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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. You may not believe you're a Democrat, but when was the last time you actually voted for a Republican for a nationwide office? And for your information, I do read different sources, you're the one with a phobia for conservatives. I evaluate everything objectively and am well aware of biases on either side. Trust me, I check out every link I post to the best of my ability. The last election. I have no interest in voting for Diane Feinstein. I vote for who I believe to be the best candidate for the job. I also tend to vote against anyone who has held an office for too many terms. Lifetime politicians suck. I don't have a phobia for conservatives (in fact I love conservative talk radio, it's hilarious) but it is largely the only stuff you post, so excuse me if I assume that is where you get your news.
  2. 90% of mainstream journalists are democrats? Please, you probably think I'm a democrat. You put entirely too much faith in right wing media. Personally I don't put all my eggs in any single basket, I like to read as many news sources as possible and develop my own opinions.
  3. Not at all. It would be a case of incompetence; not murder. Failing to save some one is not murder. If you have the ability to save someone an intentionally choose not to, than yes it is murder. Btw, the deputy who was hospitalized yesterday was tested and is OK. Under that line of thinking, we should be sending all resources available to Africa in order to help people, given our advanced treatment capabilities.
  4. Do you read any mainstream news outlets? Do you understand that the ones you keep sighting have a very specific agenda?
  5. Well, I am a southpaw, but I injured my left hand a few weeks ago playing hockey and it's super weak. The doctor seemed unconcerned, just said I'm getting old and need to rehab it.
  6. I don't hate TOR, and given the longstanding TOR thread in the general gaming forum, there are a number who enjoy it enough to play. It's not a great MMO unfortunately, but it does a good job building on the universe. Honestly story is the only thing it has going for it.
  7. Way to kill the thread This is basically no man's land.
  8. Does anyone actually use Dell products? From what I can tell the general consensus is that they are pieces of ****. Dell owns Alienware, actually. But I would imagine it just depends on what you buy from them.
  9. ToR is definitely canon, and it's very well developed. Of course it has its hits and misses like everything Bioware, but the lore is really one of the most redeeming qualities of the game.
  10. These are business decisions. They can parcel the game out any way they want, it's their product. Our strength as consumers lies in not buying them, and clearly there is a large enough customer base to justify selling parts separately. We can argue the ethics behind this, but honestly unless the game is unplayable without the DLC, that's a very tricky argument.
  11. Woohoo, Vogey pitched beautifully. Giants versus Cards - It should be an interesting one, both of these teams know how to get to the Series.
  12. It is not relatively easy to shut down all traffic coming from Africa, which seems to be your solution. That's a drastic measure, and right now the situation does not warrant it. We haven't had a single person infected on our own soil.
  13. It's certainly worrisome, but doesn't seem to have anywhere near the mortality rate of Ebola, seems to be more like the flu. It's troubling that you would say that, because no one in the US has died of Ebola, whereas a child my son's age just passed away from Enterovirus after showing very few signs of illness. That sounds like a much bigger threat to the US. Now I understand that internationally, or rather in underdeveloped nations, Ebola is a much bigger threat. But the reaction by certain media outlets has been ridiculous and frankly irresponsible. http://thecolbertreport.cc.com/videos/ayvbym/a-rare-correction---no-ebola-outbreak-in-the-u-s-
  14. Must be all the video and music. You've got to figure that's about the cap for the future. Unless Blu-Ray capacity is going to change.
  15. Huh, that pretty much removes any motivation I would have to pre-order again. It's not like they will run out of copies like they do in a physical store, and the bonus for pre-ordering is never really that good.
  16. The people Thomas Eric Duncan came in close contact with still haven't developed any signs of infection.
  17. It's more surprising that they can afford tickets to the new stadium. That place is pricey. Maybe it's just keeping out all the honest folks.
  18. If I could cancel pre-orders on Steam, I would have. DF is not running themselves like a trustworthy company. Why can't you cancel pre-orders on Steam? I've done it before.
  19. Well you can't expect to win every game when you don't score in the first 8 innings. It's a shame, he was still shutting the Nats down despite not having his best stuff, and then he just tried to do too much on that bunt. I think if the Giants have a run on the board, he doesn't force that throw. It will be interesting to see how Vogelsong pitches.
  20. I'm way more worried about the Entrovirus than this.
  21. Eh, it's not a big deal. I think the title is just bothering me, it's pretty unwieldy. Other than that I can ignore the thread, since when I do check in it typically reads like a foreign language to me.
  22. How do they spell it out in other places? For example, the date on my classroom board says October 6th, 2014. So that's why it's easy for me to think 10/06/14, because I'm used to seeing it spelled out that way. Do they go 6th of October, 2014 in other parts of the world?
  23. I really would have been ok with this thread not getting a second edition.
  24. Better recheck that. Dang differences in US/Euro timestamps. Still, I remember hearing Pillars of Eternity is being released in early 2015 a long time ago.
  25. Looks like some sour cream as well. Protip- If you don't have sour cream, Mayonnaise can make a decent replacement when mashing potatoes.
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