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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. The only real issue in education is the community that the school is in. I teach in a great community, my kids score tremendously on any test I give them. My wife teaches in a difficult urban setting where kids deal with gangs and drugs. They test terribly. Is my wife a worse teacher than me because of that? Of course not, in fact she has to work harder because of all the discipline issues. Is her school more run down? No, it's actually a bit nicer, they get more funding because of their socio-economic population. We have the same curriculum across the state, we even go to the same trainings. Credit or blame for a failing school system falls heavily on one thing - the parents.
  2. I'm not anti or pro common core, it's just another way for educational reformers to stay in business. I'm against the politicising of it. It's a smokescreen for the real issues in education, which have little to do with curriculum, teachers, or classroom materials. We all know that No Child Left Behind was terrible, right? What are your actual complaints about Common Core? I have plenty, but I'm interested to hear what you see as a problem.
  3. Yay for the protecting students part, boo for the dig on Common Core. I'm not going to say Common Core is revolutionary, but it does move us away from the terrible standardized testing and puts the focus on developing critical thinking skills. Also, anytime you hear a politician talking about Common Core, right or left wing, ignore them because they have no idea what they are talking about.
  4. So we are basically turning community colleges into extended High Schools, great. I think there should be a point where students are expected to shoulder some financial responsibilities, and community colleges are already very affordable. I'd rather see a push to lower university costs, they've gotten out of control.
  5. Yeah, my wife is not a big fan of Crossfit. But I thought they use barbells for a bunch of exercises? Personally I get enough wear and tear playing hockey, I don't need to speed through gym exercises and risk more injury. I'll take my gym time slow and steady.
  6. I think there is a lot of material between BG1 and 2. How the heck did Imoen become a mage? Ok, that's all I've got.
  7. I'm pretty sure the comic had Mohammad with a bomb in his turban. That is definitely insulting. But I will defend the right to print it, even if I disagree with the message.
  8. Do you have an example of major American news outlets that post insulting Jesus caricatures? I've never seen one, it would be incredibly foolish given the fact the US is still predominantly Christian. It would alienate a large audience. I will criticise anyone that publishes insulting and degrading material about religion. I will certainly not buy such publications, and will not be surprised if they lose advertisers or go out of business. But I will always defend their right to publish such material. That is how freedom works.
  9. Physically lifting cars out of the snow is awesome, but I still wouldn't call it practical.
  10. Val, the moderators aren't paid employees or anything. They can take part in arguments as well as everyone else here.
  11. Calling for the deportation of millions over the actions of 3 terrible people is reprehensible.
  12. He might be right, seems every driver here is a self centered idiot. Speak for yourself. And it's very doubtful he's right, but even if he is in that regards I'd argue the cost for us to even find out is far too high. Wait, you trust the people that are driving around you? How terribly naive. I drive like everyone else is an idiot, because it is true.
  13. As you said, it is incredibly rare, so arming a larger percentage of the population with varying degrees of competence and training sounds like a terrible idea. I asked this in another thread, are the odds that you will need to carry a weapon to protect yourself from a violent attacker higher than the odds that you will be involved in an accident with the firearm? Unless they are, then the justification for arming a bunch of civilians is not reasonable.
  14. But if Inquisition is at least twice times as long as the previous two DA games, does it really matter if it isn't as replayable?
  15. I love Gambit, but I wonder who they can get to play him well? Josh Lucas? The guy from LOST could pull it off too, and he's not busy. edit: Huh, just found out it is Channing Tatum. I love the guy, but can he pull off cajun?
  16. Did it have a type A-1 personality?
  17. I've avoided all the romances, they seem pretty easy to miss. Just don't click on the pink hearts. Although I did romance some old Orlais lady. It was purely political.
  18. JA:Flashback is weird. I can't get into it. I have it, and I backed it, and I've tried to start a new game a few times.
  19. I just read over my issues of Computer Gaming World from the 80's and early 90's. But really, if it's good, people will talk about it here and I'll buy it.
  20. I am VERY envious, I have never been to Texas and I desperately want to. I have watched loads of cooking shows about parts of Texas so I would also be eating Texas barbeque every night as well ....have a rack of ribs for me Memphis was way better for BBQ for my money. I did have a pretty awesome steak in San Antonio though.
  21. I am going to Nobu in a month, and I need to try some sake to see if I can develop a taste for it. I've never had it before.
  22. Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit - This was a pretty well done version of Jack Ryan. I'm not sure that new Captain Kirk has the gravitas to pull off the brainy economist turned action hero like Adam Baldwin and Harrison Ford did, but he wasn't bad, and I thought the story and setting was strong. The rest of the cast was really good, actually. Kind of a shame there won't be a sequel, the Jack Ryan franchise plays smarter than most of the other spy thrillers out there.
  23. I'm starting to lose interest as well, and I'm in the Hinterlands too. I think I need to just stick with the main storyline, although I'm getting beaten up quick, which makes me less excited to play. I think I need better gear, but I'm too lazy to go looking for stuff.
  24. I never finished BG2, so I never bothered with the expansions.
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