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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I didn't lodge any reports (I'll happily admit when I do) but I am not surprised at all that it was shut down. Having discussions about guns and violence is much different than putting up images, I think they would be quick to censor violent images as well. Honestly that is a big reason I come to this community. If I want to skim the forums at work, or when I am with my kids, I can do so in comfort. That was a thread I had to actively avoid a lot of the time. It's nice to have a PG forum, there are plenty of places we can all go for a less restrictive environment. That doesn't mean we can't discuss mature issues, honestly I think it often encourages it when you can't fall back on vulgarities and pics of hot chicks.
  2. As Gromnir already pointed out, there was nothing passive in Enoch's response, it was pretty standard aggression.
  3. Yeah this is why I never complain about a game being too short. Bioware clearly felt they needed to make a 100+hour game here, despite the fact they've been doing 40+ hour games for years now. And really it just meant we got 60+ hours of boring crap. I haven't even finished it, I've stalled out. Maybe I'll get around to it sometime, but I can't even think about trying a new character because of all the grinding. I'm not going to complain too loudly though. Some parts were a real blast, and I definitely got my moneys worth.
  4. Maybe when the humbly self professed "sensible folks" can drop the passive aggressive attitude? well, enoch didn't seem all that passive, and lord knows that our scorn for all things gamer's gate is open and notorious. HA! Good Fun! Yep, nothing passive about this. I have stayed away from that Gamergate thread for good reason, no reason to spread that insanity.
  5. It's basically how the second term was won. Mitt Romney was simply the mormon John Kerry, neither really had the charisma to upset an incumbent, even one rocking super low approval ratings.
  6. I second Gromnir in the who left what? But thanks for the update KP.
  7. It's also really just important that you check your credit card accounts regularly and flag them if you see anything suspicious. I'd be more concerned if most credit cards didn't have such excellent liability protection.
  8. It's not like the President is going to get up and focus on the negatives. But honestly you can't gauge how effective Obama has been at this point, it really takes at least a decade to get enough context and perspective to evaluate a President. My gut reaction is he has been remarkably average, missing more opportunities than he has grasped. His biggest success has been repairing foreign relations, which is why a lot of international members here view him favorably. Heck, he took the first steps with Cuba, which could turn into something interesting, likely depending on the next administration. His biggest miss for me is the Patriot Act crap.
  9. This summer I visited the newly completed Civil Rights Museum in Memphis. It was the most emotionally powerful place I have even been. Yesterday I went through the pictures with my daughter and we talked about the experience for a bit.
  10. I'm super excited, I hear they are taking a lot of inspiration from Twilight.
  11. /so my new laptop, all of 5 days old, stopped recognizing the graphics card. I tried a few fixes, then called MSI, and they told me to send it to them. I decided not to bother with that and took it back to Best Buy. The geek squad guy fiddled with it a bit, rebooting the BIOS which I didn't want to do because of the warranty, and decided to give me a refund. I am going to order an ASUS, I was nervous about MSI and now I know why. So another week or two without a good PC.
  12. Street Kings is a really good Keanu Action flick, if you haven't seen that. He has a limited range, sure, but he's pretty much nailed that one type of character and it is hard to think of many that are better at it.
  13. John Wick was a blast, very entertaining.
  14. Ouch Keyrock, I hope it gets better.
  15. You could always call in to work and say you are observing Martin Luther King Jr. day. If anyone argues with it you can call them a racist.
  16. There is a lot more to the article than that, it is an excellent example of a Muslim woman working for change within her faith.
  17. The Man in the High Castle - How have we not talked about this yet? This is a fantastic pilot on Amazon Prime right now, if you can you need to watch it. It is an adaptation of the PKD book where the Nazi's and Japan win WW2 and take over the US. It is excellent. Go vote for it.
  18. I do get that it would be nice to see more of a pushback from a united Muslim community against terrorism. But the problem is there is no unity within Islam, it is tremendously fractured. Christianity suffers from splintering as well, but it is easy to point at a few central leaders that hold the reigns of power, and they all tend to be conservative rather than radical.
  19. I would make artichokes every night if they weren't so expensive.
  20. After a little wine tasting at an absolutely beautiful winery just a mile away from our house, we are now eating some salami, cheese, and crackers with a glass of red. I have artichokes cooking on the stove as well.
  21. I heard of a few moderate Muslim organizations condemning the attackers. Here is a list of 45 of them. CAIR is at the top of them, even though WoD says they are a front for terrorism. 1. CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations 2. Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA Spokesperson Qasim 3. Muslim Council of Britain 4. French Muslim Council (CFCM) 5. Union of Islamic Organizations of France (UOIF): 6. Arab League [a regional organization representing 22 Arab countries, all of which have a majority Muslim population] Uh, you get the idea. I tried to link to this article, but it isn't working. http://www.alternet.org/media/45-examples-muslim-outrage-about-charlie-hebdo-attack-fox-news-missed
  22. When I read this thread title, I keep seeing it as "Dead Cat Island"
  23. While I'm not going to say what I think, you'd have better said: 'Please tell me you think it's JFK. I fully believe what my government and the mainstream media told me in regards to all of the mentioned incidents and I've not looked into any of them much because to do so would possibly challenge those beliefs. There might be something to the idea they lied about what happened with J.F.K though, but I've not looked into it yet.'
  24. My daughter just told me about the history of war between the werewolves and vampires. Thanks Monster High!
  25. I don't mean to sound... well, mean, but have you perchance crossreferenced with any other scales? I mean, you look massive in all your photos. Are your bones hollow? Or is it that you have your own gravitational field that is somehow interfering with the scales? ^^ Then again, I'm 193 and your weight.. No meanness detected. I don't know what photos you're speaking of but I'm not a massive lumbering mountain of muscle. To clear things up, the inevitable picture. I have no cross references but my weight height ratio actually puts me on the border of the severely obese category, according to the BMI. Those BMI charts are pretty bogus for anyone with decent muscle mass. Trying to figure out your body fat would be more accurate. You look like you are in the 10% range. Most gyms can run the test with a decent amount of accuracy. I haven't done it since I was in my 20's.
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