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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Man, Xenonauts is scary addicting. I really have trouble pulling myself away from it when I start. Luckily my kids seem fascinated by it and will sit and cheer me on while I hunt down aliens and send fighter jets after ufo's. I think they prefer the graphics, they leave more for the imagination.
  2. Volourn makes a very confusing statement about how it is evil to defend evil cops, so any cop that doesn't rat out their fellow officers for being evil is evil as well, and basically negates the possibility of good cops. Or something like that.
  3. I haven't defended this particular mosque in any way, I know little about it and don't live anywhere near Brooklyn. Would you condemn all churches because one has members of the KKK? You seem pretty quick to do that with Islam. Show me one place where I condemned all mosques or all Islam. In fact I've done the opposite several times. Go back and read the posts you made about me in the other thread, may be you'll figure it out. Nah.
  4. I voted for Hong Kong, it's an awesome setting for Shadowrun. I have the old campaign book somewhere.
  5. I re-booked my room for my Vegas trip for the 5th time after finding even lower rates. I decided to upgrade to the Octavius Tower since the prices were so good ($119 a night) and I'm pretty excited about that. I also booked a couples massage for a king's ransom.
  6. My wife's family is making tamales tomorrow as well.
  7. Last Vegas - Very funny, a nice prep for my trip to Vegas.
  8. It's weird that some of you are all up in arms about police violence but then you want them to all be muscleheads.
  9. Thanks Ladainian Tomlinson My wife and I cleaned the house today, it was a big job. Still, it's nice to have a fresh smell in every room again.
  10. I am getting GTAV for my ps4 for christmas, I am excited about that.
  11. I've been walking around this morning telling the kids it's cleaning day. They seem less than thrilled.
  12. I haven't defended this particular mosque in any way, I know little about it and don't live anywhere near Brooklyn. Would you condemn all churches because one has members of the KKK? You seem pretty quick to do that with Islam. Yeah I agree with Hurlshot on this one, we shouldn't generalize and say certain mosques in the USA are breeding grounds for Islamic extremism even if we know that extremists have frequented some of them. Its doesn't seem reasonable ? That's not really what I said at all. Certain mosques may be a breeding ground for extremism, just like certain Christian churches may be a breeding ground for intolerance and discrimination. That doesn't mean we should paint every church and mosque with the same brush. If there is evidence that a church or a mosque is encouraging violent behavior, then it should be investigated. But without an investigation, I'm not going to infringe on the right to religious freedom.
  13. Get both Shadowrun campaigns and play Dead Man's Switch first. They both have their charms, but I think you'll enjoy Dragonfall more after playing through the first one.
  14. I haven't defended this particular mosque in any way, I know little about it and don't live anywhere near Brooklyn. Would you condemn all churches because one has members of the KKK? You seem pretty quick to do that with Islam.
  15. Xenonauts is extremely good, I'm glad I picked it up. I spent a couple hours playing it and had trouble stopping. Thank goodness for a drop ship with multiple exits!
  16. The guy might have visited a mosque in Brooklyn once? *gasp* Yeah, there is a terrorist mosque in Brooklyn after all, it's not all a product of my fevered xenophobic imagination as you think. But good reading comprehension, what does it take to be a California teacher exactly? Everybody in the Brooklyn Mosque is a terrorist? That would be super convenient for the FBI. The teaching credential ceremony in California is fascinating. We are all hooded and then led deep underground to a secret chamber, where we vow to keep the secrets of the illuminati and brainwash the young into thinking the world is a good place not filled with dark conspiracies. Then we get a gift card to Staples.
  17. I much prefer games that focus on a good story. To each their own.
  18. The Toys R Us commercials are all on the kids channels, so that's probably why you don't see them. I see them regularly.
  19. The guy might have visited a mosque in Brooklyn once? *gasp*
  20. It's hard to take metacritic too seriously when there are only a few thousand reviews for a game that sells millions. It's a small sample size and really only represents people that are in that community.
  21. I've started Yoga with my wife 4 times a week, and it's incredibly hard. I don't know how she does some of these things, I shake like crazy in certain stances. But I have noticed I'm getting to certain muscle groups I haven't worked hard before.
  22. You are going by the literal, 50%+1 definition of "mostly", right? I haven't played DAI, but from what I've read, it doesn't really deliver on promises made, it's buggy as hell (a hallmark of Bioware products) and the PC controls aren't very good. This doesn't necessarily make it a bad game, but nothing that "restores faith", whatever that means. I'll get around to playing it if I see a good bargain or in a few years, and I'll probably like it enough to finish it, much like every other Bio game, except JE. However, I reserve my worship and faith for stuff that is actually important in my life, such as peanut butter and bacon sandwiches. My guess is half of those negative reviewers are people who haven't even played the game, they just automatically default to hating all things Bioware. At least that would fit the trend we are seeing on these forums. I can play that game as well: My guess is half of those positive reviewers are people who are paid by EA, they just do what their exec told them too That's probably true. We should just wipe out all the 10's and 1's, that will be a more realistic rating.
  23. That shouldn't surprise you, I report you regularly. Most of your posts are drivel and a few have been terribly inappropriate for a corporate-run forum. Thanks for sharing.
  24. Enjoy the blood splattered golf cart (DA2)
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