were fired, they should have tried to de-escalate the situation and they failed. Is this situation better if he's killed by 2 cops instead of 6? How do you make that decision in real time ?. By not getting spooked. Experience, leadership by someone in the group. He's not going to run at them faster than a bullet. There was time for another play besides yelling at him which with the dog and everything obviously had no effect. Isn't that exactly what I just said?
  14. The fact that we've got 8 cops and a dog together against a single pen-knife wielding kid is ALREADY an utterly illogical scenario that begs a ton of questions -- questions about motives and reasons and the like. So yes, I'm certainly not going to dismiss the possibility of bigoted group-think. The guy was a 49 year old homeless man. If they sick the dog on him and the dog gets stabbed, is that a good outcome? We also have very little background as to why he was surrounded. But as I've already said over and over again, they handled the situation horribly and I fully support the ACLU and their ongoing legal case. Feel free what I posted earlier: http://www.aclumich.org/MiltonHall
  15. As a group, they all mentally weighed the value of this guy's life, and then mentally decided to kill him at the same time? That is the most logical scenario here? Who is defending what they did? I've just pointed out the flaws in your alternative solutions. I also said the solution would be to have a lead officer talking and engaging, have everyone else back the heck off, put the dog away, and worst case scenario, get a bean bag shotgun and knock him down. Whoever fired the first shot is the real culprit. He or she is the one that is dangerous to have in a tense situation. But that will be a hard thing to figure out, even with the video.
  16. My wife is recuperating from surgery. There was no evidence of anything major wrong, so that is good. But we need to do more tests to see if we can figure out what is causing the pancreas to flare up.
  17. You are the one making excuses by just labeling them as teh evil instead of actually talking about strategies to prevent these shootings. Why do you hate solutions? Why do you hate proper training? You really think your childish labels solve anything? This man lost his life, have some respect.
  18. You typically don't use a taser on an armed suspect unless he is in close proximity with someone else or has his back to you. It is fairly risky to chance that you will get the prongs to fully activate, especially depending on the range. I'm super confused about the dog. You do not want to risk the dog getting killed by having him attack someone that is armed, so why is he there? He is escalating the situation. The suspect also doesn't really advance on anyone, and they seem to be closing proximity. Of course, that is why the ACLU is pursuing legal action against the department. This happened two years ago, btw. http://www.aclumich.org/MiltonHall The idea that the 6 officers were roaming around looking to gank someone is pretty unreasonable though. It's a tragic situation for everyone involved, we should be looking at ways to prevent these situations, not going on witch hunts.\ edit: The best equipment here would be a bean bag shotgun, btw.
  19. How do you make that decision in real time? It's not a turn based strategy game. They aren't trained to take shots like that. I'm not defending them either. It looks like a poorly handled situation. To me it doesn't matter whether 1 shot or 48 were fired, they should have tried to de-escalate the situation and they failed. Is this situation better if he's killed by 2 cops instead of 6?
  20. It looks really easy in the movies to shoot someone in the hand or leg when they are a threat, but that isn't realistic for an average cop. Also, a stun gun is not an easy weapon to hit correctly with, so it is rarely used when the suspect has a weapon. But I do think they needed an officer to take a lead position here, and that clearly didn't happen. Why was the dog there? Why did they feel the need to close on him? etc. This was a mentally unstable individual with a knife. It is a tragic situation with a tragic outcome.
  21. Ralphy is my submachine gunner. He is low enough to make hime whatever you want, really.
  22. It is hard to hate the Spurs. They are a bunch of elderly guys winning on wisdom and cageyness. Plus they pass the ball like artists painting a canvass.
  23. My wife is at Stanford Medical getting an EGD with EUS. Basically they take an ultrasound as they look in her stomach and pancreas. So I am hanging out in a waiting room.
  24. Again it is weird to me that so many guys are commenting on what it is like to be a woman walking down the streets of a city. Your perspective and opinions aren't relevant at all. Just do your best to be gentlemen and not creeps.
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