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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. So the Niners season is over, and I imagine they'll be parting ways with the coach soon enough. That team is a mess.
  2. The only romancing I've done was some old lady in Val Royeauoueax, and that was only because I didn't want to give her a commitment of troops.
  3. In response to Drowsy, the state is already footing the bill (really taxpayers) for a kindergarten through 12th grade education. After 18, why shouldnt the student have some financial stake in all of this?
  4. If I was to draw a conclusion from that it would be that the 90% of those not in the elite, don't work? Because they aren't all first generation immigrants. Besides, that isn't really relevant to the question I was asking. The US is a large economy and some individuals, like Schwarzenegger, come a long way from nothing. But an individual should not have to be as rich as he is to be able to afford good education (that would not send a family into debt), health care, etc. for his children? Or even necessarily in the middle class, let alone the 1%? If there is so much wealth to go around (and there is, many times more so than in France, Germany, UK etc.) then why are some of the basic services a government should provide on the level of a third world country? The last official comparisons placed US health care in the same category as Cuba. And Cuba has been living under a US enforced embargo and in poverty for over 50 years. You don't need to be rich to afford a good education in the US. What is wrong with taking on debt to pay for school? It's part of a social contract, they are offered at extremely low interest rates, and you are given a long time to pay them back. I certainly don't regret the $40,000 I spent on college and grad school, I've been paying it off slowly over the last decade and now only have $7k left on the loan. That's without my parents help. My parents paid for my first year of school, which came out to about $10k. After that I got a part time job and managed my debt carefully. Some people make dumb decisions about how much debt they take on, but there are plenty of chances to succeed without drowning yourself. I'll agree with out health care being screwed. I've got insurance and I still have a pile of ridiculous medical bills sitting on my desk right now.
  5. There were about 10,000 protesters in New York, although I think that was only in one area. Which is why I said 200+ arrests is very tame, particularly with only a handful being charged with anything substantial. Most of the arrests are basically being cited and released.
  6. I gave my impressions of it in my Rate Your games of 2014 here-thread: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/68866-rate-your-2014-games-here/?p=1539247 I named it my personal Game of the Year. It got a total score of 91.7 out of 100, so it must be in my top ten list of games made in the 21th century. Having played twice as long now, I'm tempted to raise that score even further. I love it for what it is - it achieves what it set out to do. I give it an 88.3 out of 100. It is a very good game.
  7. The NFL thread is in the Off Topic section.
  8. Considering these are the types of crowds gathering: 200+ sounds like your standard round up. Only 5 of those are actually being charged with anything of substance. Overall it seems like this is going exactly the way it should, for both the protesters and the police. The message is clearly getting across and isn't being sullied by outbreaks of violence.
  9. They aren't running around harassing, assaulting, or killing people and getting away with it on a daily basis.... It's hard to have a reasonable conversation when you throw out hyperbole like this. I support law enforcement reform, I want to see way more accountability, I want a dramatic shift in the way police interact with their communities. Do you support these things? How do you expect to achieve any of them if you treat every police officer as some thug who goes around harassing, assaulting, and killing people on a daily basis? Do you recognize how hostile (and frankly unrealistic) that sounds? It's weird to me that the same people that want to yell at the police for not respecting the ideals of innocent until proven guilty are so fast to condemn an entire police force without evidence.
  10. I'm not really a big fan of the disability system, as I've seen far too many people take advantage of it as well. But that is an entirely different can of worms to open up, and it applies across a lot more industries than law enforcement.
  11. The thing with the US system is in its paradoxes - richest country in the world yet incredibly poor wealth distribution, very high crime rate and poor social/health system compared to other, less wealthy western nations. Few Americans are aware just how much better the overall standard of living is in many western european countries compared to how weaker their economies are to the US. I've yet to meet anybody from the US that's really willing to give the issue some thought and draw the obvious conclusions. Few people from the US are willing to give it much thought because you are simplifying an extremely complex issue. The US is a gigantic country, and really each state is closer to an independent country than anything else. It is basically like generalizing all of Europe as one place, instead of independent countries with unique problems.
  12. What do you define as recognition? Construction workers get plenty of credit for having dangerous jobs. They also don't receive nearly as much criticism.
  13. Ryan Reynolds is Deadpool. That's just the way it always should be. Just like no one can be Wolverine other than Hugh Jackman.
  14. The amount of police who are on disability retirement is more telling than the death statistics. It's difficult to get an exact number, since as I said before, the oversight and statistical analysis available is unbelievably bad, but in a city like Oakland, 4 officers are medically retired for every one that retires under the standard system. So yeah, it's a dangerous job, it's disingenuous to not recognize that much.
  15. Over the course of this case, I've actually changed my stance quite a bit when it comes to the police. While I still believe the majority of officers are trying to do the right thing in a difficult profession, I think law enforcement is in need of some major reform. Just the fact you can't really get a clear number of shooting deaths by police officers in a year shows a terrible lack of accountability and oversight on a Federal level. Over the years I've also changed my stance on Gromnir's posting style.
  16. I am sure that after 10 years and 5000 posts, Gromnir is going to suddenly change his syntax so that Val will feel more comfortable reading his posts. The numbers of police that go out on disability are more telling, if I recall correctly they are pretty high. That's a huge cost to police departments as well.
  17. If Prince walks up to you and asks for your guitar, you give it to him. http://youtu.be/mr6_c4I_yfQ
  18. I don't think the age of the kid Anakin was the problem, it was just terribly executed. He should have been like that kid from Sixth Sense, who was sympathetic but also clearly a bit dark and dealing with some powerful issues. The kid is a slave, but comes across as happy go lucky. It was terrible.
  19. Am I the only one who doesn't understand the appeal of watching other people play games? The only one I ever got into was the Assassin's Creed Movies, and that was because the game was too long to bother finishing, but I still wanted to know how it ended.
  20. So...it's just fantasy, people. You can make the argument that a good science fiction property needs to try and make real world sense, but Star Wars has never been science fiction. It's fantasy, people shoot lightning out of their fingers.
  21. It's definitely geared towards a controller.
  22. Are you sure your game is performing right? I had it on the PC and it ran terribly, and that made movement a chore. After I picked it up on the PS4 I found running around to be smooth and enjoyable. It isn't quite the Assassin's Creed games, but it is a lot better that the last two DA games. I also just got my castle in the sky. There is a lot of stuff to do in this game. I might hit a burnout point where I just focus on the storyline, but for now I'm enjoying exploring every nook and cranny of these huge areas. edit: I've only been doing requisition missions once, I don't want to repeat them because I hoard all the mats like a packrat.
  23. Well unless you can find a programmer and an artist, you are going to struggle to turn this concept into anything concrete. My recommendation would be to start out with developing your writing. Take your ideas and turn them into a series of stories or a novel. Write in your native tongue. Is there a decent fiction market in Malaysia? You could also try and develop it as a pen and paper game concept. If it gains traction, then you can shop it as a possible game idea.
  24. Much like the death knell for the PC we've heard many times before, the death of the consoles is greatly exaggerated.
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