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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Seriously, I needed to slow that part down, they went through a ton of gags in about 30 seconds, it was epic.
  2. It's not a spoiler, it is a revenge flick. The trailer makes it very clear he is getting revenge for his dead dog and stolen car. They show him burying the dog in the trailer. http://youtu.be/2AUmvWm5ZDQ Spoiler alert: The boat sinks at the end of The Titanic.
  3. No, that did not happen, I haven't seen the movie and now I'm never going to, dammit. It's pretty much the impetus for the entire film, so yeah, the puppy dies. That was clear in the trailers too.
  4. It depends on your sense of humor. I loved every second of it. It was ridiculous. But I am sure there are people here too refined for such things, and they probably will roll their eyes over it.
  5. SNL is inconsistent, but it still launches a ton of talent. I would say the cast is pretty strong this year. The best way to watch it is just catch a few clips on hulu that look entertaining.
  6. It's probably likely Melissa McCarthy's husband gets a gig. I can see Will Forte as the Keymaster. http://youtu.be/9p4t5ub5zys
  7. You are the one who posted you had no idea who any of them were, as if that were a surprising thing. If you don't watch TV and you don't watch SNL, which is basically the main pipeline for comedic actors to get in movies, then you shouldn't be surprised that you don't recognize them. Roseanne would be great...if it was 25 years ago. How about Roseanne, Oprah, Ellen, and Kathy Lee Gifford. I was adding the gender thing for the other posters who seem to think that is a big deal.
  8. Do you live in a cave? Melissa McCarthy has been in everything lately, and Kristen Wiig is everywhere too. The other two are SNL alums, Kate McKinnon is the best cast member currently on it. http://youtu.be/OXvo6ksBHnI Honestly I don't know how you can have a problem with the cast being women. I can't think of any 4 males that would be a better fit than who they went with, and it adds a new hook.
  9. I'm pretty sure I've seen a few films that were basically just male versions of Sex in the City. Putting 4 friends together and having them deal with comical relationships isn't exactly an untapped template. That being said, it is time to reboot Ghostbusters. It isn't exactly a thriving property.
  10. Actually I think the Ghostbusters cast is fantastic. Every one of those girls is hilarious, and I can see them fitting into the roles perfectly. I have high expectations.
  11. Could Hollywood please wait until i'm dead or with Alzheimer before they start ruining the franchises I grew up with? If you didn't think Indiana Jones was already a bit ruined by Crystal Skull, I don't know what to think. Plus, the last report said they were going with Bradley Cooper. I find this a lot more fitting. Double plus, they've ditched Shia Labeouf. I think the intention with Crystal Skull was to groom a new Indy, but they chose an insane person for the part. I still think River Phoenix is the only true heir to the Indy throne. RIP.
  12. I have my complaints about it, but DA:I is a pretty fantastic game. It was a much better experience than DA2. So I'm glad to see it is doing well, and hopefully they continue to improve the franchise moving forward. Someday I may even finish it.
  13. Been running my new laptop through the paces with Elder Scrolls Online. They are introducing a Justice system soon, so I'm interested to see how quickly the NPC bodies pile up. You get to steal and murder. The game does look fantastic on my new system.
  14. Kingdom of Heaven (Director's Cut) is my favorite movie. I enjoyed the Director's Cut as well, but what ended up in the box office was not nearly as good and bombed badly.
  15. Ridley Scott seems to stumble whenever he gets near history, his Crusades movie was a flop too. I loved Avatar and look forward to more.
  16. Or neither. I was going to say, it really depends on the stock. Is it typically stable?
  17. I endorse that completely.
  18. Ah you mean, being honest and asking questions, of course.
  19. Why do kids ruin it?
  20. Yeah I was all excited about it, thinking it might be a good source of clips on the Silk Road and the Yuan Dynasty court. But it went off the rails rather quickly.
  21. That explains why I was always rubbish at swim meets, I was too powerful!
  22. We really need a legitimate third party to challenge the current trends. Bull Moose Party Redux! Actually I think even another Ross Perot type might be enough to get some actual reform in the two parties. There just isn't enough pressure on either group to move from the status quo.
  23. I guess it is good to know that misinformation is used to deter cheating. I still think a written test is a lousy way to really assess how fit someone is to deal with a high pressure situation.
  24. I hate these types of lawsuits.
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